
First day

"Your love makes me so hungry..Why are you shaking my heart...If you miss a man like me, you'll regret it"

-Boy With Luv

"Don't raise your hand, don't speak, just stay quiet." Some advice from my friends..I guess. "Hello! Im Jeongwu..Lee Jeongwu, can I sit next to you?" a boy with a weird-ass hair cut asks me. I don't look at him, nor do I reply..I just stare straight at the board. After two minutes he shrugs and walks away, sitting down three desks behind me. I zip my hoodie up and put my hood up, nervous for the first day. "No hoods in class, Yoon" a gentle voice calls out...Its Jimin, my friend. I pull my hood down, and give him a cold glare. "Heh, nice to see you too, Jimin" I say with a forced smile, he laughs and sits next to me, I poke my tongue to the side of my inner cheek and sigh. Jimin sets his backpack under his chair and then looks over at me. "You should probably move your backpack out of the walkway, Yoongi..someone might trip" I ignore him and put my head on the desk. I head something thump on the ground, I raise my head up..a boy with black hair and dark brown eyes, is on the ground sitting on my backpack. "Oops! Sorry I didn't mean to squish your backpack.." he says getting off my backpack, his nose slightly pink.

I feel my cheeks go hot, as I close my eyes..annoyed that this boy made me blush. "Its fine" I finally say as I pick up my backpack. "Erm- sorry again..bye" the boy goes to the back of the classroom, where his desk is. Jimin smirks at me and whispers "Thats Jeon Jungkook....he just moved her from Busan." I touch my cheeks and pinch my arm "You're blushing~" Jimin says patting my shoulder, I shake my head and put my hands on my head. Jimin laughs quietly as I slowly turn my head, glancing over at Jeon Jungkook..my first love