
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
171 Chs


Oh fuck.

It was a wonderful phrase. One that Anko used quite frequently throughout her life. It had first seen its use from her lips when she had to complete a rather ridiculous training exercise that made use of chains, spike traps, bandits and a rather big jar full of mayonnaise. Later on it had also seen its most used period when her teacher betrayed the village after putting a god damn curse mark on her. More or less destroying her career if Sarutobi-sama had not been a freakishly understanding person by shinobi standards.

It had seen a moderate amount of use ever since that day, not too much like some sailor but not too little like some little civilian school girl, but she had never thought that she would be using it in a matter concerning a potential genin; unless she had accidentally killed them, that would be an appropriate use of the phrase.

But using it because one of her potential students had almost managed to land a blow on her face? What kind of shit was this?!

"You are pretty damn fast." Anko said with a smile as she rose from her crouching position after jumping away from the genin, trying to hide her unease and shock behind a mask of her usual acts.

Yet her potential student, Shido, acted like he hadn't heard her at all and just continued to attack. He was good, far too good for a genin. Each of his hits were like getting hit by living boulders and they were coming simply far too fast for a student fresh out of the academy.

"Hadō no San: Hibachi!" And then Anko remembered that Shido was not the only student taking the test as a small projectile made out of fire came at her from the Utahime girl. It didn't look like anything impressive, far too small, but it was pretty damn fast; she wouldn't be surprised if it could get an unprepared chūnin. But she was a Jōnin so she simply evaded it with a tilt of her head, only for her eyes to widen as she heard wood breaking several times from behind her.

That little fire, no bigger than a particularly big fly, had gone through several trees!

"Hah!" And now she was trying to take Anko's head off with a naginata, handling the polearm like an expert. What were they feeding these kids in the academy?!

"Honestly!" She gritted out with a smile as she parried Shido's fists and Utahime's naginata, having a half mind to actually let them pass after this ridiculously good performance of theirs. But they were not the only ones taking the test.

Haruno brat, proving that she was the normal one among the three, could only stare towards them with wide eyes. Normally Anko would have made fun of her not being able to do anything, and she likely later on would, but her not trying to get involved was the correct choice. Knowing one's current limits and making sure not to endanger one's own teammates was important for any potential shinobi after all. From the look in her eyes, Anko would say that Haruno Sakura understood that.

Unfortunately, she did not seem to understand that a shinobi standing around was nothing more than a target. So she pumped a small amount of extra chakra in her legs and jumped towards the pink haired student, intending to take her hostage and make a new kind of test. Something along the lines of 'Give up or I will cripple her, and get away with it cause I am a jōnin', it was rather laughable how many people bought that excuse nowadays.

"As expected." But that never happened as Shido was in her way with his fist reared back, ready to strike, making Anko's eyes widen as she tried to understand how exactly he had managed to react this fast before his words properly registered and she understood that he had not reacted to her course of action.

He had predicted it.

The realization of the absurdity caused her to decide not to even try to dodge the incoming attack, deciding that the brat might as well pass, and let his punch land on her cheek; sending her back.

"Bakudō no Ichi: Sai!" And then she felt her arms cross themselves behind her back as she heard Utahime girl yell out, making her wonder how exactly did these jutsus of her clan worked.

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat! Bakudō no Kyū: Hōrin!" Then the girl kept yelling as Anko tried to understand what happened and a bright yellow light erupted from Utahime's finger, which then wrapped itself around Anko and solidified; binding her.

"I believe this is our win, Anko sensei." Shido said as he walked towards her with Haruno girl beside him, looking at him with awe.

"Yeah, I guess you did pass." Anko said with a shrug, which was kinda hard to do with her bindings.

"But not her." She then said with a smirk as she gestured towards the pink haired girl with her chin, making the potential student flinch and look at her with wide eyes full of panic.


"No buts, I said that you guys needed to land a hit on me in order to pass. I am allowing Utahime girl pass since she trapped me, and that counts, but you did nothing." Anko said with a smug look on her face, wanting to see how the other two would react. Would they just leave her or would they try to convince Anko to pass her? Team spirit was not exactly her top priority when it came to a team but she would lose nothing from checking.

As the pink haired girl seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack, Shido walked up to her and grabbed her arm. Likely trying to calm her down. Or at least that's what Anko thought before he yanked the girl's arm to the side, causing her to backhand Anko in the face.

"There, that's a hit. She passes." He deadpanned at her, making both Anko and the Haruno girl look at him with wide eyes before Anko started to laugh harder than she ever did in the last few years.

"Hahahahaha! You know what?! Sure, ok, she passes!" Anko yelled between laughs, which caused the pink haired girl to sank to her knees with relief.

"But, heh, tell me this; how did you know that I was going to target her?" She asked with a smile.

"Because you had access to our files." He said with a shrug.

"Haruno is more or less average in both ninjutsu and taijutsu, but she had high grades in genjutsu and took part in the medical course. She is basically a long range support and medic, taking the medic out first is an obvious strategy." He ended his explanation, uncaring of the wide eyes he was getting from the girl he was talking about.

"Huh, when put it like that, it does sound rather obvious." Anko admitted with a smile.

"No matter, welcome to the team thirteen you all. Now dispel these bindings before I change my mind."


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