
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Ciudad
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12 Chs

the burning

I woke up to an amber alert, I was alerted of a school burning I shrugged it off till it said where we lived "fuck" I said I got my clothes and backpack we all packed and got in my car and drove to the school and sure enough fire everywhere it was terrifying yet…beautiful this was an act of terrorism no doubt about that, I dont know who did this but i did know this…its going to be a fucking war zone i walked with my backpack and scimitar ready the gang followed behind me we ran to the school as fast as we could dodging kids fighting with the much stronger soldiers getting slaughtered we couldn't sit and mourn "I'm sorry" i said silently. this girl ran up to me " are you okay?" i said "yeah but the freshmen are still in there" she yelled i started to run "Jacob no!" Melissa yelled "i have to help. someone has to" I yelled and ran into the building Melissa ran and the building exploded knocking her back she looked at the burning fire i could hear them screaming my name as I get up slowly as my vision gets brighter and brighter I walked slowly holding my hip grunting in pain I saw a soldier raise his sword towards a female freshman I got the energy and unsheathed my sword and stabbed the soldier through the stomach blood splattering on my face I threw him out of the way "Jane," I said, "are you okay?" "yes, Jacob" "where's your brother?" "he's out fighting" "go find him okay?" "okay" I patted her back "it'll be okay" she nodded and ran off, I turned back and saw the hooded masked man I knew from anywhere the destroyer of my life "you!" I screamed "you may have thought you killed the last Ivanov but I'm still here! fight me now" I unsheathed my scimitar and ran at him slashing at him he was much bigger than me he unsheathed his katana a very futuristic advanced blade i growled the upper class always had good weaponry I didn't care all i wanted to do was kill him, i slashed at him screaming desperately he blocked and punched me as hard as he could breaking my nose, i rolled and managed to land a stab on him blood splattered to the ground "not bad," The masked man said "shut the hell up" i yelled managed to weaken him somehow I kept slashing at him over and over a large gash appeared on his mask i saw glimmers of a dark-skinned man all i saw was his red eyes "an Ivanov?" I thought i growled and started strangling him he started gasping for air and thrashing i could hear my friends calling in my head "stop" "your not this person" "he's down stop"