
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Ciudad
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12 Chs

looking for the masked man

I chose Cecilia to help me locate The masked man i sat for half a fuckin hour waiting for her ass she knocked on my door and arrived with some suits "i got some outfits from the soldiers" "got?" "well more stole" right i thought to myself i noticed a black eye and a cut by her lip "you wanna explain that?" i said i walked towards her holding a towel and some peroxide cleaning her wounds "i got jumped by some soldiers," she said "damn near broke my glasses too" she added, "so these soldiers still alive?" "funny.." i chuckled and put the towel down "i found out where he is too" "like hell you do" "well i found a lead you remember Niko?" I growled and balled my fist "yup" she said reading my body language "you wanna get him now?" "oh i can do it now" i replied

we arrived in broadway the air was much cleaner here we geared up in the suits and walked towards the base an armed guard put his hands up "lemme see your badge numbers" he said checking our suits "mm project red rookies what is your business here?" "got the day off calling in to confirm" "alright carry on" "thanks" A bomb went off i covered my head and ran off with Cecilia "hell was that?" Cecilia asked "failed bomb creation" I replied "guess we'll have to go around" we started walking down the hall and into the outside training area of project reds base "hey you guys don't look like your from here" a dark skinned man yelled "we just want your leader no reason things have to get ugly" i said "our beef aint with you" I added "yall rookies better turn around," he said grabbing a knife "were not going anywhere without your leader" "mothafucka i will bash your brains if you dont turn yo ass around" i looked at Cecilia "fuck this shit" I said and stabbed the soldier and ran with Cecilia dodging gun shots we spotted a man shaking "well found Niko" i said he started shooting at us "fuck yall" niko said shaking "we just wanna talk" I yelled "bullshit" "put your goddamn gun down" he threw his gun at us and ran we chased immediately after him dodging chairs and shit we finally caught up to him trying to get out the fence like a desperate rat. "hey Niko" i said "Jacob Cecilia no hard feelings right?" "none at all" Cecilia said grabbing a piece of rebar he tried to run but she struck him in the knee i held him down with his arm outstretched "quit squirming," i said, "where is your leader?" Cecilia asked "i have no idea" "fuckin excuse me?" I said "give me some time to figure it out man" " ya know we woulda done that if you didn't try to fucking shoot us wheres your leader ?" i yelled "i cant tell you" I pulled his arm breaking it he screamed "where.is.your.leader" i screamed "Project red higher base down in broadway he down there meditatin" I sighed and got up "well where is that?" "i don't know lets just find a red coat" "you wont have to look very far" a familiar voice said in the distance "There ya go red coat" I said smugly he took off his mask revealing the face of my brother my hands shook "wow pot really calling the kettle black here," i said "hey fuck you" Mark yelled "I'm also undercover asshole" "you know where the leader is?" he nodded and ran off we followed.