

No what I see is true Elia whispered to herself Oh my God they all are in one team tears fall on her chick Oh! why am I cryping she wipped her face and sit on the office chair and start concentrate on her work۔ Again no It can't but I see Oh God why?? she started crying۔ Elia are you alright? said Tyorm Nothing just staring constanly at computer eye get red she smiled۔ Alright if you are saying that then ok۔

lets go back to the scene when Elia wanted to get signed from aile she was in hurry and she entered into the office۔ What she saw is He and aile was looking to the screen where Zy's complete plans are showing with start to end۔ She stuck on the place she do not know what to do when Nal saw her what are you doing here? he said Nothing wants signature of boss Said Elia alright put file there and leave۔ But she knew she can't move her feet single step Nal again said You are not lishtening I said leave Aile move his head back who is? she ran out of office۔ No one New employee said Nal۔

Come here all list come that include names of those person whom ho to Anniversary party۔ Elia knew she is not included beacuse she is new so she is keep going her work when assistant call her name wait what me? she ask to herself۔ Everybody who will go to party is happy other keep busy in their work۔ Wao Elia you rock said Tyorm you also rock said Elia but I have worked hard for many years but I knew from the begining that you are very talented and boss caught the eye those are intelligent۔ Elia laugh۔

Oh God I have nothing to wear while looking at her dresses said Elia۔ ok this black one or white oh white is old no it looks good Elia said to herself while lookjng at mirror۔ OH! no just 2 hours left۔ I have to be ready and reached at time alot of work to do۔ Ok white is best۔

Aile villa decorated with lights and fresh white green flowers۔ Everywhere smell of fresh flowers makes peoples mood more fresh۔ Everyone is there۔ She come or not? said Aile to Nal who asked Nal? Opss no no one said Aile while touching his hairs look after guest I am coming ok boss said Nal۔

I know I am always late but I don't wanted to be late on this party gosh please increase the speed its already increase mam۔ After two minute driver: we reach mam Thank you!said Elia۔

Everybody is looking happy standing holding glass of water or cold drink according to their taste when the most beautiful girl took one step inside the villa then second look who is she? Everyone turn their head towards her third step she is now inside the beautiful turn her head round her hairs blooms with light makeup and neclace and a watch on her arm she definitely looks stunning۔ Aile standing on the tarace while looking his guest when he saw her he smile again and again I knew I knew she is haww! I just love her what are you saying boss?Asked Nal with his full opened eye yes you listen right thing I am in love۔

Hey he come close tk her while she is standing alone why yoh are late? Ask Tyorm its because of taxi Tyorm laught ita ok By the way you looks beautiful۔ Hy Miss Elia hope you get here easily Yes boss said Elia while smiling۔ Come with me I will show you my Villa asked Aile while smiling No Boss I will be happy with Tyorm lets go Tyrom she smile at Tyorm he smile back۔ Aile is standing alone in shock۔ There is twist in your love story boss۔ Just concentrate on your work said Aile angrly and rush into his room۔ Nal know what he have to do next۔

Elia while eating ceremony cake walk around the villa when she saw him again with Aile when they are talking to each other angrly۔ How could you will not invite us ti party ? he asked to Aile its my party my choice Aile reply۔ What your party we have contract and I have shown you my complete future plan I have clearly show you we have perfect plan and we will stand again then why you cancelled deal while you already saw all our plan? he said while breathing heavily۔ Aile laugh and laugh what do you think I donot know about your company? your father who stole everyother's work put them on earth? Go and remind your Father I am son of Jack I am Aile Jack۔ Not Aile whom you known۔ I come back to take what your father stole from my father Aile laugh again۔ He become shocked grao Aile tie what do you think you stole my plan and I will leave you No boy no you misunderstood۔

Aile laugh go and do what you wanna do get lost until I call my guard۔ I am going now but I will see you soon he walk outside angrly۔ He dialed Number while leaving Aile's villa father he ditch no how I will tell you۔

Aile sit on the floor and started crying laudly Father Father he cry again and again then he fell unconsious boss boss some one here boss she ran towards him oh! no one is here what to do she call Nal when he come what happend to him? he asked while worring I don't now I just pass by when I saw him there۔