
Small Pearly Lights

They Are Really Small, But I Will Follow Them All The Way Down To HELL "Hah, what is this?" *** "Sometimes, when I talk to you, I feel like... I feel like I'm talking to an adult" *** "And on this day forward, no one dare and call Anne the street girl, because her name is Anne Jefferson" *** "Please take him and promise me that, he will have a happy life... unlike his mother" *** genre: comdy, thriller, horror, action,

The_time_watcher · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 A Memory Mixed With Happy And Sad Emotions

Joshua walked till he reached the two girls, and leaned down behind the street girl, who were trying to wake the other rich girl while being afriad.

As to not make her wait more in fear, a wagon decorated in beautiful design did stop behind Jushoa. the wagon's door opened with full force, and people got out from the wagon, running towards the rich girl, surrounding her.

Making the street girl step aside while looking at them, how they treat the rich girl with care in their eyes.

She looked down, and put her small dirty hands on her chest, in sadness.

The moment the street girl turned around, she bumped onto something, making her quickly lift her head up, to see the big guy forming a soft smile, looking straight at her clear eyes with his deep black caring eyes.

"(What is those eyes?. they look just like the eyes of those people behind me. t-they are... caring)"

The big guy lifted his palm towards the small girl, making her look at his big hand in surprise.

"(What does he want?. his hand is empty)"

"Tell me, little girl. what's your name?"


Joshua lifted an eyebrow in question. hearing foot steps, Joshua turned his head towards his mother.

"Did you know her name?"

"She isn't telling me, even though I asked her, mom"

the little girl got scared a little bit, but eventually said,

"W-why do you want a name?"

Joshua turned his head back towards the girl, wanting to hear her every word. but, his mother replied the girl.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell us"


The girl didn't say anything. Joshua didn't like her silence. and said to his mother in suspicious.

"Ummm... mom"


"I think, she don't have one"

The girl let out a tear from her eyes, making Joshua hold her between his arms. she were trying to get out of his hug. but got too hurt to struggle more, leting her legs give out, and her tears go down، like a waterfall.


This memory made Joshua clutch his heart by his hand, while looking at the fire in sadness.

"Uncle Joshua?"

Letting out his grab, he looked at Anne with a questioning face.

"What's wrong?. why are you sad?"

"N-no, nothing. just... remembering the moment I saw you"

"And this memory hurt?"

"Haha. no. it's just that... your face make me sad when you are crying"

"Oh... anyway. I'll go and help grandma. and I'll call you when lunch is ready."

"Yeah, thanks Ann"

With that, Anne stood up fast and runned from the room, with a smile on her face. she recalled the same memory.


"So. you don't have one?"


"Okay. I'll name you."

The girl lifted her head up in surprise and shock. Joshua stood up while carrying the girl by his arms.

"And, what will you name her. mom!?"


"Hah??, wow. really??"

"Why?. you think it doesn't suit her?. you mean I don't know how to name?"

"Wh-what?. no no!. it's just that... because it's your name!"

"So what?. it suit her."

"Okay then!. Ann what do you want to eat then?"

Hearing all this conversation and all those caring words, and Joshua's hand pating her head gently. made her lie her head on Joshua's shoulder, feeling comfortable by his body's heat. he is like a stove, burning to warm his daughter up.


Anne blushed at the thought, and runned to the kitchen while putting her hands on her face in happy manner.