
So, I'm a King?

In the middle of the crowning ceremony, the mind of the weak crown-prince is exchanged with that of a seemingly random university student named Brian. Apparently the new king of medieval Varnerig, he attempts to reform the kingdom and increase the living standards of its people - but first he has to fix the previous prince's many mistakes!

AritaShuji · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs


--- continued ---

A light summer breeze gently caresses my face as I open my eyes; the sweet smell of flowers almost makes me forget where I am. Almost. The sound of wheel rolling over gravel is gone, and I am left only with the non-caring chirping of birds. I am still in the carriage. The door to my left has been left wide open, allowing the sun to cut and light its flower-patterned insides. The priest is gone, and I am still holding on to the royal crown. He left me?! I sit a while just staring at where he was, taking in the sounds of summer. Ok. Time to figure out where I am, I guess.

Down three steps I hesitantly land onto impressive brick tiling, the sun blinding me for a second. Still awkwardly holding the crown in my hand, I take in my surroundings. The carriage had been parked at the main entrance of a lavish red building, the architecture reminiscent of late seventeen-century buildings I had seen on the internet - and an entirely impressive sight to behold. As I attempted to orientate myself, I was awe-struck by the enormous proportions: Three giant red palace-like buildings surrounded lavishly landscaped gardens and formed a giant triangle around the courtyard.

As someone used to a tiny university dorm, I couldn't help but awe at the sheer scale of everything. The light breeze now took a different character and penetrated my otherwise heavy costume. I felt incredibly isolated just from standing here – like everything was happening without me having any part in it. I spotted several maids hurrying to attend to their matters and a window closed in the distance.

"You are awake, your majesty!", a hoarse voice coughs. A small chubby man with a French moustache hastily approaches me. He is clad in a sort of blue uniform and wears a black cap with matching riding boots. This was a coachman.

"Sorry, your excellence, and my sincerest congratulations on becoming king", he says while taking his cap off and bowing lightly, revealing a balding head. It seemed that he had been waiting for me to wake and had decided to smoke a little to pass the time; he was drenched in its odour. And still I just stood there, unsure of what to say or do. But something I must do. I can't just stand here all day.

"Err, yes", I say hesitantly, "Quite a ceremony, thank you". He looks up and with big round rose-cheek-supported eyes he smiles, "good to hear, my liege", seemingly happy that I hadn't scolded his smoking. But something that still hadn't left my mind was the disappearance of the priest. Where could he have gone?

"Did you see were the priest-guy went?" I quickly ask, as if afraid of being left alone. The coachman's smile goes awry for a second, "Ah yes, his highness, Archbishop Wenton", he says slowly, apparently choosing his words with care, "He said that he had matters to attend to, and that you were exhausted from the ceremony".

I mean, I was pretty exhausted but just leaving me here? Seriously? And he wasn't very nice to me before either! Fuck had I done to him?

"I see", I say, "Thank you for keeping watch… err.."

"Julius D. Kent, my Lord"

"Mr. Kent"

"Not at all, just doing my duty – and now, if his majesty will have me excused, the horses are getting tired of standing by and I really have to get the carriage inside soon, or I'll be yelled at".

And with that he swiftly jumps into the driver's seat and clicks a few times with his tongue. The horses begin their walk towards… well towards he stables I assume. They must be located outside this massive triangle of building and garden, because I sure can't see anything resembling a stable. I stand a little just watching him disappear and listening to echoing hooves hitting brick. So now I really was alone. A little happy that at least someone nice seemed to exist, but all alone, nonetheless. I guess I just enter the front door then? Confused, and still holding the crown awkwardly in my hand, I step up the stairway and turn the brass handle and enter.

Ok, so when faced with a massive maze, what do you do? I sure as heck don't know! I'm used to just walking up the stairs and then – boom, shitty dorm room with shitty dorm bed. What am I supposed to do now?! Fuck it, I think, let's just see what this place is all about. So, for the next thirty minutes I slowly tour the many palace hallways. At some point I make it to a corridor with large renaissance-like paintings lining the walls; kings with solemn, serious faces all seem to judge me, as I walk past them. The corridor leads into a large room furnished with sofas and chairs. A big window shines light on an extremely large painting of a battle-scene. Again, what is it with the scale of things in this place? I curiously investigate the many small knights going at it. I've always loved visiting museums and such, so this feels right up my alley.

Entranced by the intricate detail of the painting, I entirely miss the sound of footsteps and smalltalk approaching behind me.