
Solar Moon

Mara doesn’t know where she comes from, who or even what she is. All she knows is the small village of the family who adopted and raised her since she was a baby. Her burning desire to discover her identity outweighs anything else in her life, but how much can she truly discover without leaving the comfortable safety of her shielded Lycan village? Ander is the strong King of the Lycan who is sure of his destiny and what he must sacrifice in order to fulfill his duty to his people. Over the centuries he has overcome any obstacle or villain who wished to foul the rise of the Lycan. Can the path that leads to his success also be the one that gives Mara the answers she desires? Or does fate have something else in mind for them...

phoenixstonereads · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The End of The Beginning

Many centuries ago...

The flames burned so hotly and strong their height reached the heavens turning the once blue and clear sky into angry shades of red and orange. Giant Redwoods that had stood proud for centuries now burned down to the ground, nothing more than embers.

Ash swarmed making it almost impossible to see and choking Ander's lungs with every breath. The sooty mixture of dust and blood hung heavily in the air, clinging layer after layer to every inch of his uncovered skin.

Yet still, he pressed on. He and his troops needed to repel the ever growing demon throng as they converged on the roads leading into the Lycan dominion. The lives of his people depended on it. This fact alone fueled his battered and beaten body as he slew every demon in his path sending them back to the hell they came from.

With every step forward came another swing from his sword and bite from his wolf. And with every strike, another demon would catapult a fiery bomb from their fists landing their blows like bullets on his boiled leather chest plate. Sending him two steps back.

They were outnumbered a hundred to one. Every dispatched monster was followed by ten more. His men could see the grass they stood on scorching into nothing with the ever pressing progression of the demon army. They were losing ground. Losing ground fast.

"Brother, it's time. We cannot hold them back much longer. They've already overrun us to the north and work their way west," Tristan lept to stab his rune carved sword into the heart of a smoke demon.

"Not until everyone has made it inside!" Has it come to this? The vast and prosperous kingdom of his ancestors was crumbling under his watch. Yet he still had the faintest hope that their defense would succeed, that all refugees could reach the safety of their stronghold. Then they could regroup and go on the offensive.

"With the northern roads cut off, only the ones from the south are passable. It will be hours, possibly days to re-route everyone. Assuming the demons don't get there first," They had exhausted all means available to protect their people and beat back the advancing demon armies. All except for one.

"We fight on," If only he had more time! He would fight until the very last second possible before accepting Marina's offer. He would rather fight to the death if it could save his kingdom. As the Alpha, such a sacrifice would be an honor. But he knew this war was beyond him. It would not end when he did.

"Brother, look and see what's before you. Our pastures are disappearing under the flames. The forests are burning, our game trapped and dying or fleeing. We must act while we still have a chance!" Every word his brother pleaded fueled him further into the throng of monsters slaying as he went. But to no avail. A firebomb almost the size of him sent him flying back unable to land on his feet.

His soldiers adjusted to close the gap he left behind. His brother ran toward him and clasped his hand to pull him up. "We've been fighting for days. If we continue on there will be nothing and no one left to fight for," A simple truth, so why did he find it so hard to accept?

His brother was right. His troops were strong and fierce. No doubt the bravest he'd ever fought with and countless had already sacrificed their lives in this battle. He would not let another die in vain. Nor would he let innocent civilians travel a road meant for safety only to find themselves in a blazing inferno.

"So be it," Ander's last flicker of hope faded. "Summon her and prepare the offering," Tristan acted without hesitation heading back to the fortified tower.

Ander called for his wolf who quickly ripped out the throat of a demon with his razor sharp teeth and then appeared by his side. " Loki, stay here. Once the shield is down, remain with the men and take care of any demons trapped inside," he despondently looked at his wolf soul who had been by his side since they were both pups. The only solace he took in this hail mary was that at least a part of himself would remain with his people through Loki. " We will be united again, Nanyehi," my spirit.

Ander surveyed his disintegrating kingdom one final time then turned to join his brother.

No amount of assurances from Tristan could calm his disquiet. Ander was a proud man, a proud Alpha. Nothing caused him more pain than knowing he was not strong enough to defend his homeland. That he had to turn to the mercy of a mage and surrender his kingdom's most valuable asset.

There was only one form of payment Marina would accept. The mystical flora native to their lands that was cultivated by their healers since the beginning of time. One that could be found nowhere else, but in one small meadow hidden far out of reach from the outside world.

Most beings did not even know what it looked like. Never had the flower been held by hands that were not Lycan. Until today.

It was the most coveted possession in all the Wiccan factions. Witches and their damn herbs. Who knows what kind of twisted magics Marina would use to weld its power and he would be the one ultimately responsible for it.

An eerie mist began to cumulate in the center of the tower basement where the brothers stood. Another hated trait of Marina's. Now was not the time for theatrics. Once the mist thickened and dramatically rose to the height of 5'6, the lavishly clothed Mage appeared.

Deep purple and earthy green fabrics were draped from her neck and clung scarcely to her body. Adorned from head to toe in golden chains and jewels she looked more like a goddess than a mage. Weaker men may fall desperately into the traps of this temptress, but Ander could sense there was more than meets the eye with this one. That's what made him so skeptical.

"Hello boys…" her sultry voice vibrated. "Summoning me on demand to a dark room with two sweaty, battle maddened men can give a girl the wrong idea," she sashayed around Tristan suggestively admiring his features. "Or perhaps the right one?"

"You know why you are here," Ander spat. If she didn't have what he needed right now, he'd teach her not to play these silly games with him or his brother.

"Do I? I can't remember..." She sighed as she leaned into Tristan's chest. He stiffened but did not reject her advances. This behavior was clearly to goad his brother. Best to let her have her fun and then get on with it. Was the only way to deal with witches.

"We agree to your price," Ander signaled to the attendant. A man in a white tunic carried a vase to the stone table in the center of the room. In the vase was a single flower, its cranberry and creamy petals a stark contrast to the black stone it sat on.

Marina's breath hitched as she laid eyes on the treasure. Magnificent. More so than anything she could have imagined. She could feel the mystic energies radiating from the pistils beckoning her to consume their powers. And consume them she would.

She knew the crisis these princes faced. She would not let it go to waste.

"I will require a male blossom as well," Suddenly standing tall and demanding, Marina's playtime was over.

"So you can reproduce it? That wasn't part of the deal!" This time it was Tristan holding back his anger. It was one thing to let one of their precious flowers out into the world. But to give her the means to create countless more, what chaos would come from this?

"No, it wasn't part of that deal. You know, the one time offer that expired after you foolishly rejected it. But it will be a part of this one," The brothers looked to each other knowing they had no choice. Another signal and the attendant brought out a second vase.

After inspecting it, Marina's eyes lit up, "Shukriya" thank you- and with a wave of her hand, the vases disappeared. She produced a glass vial and dagger. "Palms" she motioned with the dagger.

Each brother extended a hand, she sliced Ander's first collecting three drops in the vial. "Blood that powers," then Tristan's, "Blood that ease,". Finally, she sliced her own palm, "Blood that bind mine shield to thee," With all the blood collected she put a stopper in the neck of the vial.

"You might want to lay down for this next part," she suggested to Ander who nodded with understanding. Tristan opened his mouth to speak but Ander cut him off laying a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you'll get our people home brother. Everything is in your hands now. Restore the Taabe and rebuild Awenasa. As it has been foretold, you will see it be," with that Ander laid down on the cold stone table with Tristan on one side and Marina on the other. She held the vial up in the air over him. When she drew her hand back the vial remained in place, hovering of its own accord. She began the rest of her chant.

"I give your due and take my desire, seal this vial in purified fire," a small flame appeared to consume the vial. The air around them began swirling, "A trade in kind, a life of line, a refuge strong, a purpose pronged," the ground began to tremble, the fire brighter and Marina's chanting louder as she began to recite the ancient prediction. "Two halves meet in decree. One flows strength to destiny," The whole tower began shaking as something from deep in the earth made its way up. "The drawing sword knows no bounds, the waning of the foe that hounds," Marina's conjuring grew so intense loose stones began toppling down the sides of the tower, "Until the time of commence, take this soul in defense!"

Three things happened simultaneously. The air calmed, extinguishing the flame and letting the vial of blood fall to Ander's chest. An enormous stone wall shot up from the earth surrounding all of Awenasa cutting off the demon's unending reinforcements. Ander Nova closed his eyes and breathed his last.

Prophecy, Spells, and Wolves oh my! Please add to your library as more chapters are to be released soon and vote for this chapter to let others know to join us on this adventure :)

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