
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Fantasía
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28 Chs

A Past Memory

~ Also A Little Earlier ~

My name is Eternia, I am a Lesser Phoenix. I evolved into this form about 2000 years ago, and took up residence in this forest. My mother was the guardian before I took the post about the same time I evolved. I still remember her words to this very day.

~ Flashback ~

"Eternia my dear, now that you have evolved, it is time you take responsibility for this area. Protect it with your might. The humans will worship you as a God. But don't let it get to your head. The Gods are far stronger than even I, much less yourself." Eternia's mother said, tilting her head slightly to the side wearing a smile. 

"Don't worry mother. I, Eternia, will not fail in my duties. And I will use this land as a nest to breed my own family." Eternia said with noble conviction. 

"That's good, remember to love your children. We are the noble birds, descendants of the Sky God, the Origin Phoenix. It is now time for me to return to the home nest. I'll come and visit occasionally. Be sure to raise those girls to be gorgeous. And tell them that grandma loves them." Eternia's mother smiled, flying off in a truly brilliant array of flames. 

~ A Little After Eternia's Mother Left ~

Mother, I miss you... But now I have all my children as well. Five of them are showing great promise already.

But... I want more beautiful children to show you mother. Each time you visit, their faces and emotions are just too adorable to resist. 

It makes me wonder, when the day comes, if I'll be just as warmly received. Ah, when will it be. 

I guess for now I'll just accept that I must wait for such a day to come. 

~ Many years later ~

"Eternia, the humans seem to make some sort of movements. It's just a few of them for now. But try to be cautious. They might not have anything that can hurt your five prodigies, yourself or I... but these other adorable cuties... They are another story." Eternia's mother said, playing with a few of her grandchildren. 

"I'll do my best to look out for things. But I find it hard for humans to be so dumb? Yes, they have little in the way of prowess, but that doesn't mean they are stupid enough to seek what is a kin to a Demi-God's ire, right?" Eternia asked. 

"Hmm, you have a point. I'd like to believe that there are only a few who have no sense. But, you remember the stories of ancient times that my mother told you. How the humans destroyed their own world warring with each other. The Gods came and obliterated their efforts. I know it's hard to accept, but once you evolve out of being a Lesser, you'll learn all of the necessary information instinctually." Eternia's Mother explained, taking human form now. 

"I see, So that's why mother come's back every once in a while, and tells those stories. So we aren't freaked out by the overload." Eternia said. 

"Now then, you should be able to assume human form by now. It's time you learn what my mother did to me when you were still young." Eternia's mother said with a clear smile. 

"Yes, I can take human form now. It was difficult for me about 50 years ago. But now..." Eternia said, assuming human form. 

"Good, you're beautiful. You put a lot of work into this. You'll pass for any super rich young lady among human society." Eternia's Mother said, walking circles around Eternia, getting a real good look. "Now then... let's play around for a bit... I'm gonna get ya!" She added, playfully tacking Eternia down, and then things went from there... 

~ End Flashback ~

Ah, that last moment was quite fun and one really enjoyable experience. I know, that if my daughters grow up to be like me, they'll enjoy the experience just as much. 


For now I wonder what these humans are doing? It looks like they have brought with them a huge carriage full of food. 

They are even pushing it with only their own power. The right way to bring an offering of worship. And I've seen many of these humans before. In fact those 5 are ones I healed illnesses they had at birth. And over there, is one I aided the human's in rearing. That man's mother was so grateful she would make sure to send some of her home baked goodies. 


The men stopped moving the cart, lining up in semicircles, around where Eternia was seated. She was currently in human form. Though that wasn't uncommon, she had to practice for her eventual evolution after all. And so her picture perfect beautiful body laid there, covered in simple magically conjured clothing. 

To the men visiting, it was the depiction of a perfect goddess. They had undergone hypnotic suggestions before leaving to help them see Eternia this way...

Each of them had been forced to undergo deep hypnotism every day, specifically for this mission. The reason was simple: let down the Goddess's guard. And so here these men were, kneeling and bowing to the mighty phoenix they all truly worshiped. 

"Oh, Great Lady Eternia, my Goddess! We come to you today with humble offerings of fruits, vegetables, and seeds." A man called out in a humble and sincere tone. 

"My Goddess! We also procured all manner of breads from the bakeries all throughout the city, all baked freshly this morning. We do hope you'll accept our humble offerings." Another man said with a clear sense of humility behind his tone. 

"Humble offerings? With a load that size it is anything but humble." Eternia said, glancing at all of the men's souls. Hmm, nothing wrong with their souls. I guess I was worried for nothing. "I accept these offerings. You may rest assured in your safety in equal measure of this great gift. My family will eat well today thanks to you." She finished saying, sitting up with a smile across her face. 

"We are honored by your grace, my Goddess. We will take our leave so you may enjoy as you please." The first man who spoke, spoke again. 

"Ah, that would be for the best. I'll guarantee your protection till you reach the city." Eternia said, activating a power that boggled the mind. Enveloping the men in it.