
Sleepless dreams

Khalid is a teenage student. His life changes the moment, he wakes up in a different world. living two lives at the same time is not so easy. He must take his decisions wisely. to escape this, he must gather hints to find " what led this to happen?" and " how to end this?". The biggest problem are his decidophobia and demophobia. How will he overcome his fears? Because if he doesn't 3 worlds will meet their doom. Will he be able to overcome his fears before the worlds end?

Warda_Ali_ · Ciencia y ficción
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21 Chs

Back home

" Aimen! Wait for me." She starts running faster, it feels like her ears have stopped working, she can't hear anything. We'll actually she can but it's nothing other than the same Melody from before. Which is enough to scare her even more but no matter what, she won't stop. At least not until, she sees her friend. She doesn't know where but she's running.

She comes back to her senses and the piano melody stops, as soon as she felt cold hands on her shoulders.

" Amara! Why were you running?, Is everything alright ", she says shaking her friend lightly. Amara looks at Aimen, dumbfounded. She wants to answer Aimen's question but she doesn't. Maybe it's because her sister is there too. She tries to ignore the question, as if she hadn't heard it.

She looks around. They're at the main school gate and the weather..

" it's not raining anymore?", Amara asks with a confused look.

" Yeah! It just stopped", she replied "What's wrong with you?"

" Amara did no one come to pick you up from school today?", Aimen's sister asks.

" No, I think, it's because I forgot to tell my father, that it'll be off earlier today."

" It makes sense", Aimen's sister says patting Amara's shoulder." Do you want us to stay he----"

" why don't you come to our house with us?", Aimen interrupts her sister.

" No, no it's -----"

Honk honk

" AMARA RAHEEL!" the guard calls her name from the outside of the gate, using a mic.

" My father is here, Allah hafiz – may god protect you –", Amara says running towards the car. Amara's friend and her sister coming out of the school after her. Amara gets in the car while her friend leaves towards her house, along with her sister.

" Assalamualaikum, Abu jan.", Amara greets her father.

" walaikumasalam, how was your day?", her father asks her with concern.

" Abu jan, today's day went unexpected, a lot of things happened today and do you know, it rained today, it was drizzling at first then suddenly the rain got heavier." She explains to her father with excitement.

" Amara are you joking or were you daydreaming?", her father continues " I know, that you hate the summer season but daughter stay patient. It will end soon. " He says as he spins the steering wheel taking a U-turn.

"But abu jan, it actually did rain today." She murmers to herself softly, she looks outside the window trying to figure what had happened today.

" Listen Amara"

" yes Abu jan ", she replies to her father." I'm listening ", looking at her father, She knows what her father will say next.

" I know you won't, but still as a reminder, jan you're exams are about to start, both of us know the importance of these exams, it's you're final year. No wait. It's actually your last two months of school life and then, inshallah you'll be in college." He stops for a while, stops the car at the red light of the signal. He turns towards her daughter. " Jan, do you understand, what I'm trying to say "

" Yes Abu jan, I'll study hard and I won't disappoint you", Amara says looking into her father's sparkling eyes. His eyes are sparkling of hope and pride. He continues driving as the signal turns green.

" I'm proud of you my daughter. I know you'll make me feel proud.", her father says while driving the car. Amara's father continues talking.

" Should we buy some ice cream on our way?"

" Yeah! ", she says with joy." Vania will love it."