

The end to a new Beginning.


"So...." A deafening silence of awkwardness cause the two teens to feel slightly uncomfortable. Celeste stares at her best friend Kit. She waited for him to say what he wants but he kept staring at her making her feels self-consciousness.

" What's up? " Celeste asked coiling a strand of hair around her index finger.

"Nothing I was just wondering if .... you know. you would like to come to the party this weekend."

" a party with you?"

" Um yeah, you're totally obligated to say no by the way the school president added.

"NO, I WANNA COME WITH YOU" she shouts making everyone in the cafeteria look at her.

"sorry" she apologies embarrassingly.

'' Sweet then I'll see you Friday."

"S see you" she squeaks blushing furiously as kit stands up to leave.

her friend Allsion walk up to her and hug her tightly. " kit asked you out!"

"I know!!!!" they jump together.

"I so happy for you!"

"I'm happy for me too!"

"Oh, look it's the snark and the trailer trash." Julie and her minions pop up behind them. the happy atmosphere dissolve leaving behind a menacing aura. the students get up anticipating the unbracing war between the 5 girls. It should be noted that this war has been ongoing from sophomore year when Julie broke kit's heart. but that's another story for a next day.

"Oh, look the slut bag is here " Allison mutter.

"What did you just call me?"

"Nothing" celeste and Allsion turn to walk away.

"Trailer trash" one of Julie's minion inks at celeste.

"Geez at a least be original. you dumb fuck." The goths turn to walk away.

"You're a fucking curse that's why your mom left you!" Julie yell.

The place hush to the point where you could hear a pin drop.

Someone mumbles a "you did not go there" Celeste smack Julie across the face.

" You are fucking bitch!"


celeste sat grumpily in the car as her father look at her with a disappointed look.

"Fighting cursing damage school property and put 3 teachers in the hospital. Do i want to know what happen?"

Celeste crosses her arms defensively. " Nope"

Her father sigh and start the car. he looks at here and open his mouth to say something when Celeste states she doesn't want to hear it.

I know this doent make sense but it will get better I promised.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Cyberbabycreators' thoughts