
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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175 Chs


"Go to Beacon they said. You'll be away from your father's influence and finally free they said. I'm sure you'll even get a partner just like yourself they said." My new partner walked through the forest as she kept complaining. It likely would have been somewhat irritating if she had not been so adorable with her hands on her sides and her cheeks puffy like that. It made me want to grab her cheeks and squish them.

Either of them.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" I asked, interrupting her angry mutterings.

"Of course we are." She said with a humph.

"How do you know?" It wouldn't do well if we ended up going the opposite way after all.

"…I just do okay?!" We were totally lost.

After that we kept walking for a little longer, then we finally found our first Grimm since the one I had killed.

This one was different, a rather big gorilla like monster but with bone like plate armor on where the hairless parts of a gorilla would be and a bone mask as it was traditional for Grimm.

"A Beringel." Weiss said as she drew her rapier and pointed at the creature of darkness. "Not a problem." Heh, gotta love the confidence.

Though that confidence did get a little lower when the gorilla in front of us let out a huge bellow and several more Grimm came out of the woods. A few more Beringels, about a dozen or two Beowolves, several Ursas, three human sized scorpions and one huge snake with two heads on each ends of its body.

"You take the ones on the right and I'll take left?" I asked with a smile as I pulled out my shorter katana and Weiss nodded as she took a stance, her dislike of me forgotten at the moment.

As I ran towards the serpent, two Beowolves jumped at me with their jaws wide open, only for one of them to get stabbed in the head while the other one's head turned a hundred and eighty degree when my kick connected with its snout. Which seemed to be the signal for one of the heads of the snake to lunge at me, making me jump in order to avoid becoming snake food and draw my other katana.

"Nun!" And then brought it down to decapitate the head with a single slash.

"Damn." Which also had the unintended side effect of making my katana shatter due to the amount of force being far too much for the blade to handle. "I'll need to get a new one." I said as I threw the remains of the blade away and turned towards Weiss.

I had to admit, she was really impressive. The Grimm that she was fighting against were almost completely annihilated. All that remained was one gorilla, Beringel, along with burnt grass and icicles. Using dust for combat seemed really useful. Still…

"Let me deal with that one."

…it was nothing compared to good old physical combat. And I proved that by jumping on the gorilla Grimm's shoulders, uncaring of the shriek coming from Weiss, and locked my legs around its neck. And then…

"Spinning Lotus!"

…I started to spin, making a large cracking sound echo throughout the forest as the Grimm's head bent at a rather awkward angle. One had to thank Retsu Kaioh for showing such a great move.

"You maniac!" Though Weiss did not seem to appreciate it. "What kind of dolt just jumps on the shoulders of a Beringel?! Do you have the slightest idea of how dangerous such a thing is?!"

"Yup, and I believe I demonstrated it already." I said as I pointed at the disappearing corpse of the Grimm.

"You... you... gah!" The white haired girl threw her hands up and just started pacing with a scowl on her face, red with anger.

Still, as much as fun riling miss Prim and Proper up was, they were still in the middle of an exam and had no idea where they were supposed to go. If only the so called relics had been some sort of animal or anything of that nature, I could try to track it. But instead they were, if Ozpin had not suddenly decide to change them, chess pieces; not exactly something to track.

So they needed something, anything, to help them with... a lot of things but at the very least, something to give them a rough idea about the terrain but wha...

"CAW!" My thoughts were interrupted by a very loud cawing sound that echoed through the forest and my eyes went to the sky and saw the source of the noise.

It was a bird, and a Grimm, obviously but well... I had never seen a bird that big. As a matter of fact, Heracles had not seen a bird that big either since Stymphalian Birds hadn't been much bigger than eagles and the eagle that had been eating Prometheus' intestines had been only a bit bigger. This bird, and I was using the word lightly, was fucking huge! The only thing bigger than it from my memories were Ladon and maybe the African elephant killed by Hanma Yujiro.

"A Gigante Nevermore." Weiss said with a rather shocked look in her eyes as she too looked up at it.

"You know this thing?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and the Schnee heiress nodded.

"Yes, a Gigante Nevermore, it is considered to be the final evolution of common Nevermore Grimm. Depending on who you ask, they are either the strongest B rank Grimm or the weakest A rank." She explained before shaking her head. "It shouldn't be a problem. Their mass and long range attack is the only reason they are such a high ranking Grimm, their intelligence is very limited and is known to be as peaceful as a Grimm can be. They don't attack as long as you don't get their attention and the trees are shielding us." She kept talking, and what she was saying was interesting, but my mind wandered off to something else.

It wandered off to how Weiss and Ruby had found the relics on the canon material.

So as Weiss kept listing more and more information about the very big bird, I pulled out the hook and a very long rope and started to spin it.

"What are you doing?" I ignored Weiss' question as I threw the hook at the Grimm and grabbed the Schnee heiress as I felt it catch the bird's foot.

"Getting to the higher ground." My words made Weiss' eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and she tried to get herself out of my grip but we were in the air before she could even scratch me.



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