
So this is what's like to transmigrate?

After a hurricane there was a heatwave. Then there was the voice in her head telling her she only had a few minutes to pick 5 things before she was transmigrated to another world. So what does she pick? A purse A cellphone Her Cat A Tenticle Kitty IT plush toy Her diary When she wakes up she is a baby, and NOT a human one either. Wasn't she only supposed to be transmigrated? Why the reincarnation? Why this species? What's going on? [Welcome to Teragaian] ******* Hello everyone, this is my very first Webnovel on here. As you can probably tell I'm not a gamer so my system story telling will seem a bit off until I perfect it, so I hope you give me a pass until then. Disclaimers: 1. The cover will be added later I'm trying to get it commissioned or to just draw it out myself. 2. There will naturally be some errors within my story. I will do my best to proof read before updating my chapters but if I happen to miss something let me know so I can fix it. 3. Since I'm new to this I'm trying to push out at least 1~3 ch / day. Please though don't hate me if I don't reach those expectations, I'm only human. 4. As I'm still writing / developing this story my synopsis is what it is until I have more to reveal. The romantic content of the story is the same as well, I've not reached that point yet so I've not labeled it. When I do I'll make sure to update here accordingly. Again thank you for checking my story out. = ^. ^=

Atg036Succubus · Fantasía
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46 Chs

Sweet and embarressing moments before the plan takes off

Shadow started laughing so hard he rolled around merely. I just looked at him and thought, at least I don't act like a big child. He stopped rolling long enough to give me a wink before getting up.

"Okay so shenanigans aside, when are we going to put Tabrizia's plan into action?" He suddenly got serious. He exuded a strong and powerful aura of authority that made me shiver slightly with how intense it was. Oh? I think I like this side of him. Shit he can hear me! I quickly turned away before he could see my embarrassed face. I felt his reaction though through the mind link and smiled softly. "I think it would be best to let the herd know that we are a mated pair and that it's now in their best intrest to help their Princess's fellow clansmen out." Altia nodded, getting up she started to head out of the nest before stopping to look at me. "Your a Princess now of the Fox Deers, I know you might find that challenging because we used to hunt and eat your kind but I hope you know that I've never been more happy nor surprised to find one of your kind helping and joining with us." With that she left to go and tell the herd I was now officially it's Princess.

"So now that mother has left I do want an answer to my question while I was in your dream earlier today." Shadow had snuck up behind me and had laid his head on my shoulder. I resisted the urg to shriek, he had surprised me the little trickster. "You know that little pet name will only be applicable for one more time that I will allow." He said sternly with a slight low growl in his chest. Oh so I can't call you little trickster, even though that's exactly what you are?" I teased lightly knowing full well that he wouldn't hurt me. The next instant I felt his open jaw around my neck with him laughing through our mind link. "Okay you win little mate, however I do want an answer someday." I just tapped his muzzle lightly in reply. You can take your jaws away now you know? I lightly chided him while pushing slightly on his open jaw. Removing his jaw from my neck I turned around to look up at him.

"Okay I guess we should follow after Altia now, though I got to admit I'm really nervous ya know? They didn't really like me all that much when I had been only petting you before, to find out I'm their new Princess? Just, it was an outsider that started this mess in the first place, I'm afraid they may want to switch over to the dark too." I looked down at my paws after I said that. I didn't need to say, and that would cause more to die. He understood me, after all this mind link we had was a little too good at conveying my thoughts and feelings towards him while I only picked up some now and then from him."You will eventually feel my emotions and hear my thoughts trust me little mate. I also know why your worried and it will be fine. Those in our herd are loyal to the Queen, even if we tell them that we are going out to battle and more than likely will die trying to win they will follow her to the end. You need not worry so much. Trust us, we are family now after all." Nuzzling me gently he then bent down and made a get on gesture with his paw.

I couldn't help smiling at the fact that I was going to be riding my mate, as soon as I thought it though the information of the inside joke went through the mimd link and I felt my blood pressure rise all the way to my ear tips. I knew my face was red, I had literally thought of one of my worlds most iconic sex jokes and my new mate now knew. I leapt up faster than I had even jumped up on Altia when we were fleeing the dark ones. I held one of his horns and buried my face in his neck fur, hopping against hope he was not going to ask just yet about what I had thought. Please don't ask, please don't ask, please... I chanted over and over in my head. Several emotions suddenly were sent through the mind link, the strongest one was desire along with surprise, then shock, then the warmth of laughter. I could feel it through the bond as well as as his body shaking under me in uncontrolled quiet mirth. "Im not going to ask....YET, however we will talk about what you just thought at a later date little mate. Especially since I clearly saw some interesting images from your memories." I wanted to die, he saw some of my memories regarding that little joke. The fact that he even emphasized that we will be talking about it someday made my blush deepen. 

"When i'm 18." I mumbled in his fur, "When i'm 18 I promise we can re visit this entire thing."