
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Resolve Unbound

Vitaliana looked a bit distressed upon hearing the question.

Hmm, I didn't even think about it like that... I mean, I'm alive right? So what does it matter? I guess I don't have the ability to regret my choices with a mindset like that...

But if that's the case, why was I so angry at the humans then?

Vitaliana looks at the eggs floating in the air, and then the half destroyed weapons on the ground and even the scorch marks where the human's bodies burned leaving nothing behind, not even ash. And then looked up to the sky and stared for a moment. 

"I don't regret my actions one bit. I have nothing to regret. I may have been killed through some cowardly actions... But, that's the only problem I see. At least in relation to myself personally." Vitaliana answered after several moments of silence. 

"Awe, you're not getting all flustered being a woman now? Surely that causes you some distress, right?" Flairiana teased. 

"No, not really. If anything, becoming a monster was the greatest stroke of luck. It's far easier to... Attempt reproduction. As a High Magus, and especially as young as I was, there wasn't any time for things like romance. Anyone that would look at a commoner like me, wouldn't be doing it out of love. And living a lie... Goes against this world's values, and against magic." Vitaliana explained. 

"Oh my, you're quite easy going about this. Perhaps that's why you were reborn as my baby. A bird is free after all. Unbounded by the land below." Eternia smiled, with a happy tear. 

"Oh, actually, there is something I'm annoyed about." Vitaliana spoke up trying to puff her chest out a little. 

"Hmm, and what's that?" Eternia asked. 

"There is no doubt, this is the most egregious act against me thus far! The most heinous!" Vitaliana said, with a caw louder than her tiny body should ever be able to produce. "I gained a family after death! AND THEN... AND THEN! THOSE BASTARDS!!!" She said, pulling her wings out. 

Vitaliana, just hatched not even for half a day, started flapping her wings. At first not much happened, but then, her wings hit the air just right. And she pushed up off her mothers hand ever so slightly. And then again, and again. Until, she jumped off, beating her wings. She of course started to fall right away. 

I won't let this stop me! I will fly! 

Flap Flap! Her wings began to struggle with the speed. And her fall turned into a nosedive.

I'm going to fly! I refuse to let this end. I refuse to be let out of getting revenge! 

Activate GLIDE!

Vitaliana forced her wings back out, instantly starting to catch the air again. Her fall began rounding out to a glide. Flying just above the treetops now. 

This feeling, I feel great! I... I'm free! 

Vitaliana, beat her wings a little and started to make her ascent. Climbing in altitude, albeit slowly, but there she was. Previously a High Magus, now a bird monster, flying through the air. 

*Acquired Skill: Lesser Flight*

*Acquired Skill: Insistence*

*Acquired Skill: Perseverance*

*Acquired Skill: Pride*

*Acquired Skill: Greed*

*Acquired Skill: Gluttony*

*Acquired Skill: Sloth*

Woah! All those skills just from learning how to fly? NICE! That means I've got 5 of the 7 legendary skills! I wonder... What happens if I get all of them? I want all of them! But I'll be satisfied with the other skills I desire. Hmmm, which ones were they again? 

Flat stat increase Skills : Healthy, Extra Mana, Extra Strength, Extra Speed, Extra Endurance, Extra Dexterity. 

Stat Growth rate Skills : Will of Health, Will of Mana, Will of Strength, Will of Agility, Will of Endurance, Will of Dexterity.

Combination Skills : Lordly Body, Mageling, Lord's Strength, Lord's Speed, Lord's Endurance, Lord's Dexterity.

Advanced Skills : Monarch's Body, Sageling, Monarch's Strength, Monarch's Speed, Monarch's Endurance, Monarch's Dexterity.

Well, that sure is a bit... If I remember correctly, these skills will be too expensive. I won't have to worry about Sageling since I already have it, but... 

Flat stat increase Skills Cost : 1000 each, total 5000 skill points.

Stat Growth Rate Skills Cost : 2500 each, total 12500 skill points.

Combination Skills Cost : 5000 each, total 25000 skill points.

Advanced Skills Cost : 10000 each, total 50000 skill points.

Damn I don't have enough skill points yet... Wait a minute... those were the costs, when I was human. They should be different for a monster. I remember coming up with a theory that monster's Evolution points have an effect on the cost of skills. 

All humans have 0 evolution points, even the rumor about reaching level 100 isn't anything but that, a rumor. So... how many points do I have now...

Current Evolution Points : 10 

Skill Acquisition Cost : (100 - (2*Evolution Points))%

Current Skill acquisition cost : 80% 

Heh heh heh... And how many skill points do I have?

Current Skill points : 81734



Wait, that's more than before... Oh! I killed that guy and gained levels. But I also just acquired some serious skills. Those are bound to come with a few extra skill points. And it seems that... NO WAY!

Current Skill points : 81738

My Skill points keep going up? Is this for real? 

Oh! I'm flying which is using my species skills and I am also generating skill points from parallel Thought. 

This isn't too surprising, even humans earn skill points as they use their skills. But for a monster it's freakishly fast... 

I wonder how many absolute existences there are, living among the monsters. 

That's enough about that for today. For now, Acquire all stat skills. 

Acquired Skills :Healthy, Extra Strength, Extra Speed, Extra Endurance, Extra Dexterity, Will of Health, Will of Strength, Will of Agility, Will of Endurance, Will of Dexterity, Lordly Body, Lord's Strength, Lord's Speed, Lord's Endurance, Lord's Dexterity, Monarch's Body, Sageling, Monarch's Strength, Monarch's Speed, Monarch's Endurance, Monarch's Dexterity.

"MUAHAHAHA! I will soar! In this next life!" Vitaliana cried out confidently, as her flight patterns started to become more... Elaborate. 

"""Little sister learns quite fast! Hey wait! You're playing without us! No fair!""" All 5 elder sisters complained. 

And then the 6 sisters started flying around in all sorts of directions, performing tricks here and there. Giggling as they played in a manner only birds can.