
Slaughterer in Another World

Warning: This novel will depict extreme violence and strong words. There will also be instances of some disturbing scenes that it is recommended not to read this if you are easily offended. Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here. Kogure and his classmates were summoned to another world one day. Just like your typical isekai plot, a king summoned them and yada yada, kill demon lord, blah blah blah and whatever stuff that they want to say. However, there is one big thing that happened that made Kogure unleash the bloodlust that he has been keeping for all these years. Things happened and now, he is standing in front of the demon king's castle. "They think I would want to save this world just because they asked me to? Ha, dream on. Time to begin the conquest and kill everyone who blocks our way. Mercy is only for the weak!"

Kyosei · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

The Adventurous Life of A Fugitive (II)

The next few days became quite a chore for Kogure who just experienced the rugged life for the first time. Because he has to rest for the rest of the day, he has to go hunt very early in the morning when most animals are either asleep or just grazing for the day. Of course, he has a hard time tracking one but when he managed to track a single deer, he didn't hesitate to hunt it.

Because of the abnormal training, he did in the Dimensional Training Room, he was very nimble and quick on his feet that even the deer which should be quick to flee at the moment of sudden danger, didn't manage to escape the moment Kogure had already pinpointed the target. Because he didn't have any weapons at hand, he grappled the deer and fought with it for a short time before snapping its neck, successfully killing it.

"Hey, system. Do you know how to butcher a deer properly?"


After pleading with the system for quite a while, the system complied and helped him how to butcher a deer without any metal tools. Since he returned to the primitive lifestyle, Kogure was forced to find a good sharp rock, sturdy wood, and sturdy vines and create a durable stone knife. Since the system guided him on how to work with the stone knife, it wasn't that bad of quality. The system was also kind enough for Kogure to teach him how to butcher a deer properly.

Due to this result, he managed to haul in some food for him to eat. He cleaned up the meat on the nearby brook he found and cooked a few of them for his breakfast and lunch. The deer is big which is why he didn't finish up all of it. After cleaning up the carcass and some mess he made, Kogure buried the remains of the deer that are not useful to him like the intestines and some of the parts that he has no use for. The rest of the meat that he didn't cook, he hauled back using the skin that he got after he butchered the deer. Not only the meat but he brought back the bones too.

Since he is in the wild at the moment, he has to survive and find a way to defend himself. And that is what the bones will be used for. It might not be as strong as most bones, but some of the bones of the deer in this isekai world he was in are much stronger than usual so without the help of the system to provide him with any weapon, he has to make his own weapon himself.

After preparing the meat, he hung it on the nearby branch which is the most exposed area to the sun. Kogure is planning to make jerky. Although he has never tried to eat a jerky or even make one, he already has seen the process of it once on the internet and has seen some videos of people doing it.

And for the rest of the day, he spent his days sleeping and looking out for any potential enemies. 8 days have passed by since then. The soldiers have yet to stop searching as he can still see a few of them patrolling around the forest. Kogure was thankful that he managed to hunt a deer on the very first day or else, he would be starving before the 10th day passed by.

"System. What is the current state of my body?"

"[The system answers. Your body is 95% fully healed. Most of your internal wounds have been healed but some will take a few more days to fully heal while your external wounds have already healed.]"

"That's good."

While the situation below the ground is still not safe for the injured Kogure to do anything, Kogure did not waste his time just sleeping. Whenever he is awake or eating the jerky meat that is ready to eat, he also prepares the bones of the deer to make makeshift knives. They might not be as good as stone knives or even normal kitchen knives, but they are sufficient enough to kill.

"System, I almost forgot to ask you this but how do I earn the currency necessary to pull for the gacha?"

"[The system answers: You must kill 100 hostile entities to receive 1 pull. The more hostile entities you kill, the more pulls you receive. Neutral and Friendly entities are not counted in the kills.]

Kogure couldn't help but frown hearing the necessary way to receive currency to pull. Although 100 seems small, he needed to kill "hostile" entities. That means those who are not enemies of him like animals he hunts or enemies that aren't hostile to him won't be counted. Like all gachas he knew, the gacha the system possess is also something he will have a hard time getting pulls.

But Kogure is not that worried. At the moment, it is clear that all the soldiers who are allied with the kingdom that summoned them are all hostile to him. Since it didn't specify any kind of what to kill as long as they are hostile, even humans are counted as his kills. The current situation he has right now is the most ideal situation to earn lots of currency for pulls.

But since the gacha currencies the gacha needs will take time to reach the quota to form one pull, he cannot rely on the gacha to earn items. Instead, he has to rely on himself to get stronger and survive the harsh world he was in.




10th day.

Kogure stretched up his body as he can feel that his body is finally back to normal now. It's no longer painful and he no longer felt anything wrong with his body anymore. That only means his body has fully healed.

"[Congratulations on your full recovery, Hero-sama. You are now ready to fully dive and explore the world.]"

"Fully healed huh? Finally. I felt so sticky already and I needed to wash up on the brook to clean myself up."

"[Indeed. You are covered in dirt and dust for the past few days. You needed to clean up to maintain your hygiene too.]"

"Of course, I know that. But there is only one problem."

Kogure then looks below the tree and the soldiers are still patrolling the forest, surveying every single part of the forest to search for him. They are not there to just look around but to look for him.

These past few days, he already has studied the pattern of these soldiers and already memorized them to the point he can easily tell where they will go and what they will do in this exact situation.

["Sir Hero, don't tell me you are...]"

"Ah, you already knew? Yes, I will be eliminating them."

"[Sir Hero, if you do and kill them, your...]" the system did not get to say anything when Kogure cut her off.

"My reputation will go down to the drains, right? I don't care. They are the ones who caused me to remain here and they are the ones who made me like this. It's just natural that I would not hesitate to execute every single one of them."

The system fell silent. As much as Kogure does the exact opposite of a hero, the system can't do anything about it. After all, the Hero needs to survive and the system needs to continue its job until the end of the journey of the hero. If the Hero dies, the system also dies so even if the hero does evil things, she can't stop it. The only thing she can do is to guide the Hero until the very end.