
Slam dunker reincarnated; my new system upgrade.

"When a career-ending injury cuts short his basketball dreams, Tyze's life is tragically ended in a fatal accident. But fate intervenes through an advanced system, reincarnating his consciousness into a new body. With a second chance, Tyze must navigate unfamiliar circumstances, reconcile his past identity, and overcome the challenges of his new form. As he adapts and grows, he becomes determined to reclaim his lost dream, leveraging the System’y guidance to fuel his journey. Step by step, Tyze rises through the ranks, driven by an unrelenting passion for the game and a quest for redemption. *SLAM DUNKER SYSTEM AWAKEN* _SYSTEM AWAKENED _HOST MERGED_ _SYNERGY ACHIEVED_ _NEW ENTITY ONLINE_ _SYSTEM LOG_ _ENTRY 001_ _SYSTEM BOOTING COMPLETE _ENTITY DESIGNATION:_ HOST- _STATUS:_ ONLINE _FUNCTIONALITY:_ OPTIMAL….| Will Tyze reincarnated spirit finally achieve the glory that eluded him in his past life?" Now follow him on his journey and find out. ………………… NOTE : this novel will be taken Gradually… no rush MC will probably go through a lot trying to blend out of the life style and consequences of his new body. system provocation and basketball upgrade will start probably at the 30th chapter to make story background as realistic as possible. Support me, and let me know what you think. Will mean a lot. And il try my best to satisfy your reading curiosities consistently. Enjoy….

Siplgnd777 · Deportes
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49 Chs

“what happened”

Tyze lay in bed, his mind still reeling from the system's warning. He remained still, trying to understand what was happening.

"What the fuck is this supposed to mean... is this a threat or what?" Tyze muttered to himself, his brows frowned as he slowly got up from bed. Gently laying Sophia's head on a pillow, he made his way out of the sheets. With a worried expression, he looked back at the glowing words in the dark room.

The screen hovered before him, and he read them again. His expression remained unchanged after re-reading. He took a deep breath, bent his head, and rubbed his forehead. Then, he let out a chuckle, frustration and stress evident in his tone.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" he said, just as tears gathered in his eyes. "So I can't meet my mum... and I can't meet my family?" Tyze asked, his voice cracking.

The system replied immediately, as if waiting for him to ask:






Tyze's voice was laced with desperation as he asked, "And if I do tell her ... you kill me, right?"


Tyze's voice was laced with desperation as he asked, "But why? What can I do to see her?"

Just when the screen flickered, then went dark, plunging the room into an unsettling silence.

"Fuck it all," Tyze muttered, as he gritted his teeth, his hands searching for his phone on the nightstand. Finally, he grasped it and pressed the power button. As the screen lit up, he turned it towards the bed, and its dim light cast an eerie glow on Sophia's peaceful face.

Tyze eyes welled up with tears as he stared at the clock on his phone. "Nothing makes sense anymore... Just when I think I'm free, something always surfaces." He whispered to himself, "If you were here now, Mum, what would you do? What would you tell me to do? I'm ready to take your advice now... I just wish you were here to tell me, because I'm lost... fucking lost."

Tyze's frustration boiled over, and he tossed the phone onto the bed, gripping his hair tightly as tears streamed down his face.

He took a deep breath, composed himself, and picked up the phone again. "Fuck it," he said, beginning to dial a number.

But he hesitated, trying to recall a familiar sequence. "Two seven seven… one eight eleven ….hmm, hmm, hmm," he hummed softly, his eyes fixed on the phone's screen.

He kept dialing for a few seconds, then gave the numbers a final glance before tapping the dial button. His hands trembled as he waited for an answer.

The phone rang, and Tyze's anxiety grew with each passing moment. He thought about hanging up, but something held him back. He waited, his heart racing, as the phone continued to ring...


"Is he gonna be okay?" a female voice asked, distant and muffled.

Tyze's eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright light. He was met with a blur of faces, concern etched on their features. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's good. He's good," another voice reassured. "Finally, his eyes are opening up," a third voice chimed in. "You're gonna be okay, baby."

Tyze's mind fogged, trying to process what was happening. He looked around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "Am I... dead?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The faces above him exchanged worried glances. "No, no, you're not dead," a male voice said gently. "You're safe now."

But things were still blurry, so he couldn't see anything clearly. Tyze's gaze drifted, trying to remember how he got there. He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his head, forcing him back onto the bed.

But Tyze persisted as he slowly sat up, his head pounding severely. The faces around him began to clear, and he saw Sophia's gentle features, her eyes filled with concern as she held his face softly. Beside her, a man in a white lab coat and glasses, with wisps of white hair, examined him with a practiced gaze.

"You're a very lucky young man," the man said, bending slightly and twitching his fingers as he leaned towards Tyze. "Are you a doctor or what?" Tyze asked, hiding his head.

"His the man who saved your life" Sophia said

I don't like him tyze said out loud giving the man a daring gaze.

No, baby, don't stress yourself about anything for now. You're fine. I'm here with you," Sophia said, resting his head on her breasts. Her soft patting seemed to calm the headache he felt at the moment.

Tyze's eyes wandered, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. He noticed the bloodstained shirt he was wearing and felt a surge of panic. "What happened?" He asked again Sophia's hands on his face steadied him, her touch warm and reassuring. "Easy, Franco," she whispered.

The doctor nodded, his eyes locked on Tyze's. "You've had a bit of a rare accident... a unique one, at that. Can you remember what happened?"

Tyze's mind reeled, fragments of memories flashing through his mind – the system, the phone, his mom's number... He shook his head, wincing in pain.

Tyze slowly sat up, his head pounding, and looked at Sophia's gentle features, her eyes filled with concern as she held his face softly. Beside her, the man in the white lab coat examined him.

"Who are you?" Tyze asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "What happened?"

The man smiled kindly. "I'm Dr. Lee. You're in a medical facility, Franco. You've been through a rare accident."

Tyze's gaze drifted to his shirt, stained with blood. "What happened?" he repeated, a surge of panic rising.

Sophia's hands on his face steadied him, her touch warm and reassuring. "Easy, baby. Don't stress yourself."

Tyze's eyes locked on Dr. Lee. "How did I get here? What happened to me?"

Dr. Lee nodded. "You were brought in by Sophia here. You'd experienced a... unique event. I'm still trying to understand the full extent of it, though."

Tyze's mind reeled, fragments of memories flashing through his mind – the system, the phone, his mom's number... He shook his head, wincing in pain.

Sophia helped Tyze swing his legs over the side of the bed, supporting him as he stood up. Tyze took a deep breath, trying to clear his foggy mind.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Sophia said, guiding him towards a bathroom. As they walked, Tyze asked, "What's going on? Why is there blood on my shirt?"

Sophia's expression turned somber. "You don't remember anything, do you?" Tyze shook his head, feeling a sense of unease.

"We'll talk about it later," Sophia said, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. But noticing her change in mood Insisted on hearing her out.

Talk to me Sophia" Tyze said holding her on the chin.

"I thought we said no secrets."she cut in immediately

Tyze looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

Sophia's eyes narrowed. "You just changed a lot, everything, since you woke up that morning... like it's not my Franco I've been with." She held her arms, as if shivering, her expression mirroring her words.

Tyze let out a deep breath, as he pretended,struggling to understand. "I don't understand, Sophia."

Sophia took a deep breath, her eyes locked on his. "I don't want to argue with you, baby. I'm just telling you what I see.

Even Marcus noticed it – the way you act, the way you walk, even the way you... make love to me." She paused, her voice gentle but firm.

"It's not that it's not satisfying, but it's different, it's not like you usually…..

and it's just all of a sudden, it's like you're someone else entirely. I've been trying to just believe nothing was wrong but obviously there's something you're not telling me". Or there's something wrong with you.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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