
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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171 Chs

Always the Quiet Ones

Warnings Tags: Female MC, Traps, Genderbending, potential incest, evil MC, BDSM elements, Yuri MC that does not believe that being attracted to traps is same as being attracted to men.


"Start!" The moment he heard the command, Hyuuga Neji shot forward at his opponent; the very bane of his existence.

Hyuuga Hinata.

He still remembered the past when she still had been a weak little girl that he had sparred with. That's what she should have been, weak! Her fate was to be the shame of the main house and a grim reminder of the unfairness of his own fate.

Instead she had changed, she had gotten stronger. Worse, she still acted in a way unbefitting of the Hyuuga heiress. Making meals, helping people around the village and doing only somewhat above average in academy. All the while mocking his beliefs with her newfound strength!

"Gah!" Strength that had surpassed his own even with the full year of training he had gotten with his team after graduating.

Her strikes were precise, lacking of any true strength behind them but that was less of an incapability but her choice. Simply fast touches, that's all her attacks should be, if it wasn't for the Gentle Fist of the Hyuuga.

He couldn't even claim that it was because of the training she had gotten under the masters of the main branch while he had to do it all on his own, for the traditional style of the Gentle fist was true palm strikes that carried strength along with the chakra sealing capabilities; unlike the truly gentle touches of the Hyuuga heiress that made him feel numb with every hit.

What was even more insulting, was that the look in her eyes never changed even as they kept fighting. Serene, that's how she looked as she dodged his attacks and landed her own. It was insulting.

"Winner, Hinata." It seemed like fate really did favor the main house.


Hyuuga Hiashi was not sure what to think of his daughter. His relationship with her was somewhat... strained.

He remembered the days where she had been timid and shy, always trying to hide from the gazes of the people and simply trying to stick close to Natsu from the branch house. It was his fault; the girl must have been traumatized when the ambassador from Kumo, lying piece of shits, had tried to kidnap her that day and he had ended up pushing her away in his grief over losing Hizashi.

Later on he trained her in a way that some of the other clan heads might balk at, with no mercy. That day he had lost his self control in order to protect her and ended up losing his brother because of it, so he wanted to make sure that the life he had saved with the price of Hizashi would be strong.

It didn't work out. Hinata was simply a kind soul, his training methods were unsuited for her, and he couldn't properly see it. Instead he had decided to make Hanabi the heiress and would have gone through with the decision, but then Hinata had changed.

Her abilities started to improve at a rate that surpassed even Neji, a prodigy in the arts of the Hyuuga clan, and seemed to never stop. Her style of gentle fist, a more swift and flexible style, showed it's prowess during spars and even the elders stopped bad talking about her behind his back.

But, in a way, Hinata was no longer himself. There had been similarities, she still acted kind towards other and even took more mundane hobbies like cooking but Hiashi had been with her since the day she was born. He could easily see the cold glint in her eyes, a glint that Hiashi had seen in the mirrors everyday during the third war. And that scared him.

In the end, he decided to go against the wishes of the elders and had not allowed Hinata to graduate early. They had not been pleased with his decision but he just had to remind them the last clan heir who graduated early. It had been almost amusing how fast they stopped protesting when that possibility was brought up.

Still, he hoped that now that she had graduated and was about to be placed in a team; she might start to become more like the Hinata from before.

With that thought, Hiashi sighed as he continued to do paperwork. One really did not know what they had until they lost it.


"Hmm, faster!" I ordered with a moan as my thighs clenched around the head of the green haired woman and she obeyed; her tongue going in and out of my pussy.

Hyuuga Natsu, a member of the branch house and my personal aide for the most of my life. She had been rather mortified when I had started to initiate this kind of contact at first but she was such an eager pleaser these days. I couldn't help but giggle as I wondered how the rest of the world would react if they learned what Hyuuga Hinata, the nice quiet girl in the class, got up to in her free time.

Not that it mattered. This was my new life as Hyuuga Hinata after getting recruited by a multiversal slavery company. And even though the world was somewhat different than the one I knew of, it was still so much fun.

Though my spar against Neji had made me a little bit… tense. I didn't like the prick; no matter how right he turned out to be about fate with Naruto, who turned out to be the reincarnation of the son of local messiah. I had hoped that the anime had exaggerated his personality or at least he would have mellowed out after a year with Team Gai, but no. He was still a prick, one that I had plans for. He was just beautiful enough to need very little modifications after all.

I had to think about how to deal with my team tomorrow though. If the teams stayed the same then I would be in a team with Kurenai as the instructor and Shino and Kiba as my teammates. I didn't care much for the bug boy, but Kiba of this world was a girl, and I was sure that she would look adorable with a leash and a tail. And Kurenai was quite a beauty as well, even among the rather supernatural beauties that made up the rest of the kunoichis in the village.

"Mi… Mistress, can I…" Natsu tried to say something but stopped as I glared at her, my eyes no longer the pale lavender of Byakugan but a electric blue with white flowerlike patterns on it.

"I don't remember telling you to stop." I said as I placed my palm on her had and pushed her back between my legs.

Yup, life was good; and it would only get better.



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