
Slightly Lazy, Evil, Carefree Cultivator

Multiple Reincarnations and finally awakening again to just have fun. How will Ren and the Reap System do things this time? With little care in the world besides seeing new things, things go pretty easy. Corpses mounting up mean nothing if they never have any real value. But the thing about relaxing, duty and Promises will always change things up. Good thing Ren can change his attitude if he needs to. With the Reap System bringing in Quest like crazy to shape Ren back up, it will not take long for things to turn back on course. To many things from his previous Reincarnations have found there way to the World. Even worse, they have been here long enough that it matters. Rewrite of my Original story under the pename Ju Ga

FrozenTide · Acción
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4 Chs

Small Problems Dealt With Quickly Part 2

The next morning, everyone was already hard at work. The news already spread about the death of Lan Rai. A watchful eye was on Ren once again. The Elder's and the people already out to get Ren felt a bad premonition about future events. Plans they worked on to take over the Sect moving even faster.

Ren recovered from his cultivation well enough. Body slightly bigger and on its way to things better than the previous times. He wished he could you a past cultivation as the "Primary" again. But that was against the rules. You could have the same primary in any of the fields again. Images of a giant frost tiger getting pushed from his thoughts.

With a twist of the wrist, he was dressed in some cultivator robes from his inventory. His breakthrough had awarded some stuff out of his inventory to use. The dark blue vest and black pants were something he made during his second reincarnation. No matter what, Reap was told to always put some as for rewards to retrieve. The smooth texture of the Black Abyss Bat wings, made it possible to sleep in any type of terrain without a problem.

Ren System: This place is odd. Several locations match other realms we have been to. But a lot of time has passed however. You need to travel further out so I can add more samples to figure things out.

'Uh huh, in a few days. I need to get my second Primary at higher rank before we go.' Ren stopped at the front doors and pulled out the fan to block his face a bit. 'Ah me and those promises. They always make things fun.'

Reap System: Once it over though, I bet your soul will grow in strength. That has to be what that lock entailed. I am going to send a few searches to the upper level of the library. This continent seems to have way to many different species and the different nationality aspects of several Earths are here as well.

"Hmm morning." Ren said to his Followers. He gave them a small nod and let them continue what they were doing. His eyes turned specifically towards Two as she trained. 'Reminds me so much of that daughter of mind. But she is dead. Has been dead for a while now.'

"She does not know when to take a break." One said quietly. He looked to see Ren's response but was suprised that the fan kept his face hidden from every angle. One even moved his head around to peek under. He got nothing. On the collar of Ren's shirt, a small Ion Energy fluctuation passed. 'I can only see his eyes. There is something very off about that fan.'

'This girl has trained almost all night. The "brands" have supplement her well. The recovery features from them have helped refine her body even faster.' Ren thought with amusement. He was looking forward to what she would do in the future with her strength. A few of the others had worked as well. The girl Three and the boy Four had pushed their minds to the limit.

"Haa!" Two shouted. 'Not good enough. To sloppy.' She had come across a fighting move that was in the technique Ren gave her. "Again!"

"Either way does not matter. You can do the Palm one first or the Fist one. Neither path is wrong." Ren advised her. two clenched her fist angry. She wanted to succeed. The possible rewards pushing her furthur. 'Hmm, stubborn. But the good kind of stubborn. Do you know what i want to see perhaps?' Ren cocked his head to the side and paid closer attention. A smile played on his face as additional Ion Energy was moved under his watch towards her. 'Show me what you can do child.'

"I want them both!" Two said angrily. Her left hand struck in an upward palm thrust. The sound of thunder went out with it. With a quick thrust down, she felt the thunder fluctuate a little again. "I almost got it!" Turning on her toes, she moved her right fist towards the ground next. A white electricity went along with it. "Almost there!" She did a backflip launching into the air and sent both moves towards the ground. "Hah!"

*Crack!* A palm print smacked against the ground. *Poof!* A wave of dust flew out hitting everyone in the surroundings but Ren. He shook his head at the others. They could have blocked it with their Ion energy. Something to teach them later. *Boom!* Two's fist went down afterward and made a crater to the side. *Crackle!* A light electrical wave went out afterward from the same location. *Bzzt!* The electrical wave then kicked up a notch and hit the others shocking them each.

"Yeowch!" Three yelled. Four just blinked and shook it off. He kept opening his mouth to get rid of the numbing sensation. Zero had jumped back 80 feet thinking he was safe.

"Ughh!" Zero groaned and felt his knees go weak. "I.. can't move.." The move Two had used was designed to keep the enemy nearby. Getting away actually caused the worst outcome. Those close would feel pain the others furthur out would have their Ion Sea slightly paused.

Ren looked at them then towards One who stared at Two. His gaze was odd for a boy so young. Ren could see a small glint in the boy's eyes from something else their. He left it alone to see what troubles it would bring later. That and it would help Two train more in the future. The thought of pulling out a marker and decorating their faces was pushed away.

It was the young cultivators fault the Outer Sect Elders did not teach them the basics. Why they did not, was beside Ren. Something look into later. A few Quest popped up immediately to figure those things out. A time limit of 3 months appeared. Ren told Reap to assign One and Zero to go and talk to several people of the Sect.

Reap System: Sending the "suggestion" through the "brand" now.

"Right.. I defintely need to teach you all how to protect yourselves with your Ion energy." Ren smiled behind his fan. Seeing the expressions were to funny though. "Hehehe so amusing." They reminded him of people getting tased. Walking forward, he caught Two who fell down from the sky. The Ion energy displacement could no longer keep her suspended. "Hmm..." Ren ran his senses over her body and found nothing wrong. She was out of energy, which was to be expected after all of her training. "Hard work and doing the unlikely should be awarded."

*Brrmmm* His finger glowed as Ren made an inscription on her chest.

"Ow ow ow ow!" Two started to struggle from the inscription. "It hurts. Stop you big jerk!" Ren did not let her go and continued. "I have no energy to stop it! It burns!"

"Yup." Ren smiled. He reached into his inventory when he finished and grabbed a Bolt Elixer. He carried her inside and fed her the elixer slowly. The others following behind in intrest. They watched and caught that Ren was very affectionate as he watched Two push harder. The Elixer he gave her looked high quality as well. "Slowly, think only of both of those moves. Do not think of anything else."

"Umu ok." Two started to wiggle as the Ion energy was to much to handle. Ren laid her down on some cushions and placed his hand on her forehead. He was guided the energy slowly to help her. "Ah, I can understand them a little better." The others watched trying to see what would happen next. Four stood smiling happily.

"Yes, it is the help of Dual Cultivation. When someone of a "Higher Realm" or better "understanding" of the Manual that is used helps, they can help guide the Ion energy in the body." Ren continued to smile. He could watch Four interest peaked even furthur. 'Hmm his desire to help people is growing. It is good I did this and let him watch. Defintely will help in the "Guiding" department later.'

"Wait, then that means you know it as well?" Zero asked. Ren just smiled and said nothing. "Or is it just that you are at a higher Realm and glimpsed at it?" But to the boy, the latter could not be the case. 'Ren is back at the Gathering Realm right? He could not possibly have risen to a Realm to help so in-depth.'

"If you have time to ask me such personal questions, then you have the time to tell me your personal background." Ren looked up at the boy over his shoulder. "So what do you think, eh Zero?"

"Umm, I am sorry Master." Zero bowed and left immediately. "I think I will go and see about sparring with some others in the Sect."

"Ehhh?" Four looked a little confused. "It is not that big a deal who he is though."

"Haa it is taboo to ask things like that." One said sighing. "Only close friends and relatives talk about things like that. It has not even been a month and he asks such an important thing." One gave Two a look and left out after excusing himself. The others waited for a bit and did the same. Three smiled at Two happily for a little bit longer than was normal Four thought.

"Waaaah so much energy!" Two said. She felt her body had been filled to the brim. The Ion energy then gathered in her chest where the inscription was. "Eh? Its gone now."

"Not gone. Sealed away." Ren moved away from her and observed her body again. Her apertures had expanded and would need time to recover. "Rest for the remainder of the day. If you need to practice, just visualize the techniques. As well as the type of swords you want."

"Umm right." Two watched Ren walked towards the door. "Umm Master Ren.." Ren turned to look at the girl. Seeing the look in his eyes, she decided not to say anything else. "Nevermind."

"Very well. What is your Name and Family name?" Ren asked. Reap had brought the information acquired back to his mind. This piqued Ren's interest even furthur.

"I have no family name anymore.. they left me and fled. I was to be bait for monsters." Two said with hatred in her voice. "As for my name it was.. Zia. Now it is Two."

"I see. I always wanted a sibling like you." Ren gave her a smile. "This stays between us for now. Grow stronger... Zia Nubunie."

"Yes, Master!" Two said with a smile. Ren walked out and left her to do whatever she wanted. 'I was right. Work hard and become useful. I wont get discarded again!'

Images of her village in the North getting over run playing in her head. Her family members leaving her and other villagers behind as they went to go and get help from the Sect guards in the region.

"Grrr, I will make them pay for leaving me!" A small blast of Electric Ion energy zapped her. "Oww! Need to just rest." Two settled down and decided just to go to sleep.

Reap System: She is quite strong. Better than the first estimates suggested. I will keep digging to see what else I can figure out.

'True. I think we could afford to invest more in her foundation. She is able to maneuver around my orders and still improve herself. I wonder how far she will go?' Stopping in the kitchen, Ren made a little meal before retiring to his quarters. 'Gonna take a nap and cultivate a little more.' It was not long before Ren was out like a light.

Reap System: Hmmm Ren suspects a few things already. Can not keep a lazy down to long. I wonder what secrets are inside that 1st Elder's daughters. Was it right to saved the souls? It has to be. they feel a little familiar somehow from the memories I have pieced togethor. I should have had Ren steal the bodies. It would have been a lot easier to dig around in their soul then.


-Inner Sect Lan Area-


A few Lan personnel were trying to figure out what to do about the Ren situation. The few Inner Elder's that were apart of the Sect did not have a lot of influence compared to Ren's uncle Ronnaldo. A lot of the Outer members of the clan, namely the children of bandits, second and third husbands & wives spoke. They were trying to earn a few more rewards from the clan by doing the grunt work available.

"I think we should challenge him to a fight again. Even if he has recovered, he can not be that high up." Lan Go said. "He was looking at the only member of the Lan clan that listened to them. A young Outer Sect disciple that had gained recognition lately. "Lan Sa, what do you think."

"I think it should be dropped. It was a deathmatch and Ren even said word out towards several Elders about it. Even the Elder can not help you if you screw it up." Lan Sa looked at the clock on the wall. She was running out of time and needed to leave soon. 'I hope he has not left. I want to talk with him more about my movement technique.'

"Humph!" A slightly burly boy scoffed. His name was Lan Quan. Son of a Lan Elder's fourth husband. "You are trying to gain favor with that little scraggily bastard disciple of his. You are spending a lot of time with him lately. Even more since he joined up and took Ren as his master. Have you turn your back on the Lan clan already?" His beady little eyes looked Lan Sa over greedily.

"Heard they had to give up their names." Another Lan disciple spoke up. "What kind of crap can he achive if he is a nobody? What is his new name again?"

"The dog shit's new name is Zero!" Lan Quan said loudly. "It is perfect, for that is what he is. A big fat Zero!" The others started to laugh before they heard the fluctuates in the air. Someone had very powerful Ion Energy that ran rampant.

*Pop!* Just like that, Lan Sa broke through to a higher Realm. Her eyes stared at Lan Quan boring into the pig's soul. She gave a small finger thrust trying to kill him.

"Calm down!" A voice boomed out. Lan Sa's finger deviated just a bit.

*Schup* A dagger cut Lan Quan's ear off. Lan Sa had master her art very well. She had even used her new Realization Realm cultivation to turn the thrust into an actual dagger.

"Sqqqquuuee!" Lan Quan cried out like pig entering a slaughterhouse. An older man looking quite haggard came in. He was an Elder of high esteem but none of them paid him any respect. Lan Sa gave a salute and walked off. "I will kill you. You filthy.."

"Shut up." The Elder spoke sternly. "Do you want me to help you? Or do you wish to faint from blood loss?"

"Help you useless old thing!" Lan Quan demanded. "If you do not help me Lan Kung, just see how my father's fix you!" A few of the disciples just put their head down.

"I liked it better when Elder Kung was in charge of us." One disciple muttered. Lan Quan heard that. The fat pig just looked at the disciple with interest. "Excuse me! I miss .." The boy made a quick retreat.

"I will fix him later." Lan Quan grumbled. "Oww!" He cried as Elder Lan Kung lost control of his Ion Energy and burned his ear closed. "You old cripple!" Lan Quan got up and headed towards the Sect healers for treatment. "You better have that disciple taken care of when I get back."

"The clan has turned to shit with a bastard like that around." Another disciple said. the others said nothing for not wanting to get the same faith as the one who ran away earlier. They could feel something in them whispering. "I really want to leave the clan."

'You should leave before its to late.' A small voice whispered pass everyone's ears. The young disciples were ensnared but not Elder Lan Kung. 'The Clan will not treat you kindly for this.'

"Humph! Be gone Spectre!" Elder Lan Kung gave a snort releasing a bit of his cultivation. As if not was there, the voice was already gone. "It fled!?"

"What is going on here?" A young girl walked in. Behind her a few other members of the Lan arrived. She looked around trying to figure where her brother could be. "Where is Lan Rai?" The disciples just stayed quiet.