
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · Cómic
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242 Chs


Rex rushed towards Machop who had fainted due to the overdrafting of his energy in order to use his last move.

Rex " well done little buddy, I'm very impressed with what you have accomplished so far, that last move was great" he whispered before giving Machop a sitrus berry to recover and recalling him into his Pokeball.

Rex got up and made his way over towards the Magikarp who was now still without movement.

as soon as he came over the Magikarp started to flail again, and Rex flinched on reflex due to last time.

but to his surprise nothing happened, it was different, he could see that Magikarp was looking at him with a different gaze. different from the aggressive untrusting one from before.

This time Magikarp had a fanatical look in his eye as he looked at Rex.

how could he not? he just saw one pokemon completely destroy an entire wave of pokemon by himself. even his dad a Gyarados couldn't do that. thinking up to there Magikarp got sad again.

Rex seeing the rapid change of mention got curious.

Rex "what's wrong Magikarp? did you get separated from your family?" he asked

Magikarp had a sad look as it nodded.

Rex felt bad for the poor guy. the chances of finding them are very slim since the river they were currently at runs downstream and into the ocean. it would be very difficult to meet them again.

Rex started to get closer and patted the head of Magikarp as he proceeded to cheer the little one up.

Rex "i know you miss your family, trust me I understand your feelings, but something that cheers me up is a good plate of food, and you're in good luck, I'm about to make some right now. do you want some too?" he asked as he picked up and carried Magikarp towards the river.

Magikarp was indeed famished due to spending the majority of the day struggling on the shore trying to get back into the water. so when it heard that Rex was going to make food and that he would get some, it was elated and splashed around in the water happily.

Rex laughed at the antics of Magikarp while also being in a good mood for successfully cheering up the little guy.

Rex "ok you stay here by the shore and I'll come back in a little while with a plate full of yummy berries just for you," he said

Magikarp was very happy and continued to splash around while Rex made his way back to a flat dry area suitable for a tent and cooking. Machop who was already feeling a little better decided to come out of his Pokeball and sit by Rex's side as he cooked. As Rex cooked he checked up on Machop's injuries in finer detail and couldn't help but be shocked at the amount of damage he received. he knew it was a bit hasty of him to use that move since Machop wasn't strong enough but he really didn't have another choice, it was that or losing which would have meant more damage to machop or worse.

The second thing was the actual damage Machop caused with that move, he decided to try it out since in training he would try to get machop to use two punch moves of different typings and see what the result was, and so far only ice-fire fusion worked ironically enough. what made it that much stronger though was the iron fist ability. the 20% increase power along with the reaction when the two energies are mixed created what happened earlier, Rex couldn't imagine what would happen if Machamp used it with his 4 arms and massively boosted stats. Thinking about it gave him the chills.

as Rex finished making dinner he placed the spicey food in front of Machop since that's what he liked to eat, but it was different from normal food, it was made specifically with ingredients that most people didn't have knowledge about which came from his wish. that was what allowed Machop to keep growing stronger and stronger. he was not planning to divulge this secret but always worried about the lack of money and how to fix the issue. when finally he came up with the idea of using his wish to make food that is 80% less effective than what he would use on his pokemon but still 20% more effective than what was currently sold commercially. the only thing he needed was investors, but he already had someone in mind.

Rex soon made his way over to Magikarp which by now had calmed down and waited for Rex to return. when he did and Magikarp saw the massive plate with food he jumped happily again before rushing towards Rex.

Rex "settle down or I'll drop the plate, eat slowly there are seconds if you are still hungry," he said with a kind smile before patting Magikarps head and walking back to the tent.

He had received the tent from Professor oak as a goodbye gift and since he didn't really like to take things along with him he just chucked it into his inventory space. it was already dark outside and Rex didn't know what to do with the Magikarp so he decided to ask him instead.

Rex made his way over to the river with machop beside him and saw Magikarp still there splashing around happily seemingly not tired at all.

Rex "Magikarp listen, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning so would you like to come with me and go on a journey together meeting new pokemon and seeing new places, you can also get as strong as Machop here," he said while pointing at Machop who was now able to walk steadily.

Magikarp was saddened when he heard Rex was leaving but when he heard that he could travel around with Rex and become as strong as Machop he got really excited. he looked over towards Machop who was also staring at it curiously and suddenly remembered the scene of Machop's final move. Magikarp didn't hesitate any longer and immediately nodded towards Rex as a sign of his acknowledgement.

Rex took out an empty Pokeball and put it in front of Magikarp and explained how it worked.

Magikarp didn't even hesitate and immediately pressed the button on the Pokeball with its tail and got sucked inside.


Magikarp was caught, he didn't resist at all.

and so another member joins the party, effectively making it a family of three.

And so, The first day of Rex's journey ended in the company of his new family.

AN: I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I really wanted to bring his pokemon to life and not just some tool. Tell me what you think do you like Gyarados?