
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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175 Chs


"We are here to have you face justice for the murder of the king Sauce, the king of the Jambalaya Kingdom!" The marine yelled at me while his grunts, cough cough, I mean his men pointed their rifles in my direction. Me on the other hand...

"Who?" I asked once more, not knowing who they were talking about.

"Do not try to play dumb!"

"I'm not, I seriously don't know who that is! Give me a proper description!" I yelled back and could see actual confusion appear on the faces of the marines.

"Curly hair, crooked nose, thick lips and with a crown on his head!" The leading marine yelled and then I understand who he was talking about.

"Oh, ok. Yeah, that was me but in my defense he was a real prick." I said with a sagely nod which the marines didn't seem to appreciate as their leader pulled his sword and yelled.

"Fire!" And then the grunt marines started to shoot me. Very rude.

Honestly, even if their weapons were quite primitive in my eyes, the fact that they would start attacking without any actual effort on diplomacy said a lot about the World Government.

Not like the shots could hurt me as the bullets simply went through my body as it simply shifted into a more plantlike state.

"Shit, he is a devil fruit user!" I heard one of the marines yell but I no longer had any interest as I turned my feet into roots and then dig through the earth and finally...

"AGH!" Make them fly out of the earth and pierce through the chests of the morons, except for the leading one. The bastard with the headphones jumped just in time to avoid the thick, hard and pointy present I was sending to his heart.

"You bastard, fall in the name of justice!" He yelled as he ran at me and I saw, much to my surprise, his sword turning into a black color.

"Hoh, Haki? And you're not a vice admiral, that's kinda impressive." I said as I dodged his slashes, I may have made fun of this guy but he was actually kinda good.

"Silence! I, read admiral Akehende, will bring you to justice!" He yelled as he tried to keep slashing me. He really was good...

...just not good enough.

I turned my entire arm into a giant tree and then it turned pitch black with my haki and I swung!

"GAH!" And dear rear admiral Akehende became a star.

"Hmm, I may have hit him a bit too hard." I muttered as I watched the rear admiral fly further and further away until he was naught but a twinkle in the sky.

"Oh well, wonder if they had a ship."


Turns out, they did have a ship. A ship that housed quite a bit marines that I had to... convince to abandon their ship.

At first they were quite against to the thought of letting their vessel in the hands of a criminal, but after I showed the other option they had, which was getting swatted to the sky by me, they abandoned their ship like good little cowards they were.

In ordinary circumstances, one could not 'drive' a ship by themselves. There is a reason that a crew for a marine ship of this size numbered several dozen marines after all. Fortunately, my circumstances were not ordinary at all since I was a god damn logia user whose element was actually solid. Meaning I could create extra limbs from plant life and use them to properly control the ship.

They even had several eternal poses that could show me the direction to many nice places. Especially to one place that was quite close to my current residence and filled with many beautiful women and exotic plants.

Make way to the Amazon Lily!


"What?!" Sengoku, the fleet admiral of the marines and a living legend, yelled to his Den Den Mushi. Not happy with the news he had just received. As a matter of fact, he wasn't merely not happy, he was furious!

"What do you mean he stole your ship?!" Sengoku yelled at the marine talking to him through the snail, the highest ranked alive after they had lost a rear admiral.

"My apologies, sir! He just came to our ship and threw us all overboard!" Captain Gorilla reported, making Sengoku's veins bulge on his forehead.

"Gah!" Finally the fleet admiral had enough and used all of his self control to merely close the call rather than throwing his desk out of the window.

"Bad news?" Sengoku's old friend, and all time headache, Garp asked as he ate another rice cracker.

"They fucking lost their ship! To a fucking criminal!"

"A criminal with an extremely powerful devil fruit." Tsuru, always the voice of reason among their trio, said with a frown as she drank some tea.

"Which is worse! The longer that bastard is allowed to roam free, the more dangerous he will become with that fruit. We can not allow that." Sengoku said as he hit his desk, if he knew the position would come with this much stress and bullshit he would have punched that old bastard Kong when he declared him his successor.

"You are making too big of a deal out of this." Garp said with a snort and Sengoku had to stop himself from strangling the simple minded fool.

"That bastard is the user of Mori Mori no Mi! One of the most dangerous fruits in the whole world!" Sengoku snapped.

"Even among the logias, it is too dangerous in the hands of a criminal. With every plant life he comes in contact with, he can make his arsenal bigger. Medicine, poison, drugs; those are merely non combat use of his fruit. And if he gets his hands on the wood of an Adam Tree..." Sengoku didn't even want to imagine the result of such a thing.

Best case scenario, an enemy made out of Adam wood against the marines. Worst case scenario, a fleet of ships made out of Adam wood.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You want some green tea?" The hero of the marines asked with a smile and finally, Sengoku lost control and tried to strangle his old friend.