
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Ciudad
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12 Chs

: just a dream…just a dream

i dreamt of me and my father he was cooking dinner, i was happy until i realized i was stuck to my chair and bound then i saw the project red members walking up to him almost in slow motion i screamed and told them to stop please and as they shot at him i felt his blood and brain matter splatter onto my clothes as i screamed and sobbed. i woke up to Melissa sitting on my bed "you were yelling and thrashing in your sleep luckily the others sleep through everything" she notice the blood coming from my nose and the tears forming in my eyes she rubbed my face "your here your home" she said soothingly she was about to get up when i stopped her "melissa?" "yeah" "can you stay here with me atleast until i wake up?" She smiled warmly "of course" she laid right next to me with a hand over my torso as if to say "im here your safe" i fell asleep peacefully knowing she was next to me.