
Chapter 170: The War of Words Between England and Spain

Chapter 170: The War of Words Between England and Spain

"Manchester City still values you highly!" Upon entering the luxurious residence that Mansur gifted to Lin Quan, Pere spoke with enthusiasm. This mansion is located on a hill near the sea in Manchester, with a wide view and beautiful surroundings. A luxury villa overlooking the sea like this probably wouldn't have a price tag on the market below 5 million pounds sterling. But Mansur didn't even blink and simply gave the house to Lin Quan as a welcome gift.

The generosity of Middle Eastern magnates leaves anyone speechless. "Are you referring to this or the team cleanup?" Lin Quan had some knowledge about the transfers of Jekko and Tevez, but he wasn't too concerned about them. As long as the club doesn't sell David Silva, he doesn't care what they do with the others. "Both."

Pere poured himself a glass of red wine and, holding the glass, sat on the couch observing the house's decoration. Lin Quan nodded slightly, poured himself a cup of tea, and sat on the couch waiting for what Pere was going to say. Today Pere didn't come just to say that phrase, he definitely had other purposes. "Manchester City still doesn't have a coach, and President Fahim wants to know your opinion. Do you have any candidates in mind?" As expected, Pere touched on a topic that surprised even Lin Quan.

"They want to know my opinion? Isn't it the club's decision to choose the coach?" He's just a player, can he influence the choice of Manchester City's coach? "Of course, owner Mansur wants to bring in a coach whose tactical philosophy suits you, so you can develop your full potential without worrying about differences in playing style that could affect your performance at Manchester City." After hearing Pere's explanation, Lin Quan nodded, indicating he understood. "Do they have a list of candidates at Manchester City?" There are many good coaches in football, but most of them already have a team. Guardiola is at Bayern, Mourinho at Chelsea, Ancelotti at Real Madrid, none of them would leave their club soon. Ferguson retired, Wenger wouldn't leave Arsenal. The others, like Eriksson, Benítez, Hiddink, Van Gaal, Ranieri, and Pellegrini, have contracts, but they're not at big clubs.

Except for Ranieri's AS Monaco, which might be a bit complicated, the others could be persuaded. After reviewing the list of candidates provided by Pere, Lin Quan began to think. Historically, Manchester City had hired Chilean engineer Pellegrini. Pellegrini's three years at Manchester City were relatively successful. Although they didn't win the Champions League, under his leadership, the team finally managed to advance beyond the group stage. They even reached the semi-finals last year.

Furthermore, in the league, Pellegrini led Manchester City to win another league title. However, considering Manchester City's investment in the transfer market and the squad's quality, Pellegrini's achievements weren't neither bad nor good. Thinking about this, Lin Quan decided not to interfere in Manchester City's choice of coach. In his opinion, these coaches' abilities are more or less the same, whoever they choose will be the same.

After learning Lin Quan's stance, Manchester City began to contact these coaches individually, sending them invitations. Hiddink and Van Gaal rejected Manchester City's invitations. One is happy at Anzhi and the other is preparing the Dutch national team for the upcoming World Cup and doesn't want to leave at this time. Ranieri also declined, as expected. This season, AS Monaco has invested heavily in the transfer market and has big ambitions in the next season's Ligue 1. After several coaches rejected Manchester City's invitations, the club ended up hiring Pellegrini, as before.

Pellegrini accepted Manchester City's invitation when he learned Lin Quan was at the club. For him, with Lin Quan, Manchester City at least has a minimum guaranteed performance limit, even if it's bad, it won't be that bad. If he can coach the team well and shape the tactics, who knows if Manchester City could rise under his direction! After signing the contract with Pellegrini, Manchester City quickly announced the news on their website.

The transfers of Jekko and Tevez were also announced. Although these two transfers were requested by the players, they still caused controversy when Manchester City announced the news on their website. "Haha, Manchester City is cleaning out their old players!" "After buying so many forwards, if they don't clean house, Lin the King probably won't even have a place!"

"I'm not surprised Tevez is leaving, but I'm surprised Jekko is leaving. Didn't he play well at Manchester City? Why is he suddenly leaving?" "It's because of Lin the King, right? Just when he arrived, he took Jekko's number ten shirt. Any player with dignity couldn't bear such humiliation, so leaving is the best option." "That makes sense, then, Lin the King is a team destroyer!"

... Criticism against Lin Quan began to appear online, mostly from fans of other Premier League clubs.


For them, Lin Quan's arrival at Manchester City is definitely not good news.

Manchester City's strengthening means it will be harder to face them in the league.

There are already plenty of strong teams in the Premier League, and there's a fierce battle for the top spots.

At this moment, if Manchester City suddenly rises, it will only make the already intense competition even more brutal.

Therefore, apart from Manchester City fans, it could be said that no other Premier League fans want to see Manchester City rise.


They prefer to see Manchester City as it was before, a small old and poor club that let their favorite teams intimidate it with impunity.

Suddenly, one day, that team they used to trample on rises and becomes something to admire.

This disparity will make many Premier League fans unable to accept it.

As the saying goes, watching others make money is more painful than losing your own.


Apart from fan criticism, British media also expressed concern about Lin Quan's future at Manchester City.

"It is well known that the Premier League is the best league in the world and also the most competitive.

Spanish La Liga players focus on technique but neglect physical contact, and that soft style of play cannot excel in the Premier League.

While Lin Quan's technical ability is impressive, his ability for physical contact is a big question mark.


And his opponents will take pride in knocking him down and humiliating him on the field.

For a young player under eighteen, this could be very cruel.

But, that's the Premier League, that's the style of play in the best league in the world, no matter how brilliant you are, it won't serve you in the Premier League."

Fleet Street media subtly hinted that Lin Quan might not be able to adapt to the Premier League's pace of play, ridiculing the soft playing style of Spanish players, who are not manly enough.


When British reports reached Spain, they immediately provoked a total response from Spanish media.

"Haha, losers always like to adorn themselves with laurels.

If Premier League teams are so strong, then, shouldn't their results in European competitions be excellent, right?"

Spanish media attached a chart of last year's Champions League quarter-finals.


Out of the eight teams, three are from La Liga, two from the Bundesliga, one from Serie A, one from Ligue 1, and one from the Süper Lig, but there are no teams from the "best league in the world," the Premier League.

With this chart, the British could no longer boast.

However, the Spanish were not willing to leave it at that:

"What the British media don't want to admit is that in recent years, Spanish teams, which they claim have a soft playing style, have always had an advantage over Premier League teams in the Champions League.

Let's remind the British that on the stage of the Champions League final, Premier League teams have handed over six consecutive champion trophies to La Liga teams."


At this moment, Spanish control football was at its peak.

Not only in clubs, but also in the national team, Spain had clearly left England behind.

"Spain has won the Euro Cup twice, the World Cup once, and recently won the Confederations Cup, achieving a clean sweep in the national arena.


And what about the England national team?

They were eliminated in the Round of 16 in the World Cup, and in the quarterfinals in the Euro Cup. We are forced to ask: What has the strength of the Premier League brought for England?

English national team players, apart from having some advantage for playing in their home country, do they have any famous players in leagues of other countries?

The sharp response from Spanish media left English critics speechless.

The English team is often called the "China team of Europe," which is only good for show at home.


When the big tournament arrives, they show their true "soft shrimp" nature and play miserably.

However, British media, thanks to the use of English, seem very powerful and control public opinion.

They always extol their national team, and even when they are refuted, they do not change their stance.


"Don't worry about these online comments, they are just tactics to disturb your mind, intentionally spread messages by your opponents."


During the new team's preseason, national team teammate, David Silva, tries to cheer up Lin Quan:

"When I came to the Premier League, they didn't have high expectations for my future either. They thought a low-statured and thin-built player like me couldn't stand out in the Premier League. But then, with excellent performances, I proved them wrong and they went from questioning me to praising me. In the Premier League, you just need to play well and show results to refute them. If you pay too much attention to public opinion off the field, you will inevitably consume a lot of energy and it could affect your mentality, which in turn could affect your performance on the field."


David Silva, as someone with experience, shares his advice with Lin Quan.

Although Lin Quan doesn't need consolation, he still appreciates David Silva's concern.

Having someone care about you in an unfamiliar place is definitely worth cultivating as a friend.

"Haha, don't thank me. In the upcoming season, I'll still rely on you."

David Silva smiles at Lin Quan and says:

"You are the core of the national team and also of the club. On the field, make sure to take care of our national team teammates."

Upon hearing David Silva's words, Lin Quan smiles:

"With your ability, I don't need care. It's me who, newly arrived at the club, is completely in the dark and needs your help."

Lin Quan refers to the situation in the locker room; he has just arrived at Manchester City and knows nothing about the team. He needs someone to give him information.

"Haha, we'll talk more at another time. For now, the coach is here!"


David Silva is also smart and understands what Lin Quan means.

With the company of the club president, Fahim, Pellegrini arrives at the training ground.

Standing by the field, he sees the players training diligently.

Pellegrini is very satisfied and, seeing Lin Quan training with David Silva, he asks Fahim:

"How is Lin's athletic condition and in what position does he want to play in the upcoming season?"

He has just arrived and has not had contact with Lin Quan yet. He's not sure how it will be to deal with such a caliber superstar.


So, he decides to ask Fahim beforehand.

"Lin's athletic condition is excellent, and his position on the field is not fixed. He can play upfront and in other positions, you can discuss it with him."

Fahim is not a professional, so he doesn't get too involved.

It's better to leave professional matters to professionals. As the team's coach, Pellegrini naturally should communicate well with the team leaders.


However, before communicating, he decides to play some friendly matches first and then decide.

By chance, in early August, Manchester City will go to Munich to participate in the Audi Cup.

The four teams invited to this year's Audi Cup are Manchester City, Bayern Munich, AC Milan, and Sao Paulo from the Brazilian league.


The strongest team among these four is Bayern Munich; the other three teams are more or less at the same level, making it a good opportunity to test the team's condition.

Of course, considering that Bayern Munich has just won the Champions League, Manchester City will feel pressured facing them, so Pellegrini has not set any goals for the team in this year's Audi Cup.

Winning the title is definitely unrealistic. Winning a game would be enough!



Manchester City was lucky; they didn't have to face the big boss, Bayern Munich, immediately.

Instead, they faced a rival with a similar level, AC Milan.

AC Milan has had a decline in recent years and is no longer the dominant force it used to be.

Last season, they only managed third place in Serie A and were eliminated early in the Champions League, in the round of 16. Compared to Manchester City, they are at the same level.

Since both teams are at a similar level, Pellegrini bravely opted for an offensive 4-3-3 formation and decided to play offensively against AC Milan.


The match started intensely, although the Manchester City players hadn't been together for long.

There were two exceptions, Lin Quan and David Silva.

Lin Quan and David Silva played together in the national team and recently won the Confederations Cup together, so their mutual understanding was quite strong.

In the 3rd minute of the match, Lin Quan made an assist from the side and helped David Silva score a goal.


In the 19th minute, Silva returned the favor and gave a perfect assist to Lin Quan, who scored his first goal for Manchester City.

Two minutes later, Lin Quan again provided an assist, this time helping his teammate Kolarov score Manchester City's third goal.

Only 22 minutes of the first half had been played and Manchester City had already scored three goals against AC Milan.

The team's powerful attack upfront not only surprised the AC Milan coach but even scared Pellegrini.


Before arriving at Manchester City, he knew Lin Quan was a very talented player.

But only after seeing him play on the field did he realize he had underestimated the player.

Lin Quan was even more powerful than he had imagined!

This excited Pellegrini a lot, who realized he would have to revise his goals for the new season.

With Manchester City's current strength, winning the league, advancing in the Champions League, and even reaching the quarter-finals seemed achievable.

If they were lucky enough and didn't encounter a giant in the Champions League, could they even reach the semi-finals?

(End of chapter)


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