
Smiling Demon

Hush now, little one, don't you dare peep, Eidolon's here, the Soulweaver so deep. In mirrors he dwells, a realm of despair, Trapped souls he ensnares, in darkness they snare. Eidolon, the Soulweaver of Reflections, his name, With sinister smile, souls tremble in shame. His eyes gleam with malice, his touch cold as ice, As he weaves his web, entangling their cries. Beware his presence, for he's not alone, A shadowing demon, his inner self, grown. Twisted and vile, a wicked entity, Together they're one, a malevolent unity. In mirrors they dance, their wicked embrace, Whispers of torment, in hushed, haunting grace. The souls shiver and quake, their essence forlorn, In the clutches of Eidolon, forever torn. His smile, like a dagger, fills souls with dread, As they gaze upon him, filled with silent dread. The mirror's reflection, a twisted facade, Revealing the depths of their suffering, so sad. In the dead of night, when the world slumbers deep, Eidolon creeps forth, his vigil to keep. The shadowing demon, a sinister guide, Leading him onward, where lost souls reside. Hush now, little one, don't let him near, For his touch brings torment, your deepest fear. Keep your gaze averted, avoid his snare, Lest he captures your soul in the mirrors' glare. But beware, dear child, the line grows thin, Between light and darkness, where nightmares begin. Eidolon's power, his malevolent art, Can turn even the purest soul black and tart. So hush now, my dear, and pray for reprieve, From Eidolon's clutches, his grasp, don't receive. For the souls trapped in mirrors, their fate is sealed, In a realm of shadows, forever concealed. ~~~~~~~ This is the story of Light, a man whose life was plagued with failure and disappointment. Despite his best efforts, he could never seem to catch a break, and his frustrations grew with each passing day. As his anger and bitterness festered, he began to develop a psychopathic nature, and his desire for revenge against humanity consumed him. Through a series of events, Light eventually becomes the Demon Lord, feared and revered by all who knew of him. His newfound power and status gave him the means to exact his revenge on those who had wronged him, and he reveled in the destruction and chaos he wrought upon the world. Despite his success, however, Light remained plagued by his past failures and the pain they had caused him. His rage and psychopathic tendencies continued to drive him, and he became known as one of the most ruthless and feared beings in existence.

Kaylon · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: The Descent into Darkness

Lily, struggling against the grip of the goblins, desperately pleaded, "Light, you don't have to do this!"

Sarah, observing the situation, thought to herself, ("Doesn't she understand that this guy slaughtered goblins with a smile? Something's not right with him.")

Light, his frustration mounting, turned his anger towards Lily. "What would you know?! You have no idea what these assholes did to me. Chuck, Mark, and Cody made my life a living hell since fifth grade! They made me eat dog shit, constantly humiliated me, and beat me up if I didn't give them money!"

Glaring at Chuck and Mark, Light's voice filled with a sinister aura as he declared, "But this time, I'm going to watch the life fade from their eyes. No one will stop me!"

Chuck, terrified for his life, pleaded, "Please... someone stop this psychopath!"

Katelyn, shocked by Light's actions, had never seen him like this before. Snapping out of her trance, she sobbed, "Light, stop! I'm sorry, okay? But please, don't hurt Chuck."

Ignoring Katelyn's pleas, Light remained focused on Chuck, contemplating what he should do to him. He turned to the goblins and asked them to untie one of Chuck's hands. "I'm going to break you, just like you broke me!" he declared, a menacing grin on his face.

Chuck stammered, "What... what are you doing, Light? Please!"

With a chilling laugh, Light began breaking each bone in Chuck's hand, humming along to Chuck's agonizing screams. Katelyn couldn't bear to watch as Light inflicted such pain, while Mason's tears flowed, knowing he would be next. The only question was, who would be brave enough to stop him?

Light turned his attention to Katelyn and barked, "No! Who gave you permission to look away you slut!" He ordered the goblins guarding her to make her watch as he continued to break Chuck's bones, instilling fear into her very soul. "It's interesting," Light remarked, reveling in his revenge. "To think someone could be better than me... He's screaming quite loudly."

Katelyn, having been forced to watch the entire event, was trembling. She felt sick. The boy she thought she knew was gone, replaced by a monster.

A student who had been saved by Light spoke up, saying, "man... I think I know what happened. Honestly, I don't blame him."

Sarah and Lily, intrigued, leaned in, prompting Sarah to ask, "What happened?" The student proceeded to explain that Light seemed familiar to him because he had seen a post on Instafam where Chuck and his friends had shared a video of Light being brutally beaten.

He had done nothing to stop the bullying when he had the chance, and now he was witnessing the horrifying consequences.

The student continued, "I'm no better than them, though... I never got involved in their actions. Like the other students, I just stood by and watched while Light endured this hellish life at school."

Student: "I should have done something... I should have helped him."

Lily was rendered speechless, and Sarah began to reconsider if Light had been pushed to his breaking point.

Light, tauntingly, said to the unconscious Chuck, "See, that wasn't so bad, right?" However, Light's mercy had its limits. "Wakey wakey!" he exclaimed, grabbing Chuck's other hand and starting to break its bones, showing no signs of stopping.

Gorthak, the goblin leader, was pondering on Light: ("This human... he was trembling with fear just a moment ago, and that's exactly why I chose him. Did he somehow trick me into selecting him?... Impossible... I want to retaliate, but... this human... everything about him is triggering my instincts and warning me of danger...")

As Light finished breaking Chuck's other hand, the surrounding goblins were battling to maintain their composure, overwhelmed by Light's ominous aura. In a desperate bid to escape his predicament,

Chuck blurted out, "It was all Mason's idea to attack you and hit your ribs, he... he even dared me to date Katelyn..." His voice was laced with agony.

Light activated his "Heart Murmur Detection" skill, "Hahaha! Did you think you could deceive me?!" His anger was escalating, "Your real torment hasn't even begun."

Glancing around, he noted the scattered glass shards and asked Gorthak if his goblins could gather as much as possible and pile them between the cafeteria tables.

Gorthak, intrigued, nodded in agreement, eager to witness Light's next move.

Light asked, "Could I borrow your knife?"

Goblin 3, taken aback, stammered, "Umm... sure?" He handed his weapon over to Light.

Next, Light began to flay the skin from Chuck's feet, the horrifying act causing Chuck to scream in anguish. "Now, all you have to do is walk to the other end of the table," he stated ominously.

With no other option, Chuck began to trudge across the table. Each step was a fresh wave of torment due to the embedded glass and the raw skin of his feet.

"Requirements Met," a voice echoed in Light's mind, "Skill, Shattered Barrage - This skill allows the user to rapidly hurl a barrage of shattered glass projectiles, each charged with magical energy. 'Has been unlocked, Can only be used when glass is shattered.'"

Light thought to himself, ("This could work against the goblins. If it's effective, I might be able to take out most of the goblins here. The real issue is how to harness my magical energy, and figuring out how to defeat Gorthak)." He decided to focus on his immediate plan for Chuck, laughing at Chuck's torment.

Chuck finally completed the agonizing journey across the table, pleading, "Please... will you let me go now? I did as you asked."

Light coldly replied, "I told you to walk across the table, but I never said I'd set you free." He picked up some of the bloodied glass shards that Chuck had trodden on, "Now, eat this," his grin widening.

Chuck stammered, "But... I'll die..."

Light retorted, "Remember what you said to me before you left? Ah, yes, 'Don't die unless I'm there to watch.' Well, here I am," his dark side increasingly taking over.

Finally snapping out of her stunned state, Lily turned to Sarah.

Lily implored, "We need to do something, Sarah. We can't let him turn into a monster."

Sarah replied, "What can we possibly do? We're surrounded by goblins, and we don't even know the way out. We haven't even ventured outside yet. I understand your concern, but we're practically helpless right now..."

Lily: I... I just can't bear to watch this any longer...

Sarah sighed, understanding Lily's sentiments but feeling equally helpless. Meanwhile, Light continued his cruel punishment, pushing Chuck to his limits.

The atmosphere was tense, filled with screams, cries, and the sickening sound of crunching glass. It was a scene they'd never forget, a stark reminder of the brutal reality of their situation.

Light, however, was so consumed by his vengeance that he seemed oblivious to the horror-stricken faces around him. He was losing himself in his dark motives, gradually becoming the monster Lily feared he would turn into.

As Chuck, pale and trembling, hesitated before the bloodied shards of glass, Light's laughter echoed throughout the room. The chilling sound only served to further emphasize the cruel transformation taking place within him – from a scared human to a ruthless tormentor.

Meanwhile, the goblins watched, their expressions a mix of fear and fascination, as they bare witness to a side of humanity they'd never expected to see. Even Gorthak, their leader, was silently observing, his thoughts unreadable.

Lily and Sarah could only watch, their hearts heavy with helplessness and fear, as they see a demon within Light. The realization that they were trapped in this grim reality, with no way out, was beginning to set in. The once familiar surroundings now seemed foreign and hostile, a cruel playground for the horrors they were being forced to endure.