
Snow's Diary

This is the story of Snow's Journey before his death and his Dad getting over his daughter (snow) passing.

D_R_L · Fantasía
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6 Chs


After a day of thinking, although greystone's mind is still in shambles from the confusion he got from reading diary he still decided to come to work.

Now at his workplace, he accidentally meet his boss at work and the boss with a concerned face asked greystone why is he here at work when he should've been at home. Greystone reply that he went to work to because he want and his not forced in any way he explained that at work he can relax and that if he's at his home he might do something's that he should never do.

The boss being understanding let him get to work, after the conversation about greystone reason for being present at the company both rode the elevator and greystone leaving at 6th floor and a familiar voice can be heard behind his back.

"Greystoneeee, Are you okay? Why are you here you should rest at your house right now." Coming from a female work colleague who is concerned about greystone health.

Greystone explained why he is in work today even though he should definitely in home, The female colleague quickly apologize and before she could speak again she was called for the work she has left.

Greystone now back into his office where he works in animating 2d characters, creating 2d characters and making them move.

After 4 hours of work break comes greystone now calmed down due to doing what loves the most drawing, took the opportunity of the break and read the the fourth page of the diary...

*(" After that darn demon event I realized something's on this kid behavior. And that this girl for some reason can't talk but she can understand words? But she's not a mute so what's going on? Actually can she even understand me? And also for some reason her room is full of life like there's always fresh flower on the vase beside her and the 3 teddy bears for some reason is also always clean.")*

*(" Why is that, in the first place her being ali- no no I already dabbled on that. anyway there's a lot of mysteries on her and even though I've been watching her for two weeks now I still can't quite figure it out although granted I'm just here for like 2 hours or so before I leave.")*

*" Anyway kid I'm going now they're calling me now " as i go I saw her nod and for some reason she's pale as snow but as I like to stay there the higher up's is really calling me there for some reason.*

* As I return in the morning from my mission, the moment I saw her I almost dropped my jaw. as the kid i saw yesterday night the white pale skin the soulless eye's is beaming with life now to me it looks like to me like a sun. *

*(" I don't know what happened to her that night but that definitely is the trick on how she's alive right now even though the book of death said she's already dead.")*

* two days later, still nothing is happening I even increased my observation time and nothing is happening just the usual. But there was one thing weird when I met her after that night she was so bright as a sun now although arguably still bright she's not as bright as she was two earlier. *

*("My best hypothesis is that she's utilizing some sort of energy to keep her alive but that energy runs out and she has to recharge again because after all it shouldn't come out of nowhere just like Einstein said "No energy can be created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another." So it's either she's changing some sort of energy and converting it to his life force.")*

*(" But it's too Farfetch to say that, ackkkkk, still though since I'm increasing my observation from two hours to five hours isn't she too boring? Like are we not supposed to do something when we're bored? She isn't even doing anything just lying there and sleeping for all day unless the man occasionally visit.")*

*(" What the hell?!?, well since she awake right now might as well entertain my self from her facial expression whenever I told her a story, although last time she got angry at me.")*

"Hey greystone what are you rea-" greystone hearing her voice startled him causing him to immediately close the diary and making a loud sound.

The coworker was also startled by greystone's sudden movements, " oh, I'm sorry I disturbed you aren't I. "

Greystone lift his head and face the girl, "oh sorry for the sudden movements mina, I was just startled I'm not really mad about it. It's more like you saved me for some reason whenever I read this book I'm always entering in a trance I just can't stop reading it so you interrupting it actually kinda saved me thanks!" Mina confused just accepted the compliment she got and feeling bad about what she did, she came up with a fake reason to get away from him so that he can have his alone time. As she thought when he met in a trance when he's reading the notebook he was actually crying .

Greystone feeling exhausted reading the diary realized he only finished the page 4 and not page 5 with all the reading that he did while also swearing that he feels like he's been reading the book for 5 hours and in reality he's been reading only for 20 min.

Having still 10 min greystone immediately went to eat to quickly gain more energy so that he can work again while eating greystone thought to himself the action's that the diary hinted at like her daughter snow not moving and only sleeping, sometimes turning pale and and the next day being full of energy again these thoughts clouded his mind while eating failing to realize that he himself now believes in what the diary say's without questioning it.

Hope you enjoy this story!

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