
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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171 Chs

Alchemic Sage

"Hey look at her."

"She actually threw that guy like he weighted nothing."

"What was that potion she gave to Brita though?"

Momonga... no, Ainz Ooal Gown in her guise as the wandering black knight Momon had to hold herself back from signing as she listened the people talking about her. Mostly because if she did sigh Narberal, disguised as Nabe, might somehow come to the conclusion that it was her fault and try to commit suicide in some demented way of showing her loyalty to her.

Honestly, who could have thought that a simple salarywoman like her would end up in a fantasy world with the appearance and the powers of her game avatar; followed by her guild that housed deadly traps, immeasurable treasures, cherished memories and ridiculously devoted NPCs.

It had been her concern and love for the guild that she had inherited from her friends when they had stopped playing YGGDRASIL that had allowed her to properly act the moment she had realized her situation, though the green glow that calmed her emotions definitely helped.

Then she ended up saving a village that was getting raided by armored knights, she hoped that Touch Me-san would have approved of that.

And now here she was, in the disguise of a wandering knight in order to become an adventurer; they probably wouldn't have allowed her in if she had arrived and announced herself as an Overlord, the greatest evolution of undead magic casters, after all.

By becoming an adventurer, she was completing three important objectives. She was obtaining information about this new world Nazarick had found itself in. Gathering money in order to keep the defenses of Nazarick running for more than a month. Finally, she was getting away from the frightening devotion the NPCs were showering her with, especially Albedo and Shalltear.

And now here she was, a newly instated adventurer along with Nabe and they had just found themselves a small party with the Swords of Darkness, a silver class adventurer group with a name Ulbert and Peroroncino would have liked.

"Alright guys, we just got ourselves a request." Peter Mauk, the leader of the party, said with a smile that was slightly twitching and there was a small amount of sweat running down his forehead.

"We have been asked to escort Nfirea Bareare."

"Huh?!" The rest of the part seemed rather shocked, Ninya even seemed ready to faint. Did their reaction have anything to do with this Nfirea character?

The name sounded kind of familiar though. Like she had heard it somewhere... oh, right, that guy that had tried to kill Gazef with archangel flames had mentioned him, something about...

"The 'Sage'?" She asked as she looked at Peter who nodded.

"Yeah, you know about him as well, miss Momon."

"I believe I heard of his name before, I don't know much beyond that though."

"The man of countless talents, that's what they call him." Dyne the druid said.

"Talents? You mean like Ninya's?" She asked, only to get a shake of head.

"Nah, nobody has more than one talent. That Nfirea guy is just a genius that can do anything from magic to swords. The kind of guy who is born under a ridiculously lucky star." Lukrut said with a shrug, his envy rather clear in his voice.

"Yeah, the guy is a real monster. They say he is the single most talented magic user in all of Re-Estize Kingdom, able to use even fifth tier magic, and also a swordsman talented enough to duel Gazef Stronoff." Ninya said with excitement.

"They also say that there is no illness that he can not cure, a gift from the gods themselves." Dyne said with his signature smile on his face.

"They also say that he commands some of the strongest monsters of the world and has control over several spirits of great power." Peter added.

"And that he had once brought ten women to his bed only to leave unsatisfied." Lukrut said with a perverted giggle that made Ainz think of her dear friend Peroroncino while Narberal glared at him with disgust. They were rather funny, and being among people like this once more was kinda nice. But still...

"Guys, I think you shouldn't gossip like that in front of our client." She said as she looked at the young man that had sat down besides them a moment ago without any of them noticing. Which made their eyes widen as they looked at the man they were just gossiping about.

"Oh come now, no need to stop on my account, as a matter of fact I'm rather interested as well. Like gosh, what did I do next?" Young man said with a mock gasp as he placed a hand in front of his mouth.

"Our path seem to be rather peaceful." Lukrut said as he used a martial art in order to look ahead for any kind of threat.

Ainz had to admit, she was rather interested in these so called 'magic of warriors'. The collector inside her demanding her to learn as much as she could about this new form of power that did not exist in YGGDRASIL.

"Not surprising, we are getting closer to Carne after all. Monsters tend to stay away from the village." Nfirea said as he walked with them and Ainz's gaze once more went to the so called familiars of the young man.

A rather huge snake with darkish blue scales resting on Nfirea's shoulders and a huge black dog that wouldn't be strange to see among some of the middle level pop monsters. Neither of them were ordinary animals, the amount of MP they had was proof enough, yet they were completely docile around Nfirea.

"So, mister Nfirea, why did you even request an escort anyway? The roads are safe and you are… well, you." Lukrut asked with his hands behind his head.

"Having some form of backup in case something does happen is the smart decision. Especially with the current rumors going around." Nfirea said with a shake of his head and Ainz's interest was piqued.


"Yeah, they say that real angels have descended upon the Holy Roble Kingdom and that Dragon Kingdom also has some new strong people in it. It feels like the turn of a century, the time where everything changes." Nfirea said with a grace tone, making the Swords of Darkness flinch at such a possibility and sent Ainz into deep thinking.

Strong people appearing out of nowhere? Could they be like her?

"Though that's just the thoughts of a small mage like myself. It might be nothing as well." Nfirea said with a laugh, but Ainz could not simply dismiss what she had heard.

How… troublesome.



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