
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Ciudad
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12 Chs

one of many low moments

before i went after the person the school asked me to speak at his memorial they set up seeing as he funded most of the school and was a sub once it isnt much of a surprise i practiced a speech although i felt fake just saying a speech so i got dressed in my suit and went to the school not a day i thought id go to school a Saturday mostly all the students in my school attended i went up to that stage and cleared my throat "i yearn for the moments that will never be again for my father, he did alot for this school i remember he would come home saying how proud he is of our school and is progressiveness. and now that hes gone" My voice started to waver as a paused looking at my friends their faces gave such sadness tears welled up in my eyes "i'll never get to hear his voice again or hug him or let him see his grandchildren in the future hes gone" i broke down into tears before swiftly apologizing and running off the stage the teacher walked up and dismissed everyone only my friends Cecilia Conan and Melissa remain they walked with me to the next period Melissa hugged me tight "I'm sorry Jacob its gonna be okay" she said she wiped my tears. i heard a voice on the intercom "Jacob please come to Violets office Jacob please report to Violets office" "Do you want us to come with you?" "no no I'm fine" Melissa nodded and kissed me on my forehead i walked into her office she closed and locked the door and sat down sighing she passed me a piece of paper "mind explaining this?" i looked at it, it was a note of instructions telling violet not to come after me when i leave and keep Melissa Conan and Cecilia away lock them down if she had to, they will try to come after me Violet said on the intercom for Melissa Conan and Cecilia to come to her office they appeared in due time, "here read this" Cecilia passed the note to Conan And Conan passed the note to Melissa "youve gotta be kidding" Cecilia said "its one thing to go after this man its a whole other thing to go alone when you have support that's selfish as all hell Jacob!" Cecilia snapped "do you know how we would feel hearing that you killed yourself and you didn't have help because you didn't want it?" i looked down she grabbed my face forcing me to look at her "you are not going alone you said they were project red right?" "yeah" "their base is located in broadway" "broadway? thats pretty far away" Melissa added "yeah? well might as well get a head start then" "Violet find us the nearest room in broadway" "got it" violet said we all walked out of the office Violet stopped me "make sure to bring your dumb selves home safely" "of course"