
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Cómic
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242 Chs

training and arrival at Cerulean City

After beating Officer Jenny he moved on, and continue to cycle towards Cerulean City. Along the way, he continued to find opponents ranging from skilled to complete amateurs but it was all good practice for Rex since any experience would be helpful. Some weak trainers he fought proved to be very interesting adversaries as he learned new ways to use moves to increase his advantage. He fought with all his pokemon. Machoke always sped forward and usually toyed with his opponent in order to see if they had anything interesting to show. If they didnt he would end the fight. Rex didnt really have to command Machoke as his battle experience and intelligence was the same or even above that of some adults.

Rex did his daily Aura training and was beginning to move it towards a specific point. He still lacked the precision or the quantity but it was an improvement. He would train with Onix and find new ways to use his moves to increase his field advantage. He found that using sandstorm would completely hinder the trainer's vision. So he thought why not mix it with stealth rocks secretly. It was a good set-up move and the opposition would not know about it. He decided to make it a requirement so that whenever Onix uses sandstorm he would also use stealth rocks that way he wouldn't need to ruin his plan by calling out the move.

Next was Gyarados. Rex focused on improving Gyarados's hydro pump. He wanted it to become something akin to a high-pressure water cutter. It would seriously increase the damage and it would be hard to dodge due to its increased speed. So he pulled out a long thin tube about 30 centimetres in diameter and made Gyarados use hydro pump through it while holding it in his mouth. What this would accomplish is simple. By getting Gyarados used to the feeling of using hydro pump through a tube he can concentrate on the pressure. Once he is able to cut a stone cleanly in half he will move on to doing it without the tube. Then it will be done again but with a 28cm in diameter tube and so on and so forth.

Scyther was practising his slicing technique on a tree and then he would spar with Machoke every so often. Scyther leaned towards speed heavily and it would most likely be something he would carry through even after evolving into a scizor. So Rex decided to focus on that by having Scyther flap his wings once per step, instead of flying around. What this would do is lighten the weight per step, maximising the power of each step while minimising the amount of weight his legs have to push forward. I got him to do squats, leg press and other leg exercises made for explosive movement and change in direction.

For Weepinbell, it was about increasing the amount poison, sleep and paralysis powder he can release at one time. He wanted to see if Weepinbell could make it traceless and Invisible by changing the colour of the powders when he releases it. It worked to a small extent but it was still visible. Rex wracked his brain when he heard the system's solution.

[host can spread powder moves in minuscule quantities throughout the entirety of the battle. By spreading it on the ground it will be traceless and invisible but as soon as a pokemon steps in it, it will take effect. Naturally, flying types can resist this method along with moves that change the terrain.] Rex was surprised since this was a vastly different way of approaching it but doable.

Rex put it into practice and told Weepinbell to continuously spread different powder moves around the battlefield at all times. Only stopping when performing another move before resuming. After a bit of practice, Rex tried it on a clueless Machoke and it worked. Machoke was poisoned before long. Machoke was naturally confused before staring at Rex waiting for an answer. Rex pointed at his feet and explained the concept. Machoke laughed and clapped in praise before getting a Full heal and went off to train his aura again.

Soon nighttime came and after dinner, everyone went to sleep before continuing their journey tomorrow. The next morning after a hearty breakfast Rex set off again and battled the multitude of people coming through route 4. he tried Weepinbell's new strategy and all land pokemon fell prey to at least one of his powder moves. The trainers were clueless the entire time even after they lost.

Rex was very happy with the result and soon made it to Cerulean city where he would be fighting his next gym battle against Misty's three sisters. Daisy, Violet, and Lily made up the water type gym. Rex was excited about the gym and quickly made his way to the pokemon centre to call Professor Oak as usual. When the call finally came through Rex was greeted by Oak who was eating noodles.

Oak "ah! Rex nice to see you I assume you are at Cerulean city by now?" he asked while slurping his noodles. The sound made Rex cringe before talking.

Rex "that's right tomorrow I'll be taking on the first gym. What about Ash and Gary have they started their journey yet?" he asked curiously. It had been about two weeks or so by now.

Oak "yes that's right Gary chose Squirtle and that foolish Ash slept in and had to take the spare Pikachu I had around here." he said sighing slightly before chuckling.

Rex " I see. That's fine it's better than nothing right?" he said.

Oak "yes that's right at least it's not a Bellsprout ahaha." he laughed heartedly thinking that Rex would laugh at his joke. Rex's face turned black in anger as he caught a Bellsprout. what was wrong with that? Seeing Rex not laughing Oak soon composed himself and started to talk about his experiments seemingly oblivious to Rex's grim face. Soon they ended the call.

Rex " fuck you old man, tch, dissing Bellsprout." he said indignantly before walking towards the closest hotel to stay for two nights.

An: no talking trash about Bellsprout. Mascot time