
so always you perish; remake


Aiden_Hayles · Ciudad
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12 Chs

dear old friend

I woke up in a basement yet again how the hell are these people kidnapping me so damn easy? in any case, I saw a hooded figure the same one he took off his mask and hood revealing a teen with dark skin tattoos and grayish hair "mark?" "how do you know me?" "know you mother fucker? I'm your goddamn brother same kid who taught you to read and fight" "well that was a long time ago people change" "yeah I'm starting to get that impression, why are you holding me captive?" "i thought i had seen you i just wanted to know if it was really you" "so you just go out and fight and ask questions later?" "i wonder who i got that from" "obviously not me cause you still punch like a bitch" i said getting as close to his face as possible in these chains he growled and smacked me in the face "and you still have that weak dodge time" he seethed "i remember when you would be too afraid to do that" i took off the chains and hugged Mark " i missed you Lil M" I said in his ear softly "how long have you had the chains loosened?" he asked "how long have you been monologuing? " i joked tears streamed down his face as he hugged me back "hey I wanna show you something," Mark said i walked off with him "what is it?" "new toy from the toy box" he said "cute" i said he showed off this bag of marbles "i call these Magicae Pilae be careful with em you drop one this whole place would be fucked" I nodded and took the bag Mark sighed and walked me to the balcony. "hows Niko?" Mark asked desperately "how the fuck should i know?" i said bitterly "well I've been looking for him" "stop. he has someone" Mark sighed and bent over the balcony "figured" "sorry bud" i put my hand on his shoulder "its fine im still looking for him" "dude i just fucking said-" "i know what the fuck you said and i don't give a damn!" he snapped i looked at him as if to say "do you know who you're talking to?" he covered his mouth and grabbed his short sword and walked off i followed him, he disappeared in the shadows i followed and saw him in a river pond, "Mark what was that?" he put his hand up unsheathing his sword "you stole Niko from me" "fucking excuse me?" i snapped "no its some whore named Sarah" i screamed "don't fight me for that dumbshit he's a fucking asshole" he chuckled "that's not why i wanna fight you left me in the dark" "what do you mean?" "you'll figure out soon enough" i sighed and unsheathed my scimitar chuckling infusing my sword with fire magic "remember. people change," i said. mark chuckled holding his sword in reverse grip, i got in my stance remembering back to when we played as kids he ran at me i blocked and kicked him he fell to the ground, he growled and clenched his fist and shot fire at me like rapid bullets i dodged left and right, and jumped in the air rising my sword bringing it down on his arm just low enough to graze him he grunted i got on top of him and punched him his blood splattering on my face i stopped in my tracks seeing his scared face like looked all those years ago, did he think i abandoned him? i growled "damnit!" I yelled and fell to the ground he got up and limped off to his room, i walked to my car fucker was not gentle with this thing I got in the car and drove off and listened to how to save a life yet again but this time i cried silently my face unchanging i got back to the BnB and walked straight to my room and fell asleep