
So you just broke my heart?

- Do you love me? - Of course not. - So you just broke my heart?

Mikaiellia · Cómic
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1 Chs


Autumn. This time of year is famous for its changeability. The weather in autumn is constantly changing: just a couple of minutes ago the bright sun was shining, still warm like summer, and now the sky is covered with dark and heavy rain clouds - it's starting to rain.

Colonel of the State Army of Amestris Roy Mustang did not like anything, he simply hated autumn with a passion, and had a special dislike for its changeable weather. So, he, so inspired by his plans for the coming evening, is getting ready for the service, where he should have been for at least an hour and a half. On the street, the sun gently gives its rays to the earth, nothing portends trouble, but as soon as the great Fiery Alchemist leaves the house, clouds gather in the sky and it begins to rain. Okay, if it was only once, but no. This happens at least once or twice a week, if not more.

Today, the colonel managed to avoid the fate of a wet rag only thanks to his subordinate. Only thanks to the faithful Riza Hawkeye, who picked up the alchemist in an official car, will he be able to reach the headquarters dry.

Why did Hawkeye decide to call on her would-be boss?

The answer is quite simple. Colonel Mustang has a meeting today in a completely different part of the city and Lieutenant Hawkeye suggested that he, as usual, will forget about it and go to headquarters in the rain without an umbrella, because the man does not listen to the weather forecast. Therefore, I decided that it would be wiser to pick him up myself, rather than wait for his late appearance at headquarters.

*Some time later, conversation in the car.*

- Lieutenant, why did you pick me up? Although no, there is no need to answer, I know the answer. You missed me so much that you didn't want to wait for me at headquarters any longer and decided to come and see me as soon as possible," his voice was confident that if anyone had heard it, they wouldn't have questioned the veracity of his words.

"Colonel, you know very well that this is not so," she is calm, as always.

- So you didn't want to see me, Riza? - the alchemist became depressed, - This makes me very, very sad!

- Have you been abandoned again?

- No, where did you get that from? Nobody abandoned me. I was the one who abandoned her first.

"So you were abandoned," she said quietly, but so that the alchemist could hear it, "I really hope that this will not affect you in any way."

- Should it? - the colonel was surprised by such words from his subordinate.

"The last time you were abandoned," she paused briefly, "you took Lieutenant Havok and left." They found you later in some bar, not far from the headquarters, in a not very sober state.

"Please don't remind me," after that only the sound of the car's engine could be heard.

- Senior Lieutenant, do you love me? - The silence did not last long.

- Why are you asking?

"Just answer," Colonel Roy Mustang was more serious than ever.

- Of course not.

- So you just broke my heart?

- Do you, Colonel, have it?

- It's not funny at all, Riza! - the man was offended.

- Well, you still have a soul, so you can live. And now it's time for you to go to a meeting, Colonel," Lieutenant Hawkeye parked the car, and they went to the meeting.

By the time they got out of the car, the rain had stopped. And after this conversation, they developed a kind of game in which she would one day answer that cherished "Yes."

This work was originally written in another language. To publish it here, I had to use a translator (unfortunately, I don’t speak English well enough to write fan fiction in it). Therefore, there may be some inconsistencies and incorrect formatting of dialogues.

I apologize for that.

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