
So I Need Act Cool?

So that's it? I died... I didn't even get a chance to sleep with that woman before her husband killed me. I thought it was the end and that I could never act cool again, but it seems I got a second chance... And this time I will be able to create a spectacle! . . . Authors note: Each chapter will contain 2k words so there may be days when chapters will not be published due to the fact that I am writing them. The protagonist is not Itachi, he is just someone who finds Itachi cool and therefore decided to choose his appearance and some abilities. If you want to see the real Itachi in another world, you can read my other fanfic. Join the Discord server - https://discord.gg/gsATmnZME5 Support me : patreon.com/pacificdream

PacificDream · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 1

Akira Toriyama was sitting on a bench in a public square while looking at the cell phone in his hand. His expression to other people seemed incredibly serene and calm, but the truth was that he was very anxious, to the point that his left hand on the bench was covered in sweat.

You must be asking yourself, why was he covered in sweat? It is simple.

The woman he was dating was the wife of a prominent businessman. This businessman discovered his wife's betrayal and, for this reason, was hunting Akira Toriyama all over the planet. The businessman's wife gave him the cell phone in his hand, who was giving him information about how close her husband was to kill Akira.

Running away from this prominent businessman was difficult for someone like Akira, mainly because since this chase started, he has never been able to act cool making him feel stressed and sad.

Akira was initially a high school student. And to be honest, he was one of the best students in his school, not only because of his good grades but also because of his looks, which caught the attention of all the girls in school. And Akira, not being an idiot, took advantage of his good grades and appearance to win over many girls.

He remembers that at this time in school, he rarely slept alone at night and always had a female student by his side. Even the prettiest female teachers in school could not escape the clutches of Akira, who seduced them and took them to bed.

As time passed, Akira entered the best university in his country, and he realized the difference between the women of this university and those he was used to charming.

At this University, their appearance, even if it was a gateway to initiating conversation or obtaining goodwill, was no longer so important, and the girls here were more concerned with finding a boyfriend who could help them in the future. Akira knew that to do this, he would have to work hard to become the best student at this university.

And in a mere year, Akira had become the best student at his university, thus enabling him to get the attention of the university girls and get them into bed.

Due to his combination of good looks, good grades, and acting cool, Akira became the most popular student at his entire university. Even the school principal, a beautiful woman in her thirties, could not resist Akira's charms and ended up sleeping with him many times.

The years went by, and Akira graduated from university. He remembers that at least a hundred women were saying goodbye to him at graduation, and each one of these women was a beauty that could easily break any man's heart. Akira even remembers the principal of the university inviting him into her boardroom to give him an award because of his quick graduation.

After his graduation, Akira joined a multinational company, and it was at this company he met the most beautiful woman in the world. In his eyes, no woman he had ever slept with came close to this woman.

He initially thought that it would not be so challenging to get the attention of such a woman, but reality proved otherwise. Akira never even had a chance with such a woman.

For someone who always thought well of himself, he was confused. Where had he failed? He looked good. He was the best employee. So what was missing for him?

And only a year later, he found out why he had failed to win such a woman.

He was not cool enough.

This news shook him up. He always thought he was a cool man, so finding out he wasn't cool enough depressed him for a whole week until finally, he could get back on his feet.

Akira went through training, which he christened, 'So I need to act cool?'

This training was fraught with flaws and problems, but Akira persisted.

And when he turned twenty-five, his training was finally completed.

The most beautiful woman in the company he thought would have no chance was quickly won over by his actions, but he never expected that this woman would marry one of the country's wealthiest men. And that is where his problems arose.


Looking anxiously at the cell phone in his hand, he realized that the message that was supposed to arrive at this time had not yet come, which could only mean two things, either the businessman's wife was discovered, or she had not yet obtained any information.

"F**k, F**k. If I had known that acting cool in a normal world would give me so much trouble, I would have just lived an ordinary life." Akira exploded with anger as he muttered his words.

He started acting cool because of the animes he had watched all his life, he thought that if he did the same as those characters, he would have an easy life, and in fact, he did have an easy life, but that was up to a point.

Akira was sure that if he had powers like that of Madara, Itachi, Naruto, Goku, or other characters. He would hardly be in trouble like he is now.

"Damn, if I were in any anime world similar to Naruto's, I could easily act cool while conquering women..." He thought angrily.

His thoughts were so that he could calm down and stop thinking about the bad things that could happen to him if the manager found him.

Knowing that he would have to wait until he received some message on his cell phone, Akira chose to read a novel that he had recently discovered. The book had been adapted into manga and anime, but Akira thought it best to read the story because the anime he usually watches has many scenes cut out.

The novel he was reading was High School DxD, a book he liked a lot, especially when he saw that the women of this world were all beauties that could quickly shake any man with ease.

"Damn, that Issei is a disgrace..." Akira muttered.

He always got annoyed when he saw scenes where Issei acted like a complete beta. Akira always imagined that if he were Issei, he most likely would have fucked all the girls by now or worked more calmly, unlike what he is reading, with Issei acting like a complete asshole.

"Damn, I hate this guy..."

Finishing reading the newly released chapter.

Akira returned to focusing on the Telegram app, where he received messages from the businessman's wife. He noticed an unread message on the app, and when he looked, he realized it was the businessman's wife, warning him that the businessman knew about his location.

Instantly cold sweat began to drip off Akira's back. He knew this news was anything but good, especially since he had to change countries five times in the past few months just because of the businessman's persecution.

"Next time, I will remember only to get involved with married women if I am strong enough, or if she is strong enough to protect me..." He thought as he shook his head.

Finishing his thoughts, he started walking towards the cab stand not far from the square where he was standing. In the message he received from the businessman's wife, he knew that she had already prepared a helicopter so that he could escape to at least another city.

The cab Akira took seemed a little strange, but he thought this was because the weather was not very good, and he did not tip the cab.

Looking at the heliport, Akira gave a slight smile.

Even though his life has not been perfect in the last few months, he still feels incredible adrenaline every time he runs away. He feels like a villain being hunted by heroes who want his head.

"Should I reincarnate, I need to make sure I go to a world where I can repeat the same actions, but this time I will make sure I have enough strength." He thought with a smile on his face.

The rain falling from the sky seemed to have suddenly increased, but that didn't stop Akira from flying the helicopter. He knew that if he took too long, he could be caught by the businessman in this game of cat and mouse.

Taking off with the helicopter, Akira headed for a small town where the businessman's wife had told him he would have a house waiting for him. She said Akira could rest in this house for a few months without worrying about being hunted.

Akira thought his commute to the small town would go smoothly, but he never expected that dozens of jets would appear in the cloudy sky near the small town.

"F**k, are those army jets?!" Akira could not hide his surprise as he shouted those words.

Never in his life had he expected that the businessman could mobilize army jets to capture him.

"THIS! THIS GUY IS CRAZY!!!" He couldn't help but shout again. That's because the city he intended to land in was full of war tanks, and there was even a truck with a giant bomb that Akira realized was a small-scale Nuclear Bomb.

You have to know that any person does not own nuclear bombs, and only the government owns its manufacturing method, but there was a nuclear bomb in front of Akira. It seemed that the businessman intended to launch this atomic bomb in the direction of his helicopter.

Many thoughts went through Akira's head. He knew that today would be his end. He could not escape this ambush, especially when the other side possessed army jets and a nuclear bomb.

"Damn... I can't believe I'm going to die like this! And I didn't even get a chance to taste that woman." Akira lamented but knew there wasn't much he could do.

"Wait... If it's to die, then let it be in a way... Cool."

With these thoughts, Akira made a risky maneuver with the helicopter into the sky; he was willing to have the best death possible.

No one could see, but at this moment, Akira had a crazy smile.

The helicopter he was flying had already reached an extremely high height, so it could no longer climb into the air. The people controlling the jets noticed the helicopter's altitude and doubted what to do.

Only then were these people notified to back off because the nuke would be dropped on the helicopter.

Akira noticed the nuke aimed at his helicopter. He knew that this would be the last time he would see the world, so he flew so high in the sky that he wanted to see the world from above at least once in his life.

"Looks like this is the end of Akira Toriyama..." He said with a sad murmur.

His beautiful face showed extreme melancholy and in his right hand was a glass of wine that contrasted with the cigarette in his left hand. Any woman who saw this scene would easily fall in love with Akira.

Don't wonder where these items had come from. Just enjoy the end of Akira Toriyama.

Hearing the sound of the dropped nuclear bomb, Akira gave a huge sigh that would probably be his last in this world.

"It's over..."

Taking one last sip of his wine and a light drag on his cigarette Akira Toriyama was killed by having his helicopter hit by a nuclear bomb.

This death would be remembered for all eternity because it was the first time a nuclear bomb had been used to kill a single person.

In the future, many discussions about the proliferation of nuclear weapons will be discussed because of Akira's death. The same doesn't know it, but he was responsible for a revolution that occurred in the world. Moreover, due to his death, a global peace treaty was signed, thus generating peace between all the countries for the first time in human history.

And all this because a man had been killed for dating another guy's wife.