
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Ciudad
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12 Chs

finding the masked man

we caught up with Mark "there he is" Mark said "ay can i talk to you for a sec?" Mark said i nodded "the thing i said about leaving me in the dark i uh have some sort of a person living in my head telling me delusions i had assumed you had been ghosting me for all these years on purpose" I ruffled his hair "your such a goddamn sap!" "Jacob" Mark said sadly "i dont think your ever gonna see me again honestly" I held my head down" i know," i said We exchanged one last hug "kick that fuckers ass for us" i nodded and walked down the hill leading to the leaders base with Cecilia he stared off at the distance tears stream down his face as he put his mask back on and walked away chuckling, we ended up at the base sneaking in and i saw him in his room meditating "Cecilia wait outside" Cecilia nodded and walked out "i assume you want a round 2 yes?" the masked man said Masked man chuckled as he went over to his desk. "not yet..." as he said that he injected me with some drug and knocked me out and i saw him carrying me "fucker.." i said i saw a tall bald woman carry cecilia i reached towards her but i brought down my hand weakly.

i woke up in a cell and saw Levi and the tall bald woman come towards my cell i walked up to them she pulled out a gun "step back!" She said coldly i walked back "sit" she walked over to a chair and sat down crossing her legs "levi come here" Ruby said "do you wanna hear a story?" I was silent "ill tell it to you anyway, you have alot of nerve coming here despite killing some of our soldiers" i stood up about to counter her comment she snapped her fingers her eyes turning purple forcing me to sit down

"i am impressed though by your bravery there were these two brothers they were attached at the hip but something was missing...." she paused

"there was someone who had offered them power and wealth the brothers insisted they got good food clean clothes but...the oldest had realized what we do here so he tried to escape the person in most power came and raided his home the oldest brother had vowed never to let the youngest around his son years pass son is grown up there was a knock" My heart started beating fast "no" i said softly "and what happened to the oldest brother levi?" Levi was trembling he breathed in and sighed "i killed him" those words stabbed into my heart "your brother? why would you do that?" "he was keeping me from giving his son a better life, and i wanted to stay loyal to this place"

"what have you done to him?!" i screamed

"you psychotic bitch your evil you are fucking evil!" "calm down Jacob" i had heard someone whisper it was melissa "melissa the hell are you doing here?" I exclaimed "well you guys have been gone too long and we figured we'd have to come rescue your ass again" Melissa giggled Melissa had heard a soldier coming "get your ass up" the Soldier said Jacob had heard conans voice groaning while being woken up with water cracking jokes "fuck are you doing keep walkin" soldier said i walked and walked and noticed my backpack with my sword "which way?" i said he pointed with his revolver to the right "perfect" i thought i breathed in and out standing next to my backpack the soldier tried to shoot me i dodged just in time punching him in the stomach grabbing his gun holding it above his crotch "where is The blonde one? i have no fucking time for this" i said shooting him in the crotch "where" i screamed "cell 3" he gurgled he fell down and i bashed his head into the wall killing him immediatly soldiers had heard the gunshots i grabbed my sword attaching it to my backpack "shit" i exclaimed i ran to cell 3 and blast open the door a soldier quickly grabbed a gun i walked towards them sliced their arm off and finished them by decapating them "are you okay?" Conan nodded "good let's get outta here" i walked with Conan i noticed them looking at the soldiers decapitated body "its best not to look at it come on!"