Emily Molson, PA to Derek Haven, CEO of Haven Group has nightmares every night, that prevent her from getting a good night's rest. Derek Haven, on the other hand is lucky to get any sleep at all. The two of them work close together but have no idea that they have the same problem. Then one night they end up in bed together and a miracle happens.
Jane Molson liked to think of herself as a simple woman, with simple wants, and even simpler needs. In fact, if she was asked to leave everything on earth, and pick just one, she would not pick a thing, she would pick a someone. Her precious daughter, her Emily.
That child was literally her world, sometimes, out of nowhere, Jane would look over at her daughter and think 'What have I ever done to deserve a child as wonderful as you,' Being that it was an internal question, she never got an answer, but that did not matter. Emily was hers no matter what.
Whatever she had, or had not done, Emily was her daughter, and Jane loved her more than anything in the whole wide world. Without Emily, Jane was not sure if she would have survived losing her husband.