
So yeah! Apparently, I am Jesus Christ

In a world where one's worth and power are determined by how much money a person has, so much so, only the rich are allowed to have a last name. A lone sixteen-year boy, who enjoys playing games overall and has neither ambition, goals, nor dreams suddenly by coincidence became the strongest existence to sit above Heaven and step upon the Earth after he accidentally drank the blood of Jesus Christ.

Retro_Senpai · Ciudad
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4 Chs


"Laplace it's time to get up."

Spoke in the voice of an elderly man as his words course true to my ears.

But I didn't answer him I still wanted to sleep in more, after all, I was tired after playing video games all night, but the annoying old man would not let me sleep any further.

"Laplace... I'm not kidding it's time for school, I told you you shouldn't be playing games so late at night."

I respond to him shortly after.

"8 more hours."


But I didn't get a response back, no instead what happen next was the sound of my door slowly opening, of course, Ignoring this and just going back to sleep.

But I heard the subtle footstep of someone nearing my bed, which cause me to slightly open my eyes, and before me stood a demon.

In fear, I instantly jump up as the facial expression of the person before was reminiscent of that of a demon, it was obvious that this person was not playing any games if I was sleep-deprived before now I'm fully awake but the person before me thinks otherwise.

As suddenly I felt like I was been lifted, it wasn't by no hand either no, before I knew it I was high in the sky full naked as my elephant trunk and family jewels were on display for all to see.

Of course, the only reason I was naked was that I prefer to sleep in the nude, it has been a habit of mine since I was young.

I can't sleep peacefully if I'm not naked, call it weird if you may but it's just the way I am, just like the weird tendency of others who have to be naked to take a shit.

But apart from that, this person who was standing at 5'9 wore casual long khaki-colored pants and a casual blue button-up shirt, and a white apron around him that had our family shop logo on, which was just a fat cute panda enjoying a bowl of ramen.

He had clear skin and few wrinkles on his face, but apart from that he had what many would call terrifying eyes, his sclera was jet black while his pupils were crimson red.

His overall appearance didn't match his age at all if anything he look like he was in his mid-forties, you see he had rather long white hair and was plait in a giant plait that reach his back.

But despite being an elderly man with the respectable age of 79 years old, and also having a petite or rather a slim figure.

He was still able to lift me high in the air with his leg alone, as souls grip tightly in my stomach, course for man a man of his age moving better than most young people these days, this feat of his was rather a sight to behold.

Especially since I wait easily over 260 pounds, and only had a height of 5'2 I was considered very shot and chubby the worst combination to have body-wise.

And the man who was able to live me up with such ease was no other than my grandpa, the only family I have left in this world, and the name of this man who studies taekwondo as a hobby and owns a small ramen shop in the lesser districts was no other than Nishino aka the old demon.

Of course, only I call him this, my normal-looking brown eyes met his scary look directly into the demon's crimson red eyes that felt like it was staring directly into my soul, as I said with a slightly trembling voice.

"G-G-Good morning gr-gr-gr-grandpa how is the morning."

"I fine morning indeed Laplace I presume that your awake now or do I have to use additional force to awaken you from your slumber."

"N-No not at all, please put me down I'm wide awake now, have mercy on me, please."

He gave me a look of slight irritation but he places me down by tossing me down on the floor, thanks to my chubby body the landing was rather soft, but I hit my head slightly.

I then began to rub my head, as I open my eyes to look at the old demon before me, but my vision was quickly cut off as he toss a towel over my head, and said the words.

"You should start getting ready Laplace, or you are going to be late."

I took the towel off of my head and I got up and place it around me, I gave the old demon one last look as I nod, it was early in the morning and a little after six.

As I head to the shower, I did my normal routine and bathing for about fifteen, and when I was finished I look at myself in the mirror.

"Damn the bags under my eyes look like they got darker, hmmm... Well I was grinding all night to make my level 89 celestial knight reach level 100 to complete the one in lifetime event mission, and I must say it was worth it, I manage to unlock a skill that only s in the world has hahaha... and I so happen to be I e of those ten players."

Yea not only was I fat, and short I also have deep-dark and heavy bags under my eyes, I look like someone who has a bad case of insomnia.

And to make things worse I wasn't handsome either if anything I have looks that were below even below average, yes I know how it's sounds, even I am wondering which god curse me to so ugly and attractive.

I have clear white skin, brown eyes, and messy and curly hair that reach my shoulders, if you look at me I look like your everyday normal ugly bastard straight out of a depressing NSWF manga with the ugly bastard tag.

Yes although I was only sixteen years old, I have the look of someone in his twenties, but I didn't let this get to me after all I don't care what others think about me.

I have no great ambition, nor do I have any goal in life, if anything all I want to do is play games, and if I had to say what I want to do with my life then it's to pay a debt to my grandpa for taking care of me.

So I was currently enrolled in a private high school, of course, we were dirt poor well not entirely we were getting by but the point is we only have what we can afford.

Look at me for the past seven years I have been playing on a simple console that has long been obsolete, and a simple low rated CPU that was good enough for some basic Rpg games.

So much so I was playing off a box tv, instead of a modern-day flat screen tv, thankfully though I have a monitor I found at a yard sale.

But back to the main topic, I was enrolled at the royal high academy it's a place where fine doctors and lawyers are birthed from.

It is so prestigious that you can become anything you wish to be once you applied to be a student there, and for better or worse a person without a family name was able to get a scholarship thanks to my grandfather.

What did I pick for my occupation well it's simple, I pick a course that will allow me to make a lot of money while doing practically nothing, or more so something that I was already good at?

Which was graphic designing, although I lack the equipment, I normally use the one at school.

Of course, I have still had to pass Maths and English along with three other general subjects such as religious studies, social studies, and science, and finally, I need to join a club.

And thankfully today is Friday, hence we are supposed to the entire day in our club as we need to have a total of 12 hours club hours and a total of 134 hours by the end of each school year to advance to the next year.

Each year is divided into four sections, that being 1st form, 2nd form, 3rd form, and 4th form, I am in the second form currently so I still have two more years in this school from there I will have to work for a little to make it to college but egh... I will just live life like I normally do every day

So right after drying my hair off, I went down the stairs is the second floor, which is the grampa section of the house, I met the same old demon who almost kill me earlier ironing my uniform.

"Agh... Laplace your uniform is ready, go put some clothes on, eat, get dressed and leave for school, I already made some pork belly ramen for you, along with a hot cup of herbal tea to give you energy for the day."

"Thanks, gramps... I'm guessing you're leaving already."

"Yeah but I left Shizu taking over the restaurant for the day, we ran out of the special mushrooms I normally use as the secret ingredient so, I will be leaving early to hike the mountains."

"Oh well be safe grams, I heard that a wild tiger escape the zoo, but knowing you I'm sure you will be fine, you know the mountain roads better than anyone else."

"Hahaha... Of course, I will be fine I'm not scared of no house cat."

"Housecat are you insane, a tiger can rip a grown man to pieces."

"Hahaha... that is a hilarious joke... in my younger days I used to fight an army of lions for the roman, oh did I tell you about that time I killed a giant with a stone just like David."

"Yeah yeah gramps you told me about your delusional adventure as a child."

"Agh no! I'm seriously telling you the truth."

"Of course you are."


--Emotional damage ×100--

Upon saying that my demonic grandfather had a defeated face as slight tears exist in his eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"How can I not my grandchild my flesh and blood, doubt my greatness."

"I mean, do you even hear yourself, beating an army of ancient lions with your legs alone, killing a giant with a stone, scaring the left eye of the highest class angel Michael, and finally meeting the good lord or savior Jesus Christ, I know you were a biblical person but aren't you too old be chuunibyou, you are aware that angel and demon don't exist if so I would this world would become something straight out of a manga."

"That kind of disgusting if you ask me."


--Emotional damage ×1000--

That was the last straw, Nishino fell to the ground in defeat as you could see his soul escaping to the light.



"Well gramps, I'm going to go and get ready now."

Right after I said that I went to eat, then brush my teeth, and finally put my uniform on to head to school.

On my way out, I met Shizu she was a college student, she was a blond hair girl with massive triple Ds's her blue eyes just made her even more beautiful, although she completely ignores my existence.

"Oh well."

Me being me, a person who simply doesn't give a fuck walk towards the shop exit, it was ten minutes past seven and I had an hour walk.

Yes, the school was rather far from the Swift Panda, a small but humble ramen shop, it's rather popular among the lesser of society for its superb taste.

(A/N): Swift Panda is the name of the ramen shop.

Honestly, this was the reason, that I had to leave earlier every day from my house as I had to reach the compound at 8: 30 p.m standard time for all school to start the day.

So I took my time and walk the treacherous 3 miles to reach my school in time, thankfully today it just took me 50 minutes to reach, and that was when my school came into view

The place was a giant compound with many well-built buildings and facilities, I went inside true the school gate, normally the school security guard would greet all the students upon reaching, but my existence is small so he doesn't even notice me.

Thankful I don't mind, I prefer to be a shadow existence, school wasn't so bad since the majority of the time the student hear were more focused on studying.

So far though I wasn't been bullied, so you can say I live a rather quiet life even in school, I don't have friends since I'm very antisocial, you might say I'm what most would call a futusmen, but it can't be helped.

And since I reach exact 8:10 a.m, I had about twenty minutes to reach the club room, normally from Monday to Thursday, I would be focussing on my studies, and since I am in class 2L, which is the lesser class we would try our best to get down every information we can.

And since it's Friday which is club day in the entire school I head toward my club, believe it or not, I pick the least popular club simply because it had the least amount of people, it was just me and four others.

The name of our club was called "The Supernatural Paranormal Investigation Club", I don't think I had to explain what our club was about, well to me it was simply just a resting area, for the other four it was a sanctuary to embrace their weirdness to the fullest extent.

And when I reach the deepest part of the mountain which was owned by the school as well, a grand Japanese-style mansion was before me, it was built well but it was designed to be that of a horror house theme.

"Again I swear the club president, takes this whole paranormal thing a little too seriously, but I must say joining this club was the best decision in my school life at least I can be at rest whenever Friday comes around."

From there I went to the mansion door and took the key I was given to open the front door, and as always I was greeted with the rather gothic fashion sense of the mansion decoration and its interiors, it was as if I had time travel back to the early eighteen century.

The place itself was filled with many old looking antiques and art, for the eyes to see, but this wasn't the meeting place no, the meeting room was at the very back of the secret cabinet behind the bookshelf of the mansion library, yeah the catch is the fact that the library itself is a giant maze.

And the secret passage is the last one at the corner of the reading section it was hiding in plain sight.

To open it I pulled a red book at the very bottom, which caused the shelf to shift and move to the left slide, and what appear before me was a glorious staircase made from marble.

"Again this place was awesome."

I began to descend the staircase and when I reach the very bottom a door was before me, it was made from old rosewood that was polished professionally.

I did the secret knock on the door, and the sound of a lock unlocking itself could be heard.

And instantly when I push the door to open it, I was greeted by the voice that greets me every day.

"As early as ever I see, Laplace the Almighty."

"Earlier if anything I almost didn't make it in time and stop calling me almighty."

"Well, you are the first to reach nevertheless it is a commendable feat indeed."

Spoke the angelic voice of a woman that was sitting behind a desk, as she elegantly greets Laplace for the day.

I open the door to a room that looks exactly like a horror game, it was full of many antique and old fashion royal chairs, but it also had some modernity to it, as a fancy flat screen tv was built into the wall and a speaker was in the entire room.

And to top things off the picture of a well-done giant portrait of the very girl who greeted me could be seen.

She was at least 4'9, she wore a gothic fashion black dress, her hands covered with elegant pair of beautiful white gloves with black markings on it, on her lip was a vivid purple lipstick, she also had glorious pair of triple Ds's, they were huge despite her cute size.

She also has a great rear, along with luscious tighs, she had long straight crimson red hair that almost touch the ground.

It matches her beautiful eyes as well which were also crimson, although on her right eye was a red rose, it seems to be an eye patch, a rather gothic design many would say.

And the person who greeted me was well known, her name was Julia Iscariot, yes in this world were one own the last name it signifies one position in the world starting from mid-class, upper class, and superior class.

A lesser like myself had no part in the world to say anything, it was just the way of things.

Not like I mind, to be honest, I prefer to mind my own business.

But someone like "Julia Iscariot" who was born in an upper-class family, her position and name itself could speak otherwise anything she says goes and that could not be changed

Unlike me someone from the lesser class well my opinion would simply be like my social status meaning it is as bleak as my existence.

Meanwhile, this woman Was in a league on her own, if I were to compare her to then I would be nothing more than an ant being watched by a goddess.

No, she was indeed a goddess her doll-like appearance was well known throughout the school, it was because of the immeasurable beauty she posses she was blessed with the moniker "The Red Marionette" in an otaku point of view she would be revered as glorified boob loli.

But yet just like the name of the club stated, she was paranormal indeed, reason be out of everybody in this school who failed to recognize my bleak and transparent existence.

She was the only one who somehow notices me.

"So will you be participating in today's events Almighty?"

"Stop calling me that, I am no Almighty."

"Whatever you say Laplace the Almighty."

"You flat-out ignore me."

Yes, this girl from a noble bloodline somehow gave me the moniker of the Almighty, you see upon entering this club you are required to have a moniker no one uses their real name for some reason, and for better or worse she chooseth the worst possible name you can give a guy like me.

"Laplace, class lesser, feats none, aka The Almighty, do you know how that sounds it was obvious that it didn't fit me at all, meanwhile she was way more fit to have this moniker than I, but she decide to give herself a less redeeming name for some of her class."

The name she picked for herself is as follows, "Julia the deceitful" really why did she pick such a name, to begin with.

"So Almighty will you participate in today club activities?"

Julia ask me with a straight face, normally any guy would take up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to even be near Julia, but honestly, this whole thing about club activities is pointless, and what is there to do in a club such as this.

So I said the same thing I said every time I come here.

"No thanks unfortunately my migraine are acting up again."

"Oh my, I see if you want I can suggest a very good doctor, this seems to be a serious recurring problem as of lately."

"No thanks, but thank you for asking anyway, I don't want to be a bother."

"Agh... I see but if you need anything, and anything at all please doesn't be afraid to ask, I'm here to help and lend you a shoulder if you need one."

This girl was honestly too nice, but I always wonder why is she so kind to me even more so than to others, but it's not my problem I can't forget her family is one of the branch families in the world hierarchy.

So I just drop it and focus on something else, or more so the main reason I came here which was to relax.

"Well if you don't mind may I please go to my room and take a quick nap."

Yes, each member has their room here, after all the other club members live here for some reason, of course, I was the exception, there is no way I can share and live in a house filled with three girls and a single boy.

And why should I do that I am a satisfied existence, I'm contempt with what I have and whatever I will get in life.

That and the fact that I can never leave grandpa behind as that would defeat the whole purpose of why I'm even doing this, honestly, I wish I could just laze around all day of my life.

Nevertheless, I got a rather positive response from Julia as she said.

"Sure if you're not feeling well you may rest Almighty."

"Stop calling me that, agh...sigh thanks club president if I feel any better I will join you and the others."

"Please don't mind the activities, think about your health first this meager activity should not concern you if you so please you can rest here for the entire day if you want.

"Really, you are the best I will take you up on that offer."

With that said I wasted no time and took a left to the nearby corridor in the spacious room, completely leaving Julia behind who had a slightly heartbreaking and disappointing face.

But I didn't witness it so it doesn't concern me in the slightest bit, so when I walk to the very end of the Corridor, we were at a dead-end was, a grand metal door was before me, and on it was my ridiculous nickname plastered in gold and Myhr.

"I swear that woman is out of her mind."

Nevertheless, as soon as I reach the door, a red scanner scans my entire body, and shortly after a female voice rang in the entire room.

[The member code name: Almighty has been recognized now opening the king room for the master]

--Clock, slap, thick, dwalp!--

The sound of multiple advances and well-secured locks could be heard opening up, and finally, the door remotely opened by itself.

"I swear Julia sure has a lot of money to waste."

And what came before I was a luxurious room filled with many things that I would never dream of owning in my life, before my eyes there was a grand bed that was so large that over fifty people can fit on it.

The room itself had a live simulation plastered on the wall that give the feeling of sleeping inside a grand ship watching over all the planet and stars, the room had futuristic walls and interior, above me was a dim purple neon light that was just right.

Before I was a giant 110-inch projection wall that show a quality of a whapping 18k, and new up-to-date consoles, even a soda machine was inside, and the carpet on the ground was so soft it felt out of this world.

The room was rather chill, if anything it was just right for me, and here was the best part, a girl from behind me called out my name with a cold tone.

"Greeting master Laplace, how can this unit serve you today."

Yes, this was my maid, well robotic maid since she is an android before I stood a beautiful girl standing 6'2 she had short and straight black hair with blue tips to her neck.

She had soft and snow white artificial skin, her eyes were ocean blue, she had a demonic cyber-looking tail, and she also wore a cyber-type maid outfit.

Her name was 8s which means 8th generation servant unit, Model: Echidona.

She is responsible for keeping this place clean and assisting my daily needs, of course, this was one of the reasons I love this place who doesn't love sexy hot android maids.

But sadly I don't use her much since she doesn't listen to my orders and has a mind of her own if anything I can only request food and basic things.

So I simply said.

"Continue what you were doing earlier, I'm tired so I'm going to take a rest."

8s look at me with an indifferent look as she bowed elegantly and went her way, meanwhile I proceed to strip in the nude, and since the door was sealed tight and only I can open it I made myself comfortable and went to take asleep right away in the luxurious bed.

This was much needed, gaming all night did a number on me, and right away I fell asleep.

And so I shall for the remainder of the day.

To be continued.

Next time: The second coming