
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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175 Chs

Arcana(HP Xover/WC)-1

"London… what a dump." I said with a sigh as I left the alleyway with the trio of morons, who thought they could rob me, bleeding on the ground.

Honestly, when I had accepted my position in this world for the Company I had been hoping for something more… exciting. Instead it had been several weeks of acclimating memories and just dealing with ordinary morons one could find anywhere in the world.

My name is Rigel White, and I currently am living in a crossover Harry Potter world and am bored out of my mind.

I guess that one could argue that boredom was already too good for someone who joined a multiversal corporation of slavers but honestly, those guys were morons.

When I had been offered this world, which supposedly was a cross between Harry Potter and Riordanverse with some others smaller universe elements thrown in, I had been overjoyed at the thought of my boring life finally being over and something exciting happening.

Yet the closest thing to something interesting in my memories was some of the familiar yet unfamiliar faces I could find and the differences to the original timeline. Most of those changes were quite… noticeable.

First of all, genderbent Harry in the form of Rose Potter and Malfoy in the form of Lybra Malfoy. So yeah, standard Company stuff.

The real changes on the other hand were more drastical. Like the fact that Potter's parents were both alive with her grandparents having been killed on that fateful night. Which also lead to Sirius Black being free all these years and Pettigrew ending up in Azkaban.

These facts made me somewhat fearful that I might be in some sort of WBWL hell world but there wasn't another Potter in Hogwarts so it was unlikely.

…but he might appear with Goblet of Fire… NO! No, not gonna fall into that rabbit hole.

Despite the fact that Rose still had her parents, there didn't seem to be much of a change in her adventures except for the fact that she seemingly had befriended one Parvati Patil and her sister Padma instead of Ronald Weasley, making the Golden Trio into a Golden Quartet made entirely out of girls.

Honestly, the only year that had been drastically different had been the last year when Bellatrix Lestrange had escaped Azkaban and tried to enter Hogwarts several times; only to be forced away by combined efforts of James Potter, Sirius Black and Dumbledore. There also hadn't been any Dementors though whether that was because Fudge was smarter in this world or a result of Potter and Black influence was unclear.

Those years likely could have been a bit more enjoyable for me if it hadn't been for Power Swapping with someone at the level of Tonks or the Potentials and Template I had bought. In my defense, I had thought that I would have died in a world like this without them and the thought of being a metamorphagus was a very interesting one.

Still, I couldn't help but wish something actually interesting to happen.

"ROOOOAAR!" And I felt like I was about to get my wish.

Not running away from the terrifying roar might not exactly be considered to be the most logical decision, but as I've already said before; I had accepted this whole Contractor bullshit for excitement anyway! And that opinion did not change even as I came face to face with the source of the roar.

The biggest and most dangerous serpent that Potter ever faced was the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, which was somewhere around fifty feet as that was the limit of how large a Basilisk could grow. The beast in front of me practically screamed 'Basilisks are bitches' with its length, which was at least seventy feet, and huge draconic wings that seemed to block the Sun.

"A Lindworm." I whispered out without realizing, instinctively knowing the monster in front of me and felt a disturbing grin grow on my face.

This was more like it.

As I saw that the monstrous serpent's attention wasn't on me yet, I pulled out a hairband and tied my hair back; revealing that my hair under my temples were buzzed short and then jumped towards the serpent with my wand in hand.

I already had both Information and Trace defenses, meaning that I could cast magic without any fear of the stupid laws of underage magic. So I whipped my wand around several times and sent several blasting and cutting curses at the giant serpent. Though none of them seemed to have caused any significant damage to it, only irritating it.

The monster retaliated my earlier assault with a roar that shattered all the glass around us and felt like it was about into rupture my eardrums. Then it lunged towards me with a speed something that big had no right possessing.

A quick jump to the side, helped by my own shapeshifting powers used on my legs, made sure that I was not swallowed by the monster.

"Gah!" But could not save me from a swipe of its tail landing on my forehead.

As the blood flowed from the fresh wound and hindered my vision, I could already envision that it would scar. The thought… irritated me.

I was in a world where real gods resided and I was having trouble with an overgrown garden snake. The rage at such a thought overshadowed the excitement I had felt earlier and now I only had one thought in my mind.


I sent another blasting curse but this time I made it far weaker and aimed it at below my feet, sending me up in the air and near the serpent's head.

When I had decided on this world, I took three Potentials: Seth, Hecate and Odin. These potentials became a part of my bloodline but what truly became my power was my template. A template of Odin from God of War universe.

It was with the magics of that template and the instincts from this potentials that I directed my pseudo flight and landed on serpent's head, instead of inside its mouth. Then with a savage grin on my face, I used my abilities as a metamorphmagus and turned my fingers into sharp blades. Which I then used it to slash the monster's eye.

As the serpent started to thrash around, I jumped away and raised my wand; which was glowing with a light blue light.

"Íssprengja!" And then slashed it downward, sending a pillar of blue light that froze everything it touched; including the right wing of the serpent.

To be perfectly honest; that spell that would have been far more powerful, powerful enough to kill a beast like this, with a better foci like Gungnir but the spear of my template was unusable at my current level.

Still, the spell seemed to have done what it needed to do as the serpent was falling to the ground and I transfigured the ground into sharp spikes; making the landing extra painful for the monster.

As the serpent howled in agony, which brought a smile to my face, I once more transfigured the ground into a huge spear.

"Depulso!" And then banished it towards the serpent' making it go through its head.

The sight of the monster bleeding on the ground and it's sole working eye slowly growing more and more glossy made me relax. Finally, the life fully left it's eye and the serpent slowly turned into dust; leaving behind only a single fang that was as long as my arm. I had won.


Yet I immediately had to turn around as I heard a clapping sound.

"Bravo, Rigel!" The source being a barrel chested man with arms like cannons. He was wearing a red polo shirt that seemed to be struggling at holding back his muscles. He also had dark hair that was close cropped like a stereotype military commander that would appear in movies.

"Bravo, Champion!" Yet the most striking feature of the man was…

"Now then, it's not everyday a young man like you kills a Lindworm that big. As an ancestor of yours I am filled with pride and believe that this deserves a celebration." Was the eyepatch over his left eye.


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