
Small Giant

Lucan ended up dying on a world that was in itself about to perish he was reincarnated by the giant god in another world as a half giant

Alex_Grable · Fantasía
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8 Chs

New home

This was the first time I saw a human ever since my past life.

The man before me was about half the size of myra standing at 6 feet tall.

The man before me had a muscular build showing the results from years of training.

He wore clothing fitting a lower noble, not too fancy, yet not too ordinary.

His eyes were of a forest green color with hair that was black in color.

We were at a mansion that was located outside of a small town.

I wasn't super interested until the man and mother began speaking in the human language.

Th language was very similar to the english of my past life as I could understand most of the words they were speaking.

"Your letter was a shock when I read your letter. I don't know how it's possible when giants dont have magical capabilities." Kallin says

"I was shocked too. Well, this is Lucanar, your son." Myra

"I understand your reason for bringing him, I'll care for him like any father should." Kallin

"Good, I expect no less than that. I will send letters often when he gets a little older." Myra

Soon after, Myra left, leaving Lucan with Kallin.


It has been about a year since the time Lucan was left with Kallin.

In this time, I have begun to speak the language of humans.

The language is very similar. The only difference is that there are a few more letters.

Father was very surprised when I began to speak at 4 months, although i played it as very few words until i was 6 months old.

It now comes to today.

Kallin was leaving the fief to help another noble with mountain bandits, and I was left in the care of my human grandparents.

Soon after leaving, my worry started to grow.

As a result of my worry, I felt a draining sensation from my body

the temperature in the room dropped, and it started to snow in my room.

Soon after, I was found and taken from the room, and I soon calmed down.

Lucans grandparents were surprised about the sudden cold and snow-covered room.

When Kallin came back a few days later.

From what i heard, Kallin didn't expect me to be able to use magic due to my giant mother, but apparently, he was wrong about me having no magic affinity. he also said it kinda makes sense because colored hair like mine is typically the cause of magic.

Over the next few weeks, Lucan was trying to make it snow again, trying to remember the feeling but failing to do so.

Lucan one day decided to explore the mansion out of supervision of his nanny he ended up finding the library, and seeing the books, he decided to try reading them. surprisingly, the book he was looking at was quite easy to read since the words were quite simple.

The book he was reading was a fairytail about three evil kings from different areas they had 3 atributes Fire from the eternal flames of a volcano, Ice from the eternal frost of the eternal frozen forest, and lightning from the top if a mountain with a never-ending storm. They were working to take over the world until heros came together to take down the 3 kings stealing the magic from their kind forever so no tyrant could rise again.

Soon after, Lucan was crying because, for some reason, the story was sad to him.