
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Egg Thieves!

I could be wrong about it being intrinsic... But... it is still a bit scary nonetheless. I can now permanently activate an ability that lets me see everything in a certain range. It seems like a 20 meter radius is the furthest I can achieve now... 

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! AHH What the hell was that!

* Magic Sense Activated * 

~ Outside The Egg ~

These men... they look like they are on a monster hunting quest. But, this certainly isn't a full hunting party. Everyone knows that monsters are no easy threat to deal with. So coming with only 5 men would be suicide! 

Perhaps the others were killed before the chase began? 

No that can't be it either... the way that the magic is falling down on them it's clear none of it would be lethal... So it's fair to assume they hadn't been able to kill any of these assholes before now.

"Ahh! I told you idiots that we shouldn't have bothered to come at this time!" A man yelled, as he fired a small gun into the air at the bird monsters giving them chase. 

"Shut! Your! Damn! Mouth! How dare you speak to your superiors this way!" Another man yelled, also firing his small weapon.

"Superior my foot! You idiot, you should have listened to me! The bird monster nest's defenders are present during this time." The first man all but cried reloading his gun as he and the others ran. "They have to be since the eggs will hatch as early as a week from now." He angrily added.

"Why didn't you mention it before then! We might have not had to come!" The Superior yelled red in the face.

Hmm, those guys seem to be yelling at each other... But... There isn't any real anger between them... They're even smirking... The mana in their bodies isn't even churning with the emotion of anger... Not even close. It's like they are relaxed, but why?

"CAW! You damn humans! Give Mother's eggs back at once!" A large bird-like monster cawed, showering the humans with magic. 

"Do so and mother might spare your life!" Another cawed raining down more magic. 

Ahh! So these are my elder sisters... They are so strong yet hold back out of fear for harming their unhatched sisters. Admirable values...

Wait, are humans just selfish idiotic pricks! This is crazy! I used to be human too ya know! I don't remember doing this though. I think I'd remember if I did. Man, humans really deserve the deaths they get I guess... 

But what about mine? What did I do? 

All I did was push back against the so-called firearms. The only weapon of ancient times. The weapon that caused the gods to descend and obliterate most of humanity for using such things. If I remember right it had something to do with how far they went. Using weapons that permanently altered the world's ability to support life. Some kind of destructive weapon... I forget which but if they already made high powered shotguns then... 

I have to get stronger... Strong enough to destroy those weapons. 

I have to keep weapons like that out of the hands of humans... It's a forbidden power, one that deletes energy permanently. 

"Shut up you damn monsters! These are delicacies! And super delicious! The Young Master must have his fill of such good things!" Another man yelled back almost laughing. 

Oh boy, you know he's gonna die. It's a shame that they aren't able to attack these humans.

They have the eggs to worry about, the eggs that contain their little sisters. Such a thing would give anyone pause, after all, no one wants to potentially injure their family. And these evil bastards are holding eggs to protect themselves. AH! SHAMELESS BASTARDS! And then there are the couple of guys that are carrying the baskets on their backs...Filled with several eggs... 

Should I help them? Can I even help them at all? NO! I MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! These damn humans are using me as a shield to attack my sisters! That and I need to do something about this because... I don't want to be put on the diner plate! No, I don't want to be on anybody's plate! 

Ugh come on think! THINK DAMN IT! Oh! Telepathy, I could get that skill and communicate with my big sisters... But... that might be difficult to explain...

"HA! You damn Monsters think you're safe up there! HAHAHAHAHAHA! FIRE!" The Commander looking guy said. 


The sky filled with bullets. Hitting all of the guardian birds out of the sky. Each of them plummeted down to the ground, unmoving seemingly dead. 

Nooooo!!! SISTERS! ARGH my heart! DON'T DIE! 

"AHAHAHA! You see that! That's the power of us humans! Don't look down on us like this, We kill what we want and eat what we want!" The Commander Laughed heartily. 

You... You... You... 

These tears are real... All my sisters wanted was to save us... I... I... 

"Good job Commander! Our little bluff worked out just right!" Now we can even get these monster corpses to bring back as well." The other man you were yelling at his superior earlier laughed evilly. 

"Indeed, I knew this would work. Collect the corpses at once. I'm sure their meat will be delicious as well. It should go well with the eggs." The Commander ordered. 

"""YES SIR!""" 

Was I like this in my previous life? I know I had a few low level monsters as pets... But I don't think I ever killed them and their young like this... 

Ah... I see it now... Perhaps what I thought that demon said was the truth... 

Wait a minute here...

What is this feeling? Rage? Sorrow?

But... I have the Anger Suppression Skill... 

"Anger Suppression ~ Suppresses feelings of anger in the bearer by small amounts. However... if one's anger is beyond the scope of the word, Anger and develops as Rage... This skill will not work." 

One feels rage when their family is killed, especially right in front of them... 

I may be a monster now, but those were my sisters... MY FAMILY! THOSE BASTARDS!!! I"LL KILL EM!!!! I'll KILL THEM DEAD! 


First "Mass Spatial Teleport"... Good... Good, all the eggs away from the humans. 

Uhm! Now then, the eggs are all safe. Don't worry my sisters, I won't let them harm you. These people are going to pay dearly for this.