
Snow's Diary

This is the story of Snow's Journey before his death and his Dad getting over his daughter (snow) passing.

D_R_L · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Death, Question, And Father

On a day where the sun is high up in the air, a man can be seen running through the halls of the hospital, passing through people.

The man was in a hurry as he received a message from the hospital that his daughter was suddenly in danger.

As the reached his destination, he met the doctor. Still panting, he asked the doctor about his daughter.

The man can already tell the answer to his questions just by looking at the face of the doctor, but the man want's to hear it from the doctor's mouth. as the doctor looks down with tears in his eye's and the lines of worry that is etch into his forehead, the doctor says the Truth with a tender and melancholic voice as to lessen the weight of the words that will come out.

With the doctor's tender and melancholic voice, the doctor uttered,

"I'm sorry. we failed to save her life," While shaking his head.

The man hearing the news of his daughter passing, fell down on his knees out of shocked immediately the doctor grab the man and put him in the chair to sit, while sitting the asked the doctor on how his daughter's condition suddenly got worse even though she was still in good health yesterday.

The Doctor simply answered, "I'm sorry.... The caused of your daughter death is unknown." The man, still in shocked, yelled at the doctor, " UNKNOWN!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNKNOWN!?! ISN'T SHE IN HERE FOR [Redacted]?" The doctor tried to calm the man who was clearly not in the right mind due to the shocked earlier.

After a while of convincing, the man finally calmed down and the doctor told him, "Again, I'm sorry for your loss... But it was a question to us too on how your daughter suddenly got worse..."

As the man and the doctor was talking, someone's foot steps can be heard coming closer, "Doctor!!!" Uttered, by a nurse who is exhausted from the running she did.

Both the man and the doctor was surprised by the nurse sudden intrusion, seeing what was on the nurse hand the doctor quickly asked, "What seem to be the problem nurse joy?" The nurse took a deep breath and stand straight only to hand to the doctor a notebook.

"What is this." uttered by the doctor who seem to be confused as to what's happening, "We found that notebook on snow bed it seems to be a diary of some sort." Both the man and the doctor was shocked to hear about the existence of the diary.

Both the man and the doctor looked at each other before the doctor looked at nurse joy and asked, "A diary? But we didn't give her anything to write something on, Much less a pen, are you really sure this is snow diary?" Nurse joy who seem to now also confused simply answered, "Yes! Doctor. I actually took a peek on the first page for the same reason, snow's name is written on it."

Confused, the doctor looked at the the father and asked, " Sir did you perhaps gave your daughter this notebook?" The father being confused as well as he also didn't give any notebook and a pen to her daughter snow as well, But the father thought that they might not give to them if he says right now that he didn't give her daughter a pen and a notebook.

With the thought of her daughter diary getting taken from him the father answered the doctor "Yes! It's my gift for her birthday when she turned 7." While the doctor and the father was talking on the details of what's about to happen for snow dead body, a faint light can be seen coming from snow's diary.

Nurse joy who was interested in snow's diary look at it and see's the faint light and uttered ,"Hmm.... What was that light?" Both the father and the doctor looked at nurse Joy giving her a confused look, "ehh,ahh, I'll excuse myself now.... Sorry for the intrusion."

After much talking to the Hospital the father arrived at his own carrying the ash of his daughter, "Were Home....." The father was met with silence. Normally the father will not get bothered by the silence of the house everytime he's met with silence after saying those words.

But now that his only family left alive is gone, the silence was too painful to hear it was as if he died himself at the moment. The father depressed and alone carry his daughter ashes and diary to the living room placed it to the table and began to cry intensely asking questions why is he the only one left still alive.

Throughout the night, the father cried intensely without stopping, constantly asking for the reason why is he still alive and cursing the god for why does these painful thing have to happen. Eventually the father fell asleep from exhaustion from the constant crying.

*Brrrr* *brrrrrrr*

Now early in the morning an alarm clock can be heard from the father phone, as the father extend his arm to reach his phone so that he can turn the alarm off. he accidentally knocked off the diary that was supposedly from his daughter and thus opening the first page of the book.

The father after turning off the alarm as he was about to pick the diary up he saw what was written on the first page of the diary.

*Snow A. Greystone [Journey Before Death].

Written By: Mr. Death*

The father was in distraught looking at the title of the book and thought to himself, (How could my daughter's name be in the title and who is this Mr. Death guy? Could he be the reason my daughter health suddenly got worse?!?) There's so many unanswered question regarding to his daughter passing the father was confused and has many questions he flip a page to see the first chapter of the story of what his daughter's journey.....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This is my first story so if have some criticism I appreciate it if you tell it to me and sorry for the wrong grammar and wrong used of punctuation marks!

regarding some questions that you guys might ask here's some explanation

- Snow ( that daughter that died ) illness : initially it was some sort of cancer but since I don't have much knowledge of it I discarded it and just Redacted it.

- the father name : it's Greystone

feel free to ask some more questions!

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