

The sound of a mechanical breathing breaks the silence among the young heroes in training.The bane of Class 1-A stands motionless dual wielding a red an purple lightsaber.

He is surrounded by young fear, he can sense all of it.He can see the panic in their eyes, unable to move as if they're frozen in place.Fear has driven them to ground from the dark deeds Vader has in mind.

Class 1-A finally snap out of their trances and manage to move after being frozen in place, but still being controlled by their fears.

Vader senses the force warning him, he immediately steps back to avoid a punch from Tenya who runs at him with full speed.Time slows down for Iida as he runs toward Vader, who 's completely immobile.Just as he's a couple feet away from him, the mask of the black monolith turns toward the speedster, causing Tenya to be in shock.

Tenya's thoughts: NANI?!

Vader leaps toward him and stops right in front of him.He swings his lightsaber at Tenya, who barely dodges the crimson blade in time.But Vader blasts him with a powerful force push, sending the speedster up in the air.Vader pulls him down from the air with the force and slams him on the ground, and holds him in place by planting his boot to the abdomen.

Time returns to normal for everyone and everyone is in shock seeing Vader's boot on Tenya.

Vader: You have an impressive quirk, young Iida.But I'm afraid I must put an end to this.

Class 1-A watches in horror when Vader lands a blow to Tenya's chest with his lightsaber.

Class 1-A TENYA!!!

They yelled as they watch the scene happen, believing Vader actually murdered him in cold blood.But they got a closer look to see that he was unconscious with no cauterized wounds on his chest, due to the lightsaber being on training mode.Principal Nezu's voice was then heard from a nearby speaker.

Nezu: Iida is down for the fight!19 heroes remaining!If you are struck by Vader's lightsaber, then you are out!

Nezu warned the students through the speaker, rest assuring them.

Ojiro rushed at Vader with a series of attacks, swinging his tail and hands fire punches.Vader dodged the punches and uses the opportunity to slash him across the chest, leaving everyone in shock and horror when the purple lightsaber comes into contact.

Nezu: Ojiro is out!18 heroes remaining!

Vader then clips Yuri's lightsaber to his belt, deciding to wield his own for the moment.Kaminari then gets an idea when he remembers watching the fight between Vader and All for One back at the Kamino incident, witnessing the cybernetic implants all over Vader's body.He activates his quirk and sends an electric wave at Vader to fry his suit.

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Momo: Kaminari!Dont!

Momo warned the Pikachu boy, remembering the surge protective gauntlet she and Mei installed for Vader's suit.Vader countered the electric attack by throwing out his left hand, using the surge protective gauntlet to absorb the energy.


Vader: How about that?

Vader said to himself as the suit read the power cells' capacity.Izuku then noticed an opportunity when Vader was being occupied with absorbing the electricity.

Izuku: Todoroki, now!

Todoroki nods at Midoriya, he unleashes his ice attack on Vader, trapping him in place.The ice suddenly shatters when Vader breaks free by unleashing a powerful force repulse, sending fragments and shards in many directions.Izuku uses One For All to shoot out a powerful gush of wind to shield everyone from the dangerous shards.

Before anyone can react, Vader unleashes a barrage of blue force lightning at everyone, causing all of the students to fall down and squirm from the pain.

Yaoyorozu pushes through the pain as she creates a flash bang, causing Vader to cover his eyes from it going off.He then recovers from the blinding light, only to find the rest of Class 1-A has split up into groups and are now gone.

Vader: hmm...


After Class 1-A retreated deeper into the fake city and splitting into groups, we find Kaminari, Tsuyu, Sato, and Sero somewhere out in the open.They retreated inside the fake city's sewers to hide and catch their breaths after running away from Vader's wrath.

Tsuyu: that- that hurt a lot.*Ribbit*

Kaminari: No kidding.Remind me to never use my electricity on him again.

Sero: Look guys, we know Vader is very powerful, but we need to have a plan if we're going to attack him.He's tough, but not invincible.

Sato: You're right!We need to think more strategically!Right Tsu?...



Sato: Tsu?

Everyone turns their direction to Tsu, only to find her missing.

Kaminari: Wha- Where did she go?She was just here a second!

Nezu: Asui is out!17 heroes remaining!

The speaker inside the sewer said out loud, causing the trio to freeze after hearing her elimination.Now they know Vader is nearby, probably watching them right now.

In panic, the trio start looking their surroundings of the dark sewers to see if they can find the black monolith.

Sero: AAH!

Sero was out of view when he was suddenly pulled into the darkness, like something out of a horror movie for Sato and Kaminari.

Nezu: Sero is out!16 heroes remaining!

The remaining two heroes start panicking even further upon hearing Sero's elimination.They wanted to run, but they don't want to run into Vader if they choose the wrong way.Sato turns his head just in time to see Vader towering behind Kaminari, about to grab the Pikachu boy.

Sato: DUCK!

And with that, Kaminari rolls out of harms way for Sato to throw a strong punch at Vader's breast armor, staggering him for a second.

Rikido pulls out a pack of 10 grams of sugar and consumes it, increasing his strength by five-fold for five minutes.He then pulls out a large boulder of concrete after charging his strength.

As Vader was recovering, he was crushed from the back of his helmet from a massive boulder held by Sato.Staggered by the attack, Vader was then grabbed by the sugar boy and disarmed by him, dropping his lightsaber.

Vader: Enjoy this battle, hero...

Despite being hit in the back by a boulder, Vader manages to overpower Sato as soon as he refocuses on the force, grabbing him by the throat and starting to physically choke him.

He then uses his other hand to call for his lightsaber hilt and thumbs it to life.

Vader: For it will be your last.

Just before he can strike Sato down, he was suddenly struck by Kaminari's 1.3 million volts of electricity from behind.He was forced to drop Sato and staggered back from the electricity short-circuiting his suit until it stopped.

Vader picks himself up after being electrocuted by Kaminari, only to find the two heroes are now gone.He grunts to himself after noticing his suit is now offline, due to Kaminari's large amount of volts.He'll have to rely without the suit's night vision and other flashy features it has to offer if he wants to hunt down the heroes.

But Vader whips his head to a random direction when his thoughts of planning are interrupted.

Vader senses a disturbance in the force.He looks around the dark sewers' many directions to where his stalker could be.He couldn't see them, but he can feel them watching him in the darkness.

It was neither Sato or Kaminari's signature.This signature felt dark.He almost let out a chuckle to himself.If the perp can see him without the mask, he would've been shown smirking.

Vader: Ohh, you think darkness is your ally...

Vader said out loud as he took a step forward.

Vader: But you merely adopted the dark.I enslaved the dark side, moulded it into my image.

He takes a few glances around the pitch black surroundings, not one ounce of fear entering his system.

Vader: I didn't feel the light side for a long time, but by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!

He immediately threw his hand out in the shadows, using the force to grab the sentient quirk, Dark Shadow.He stared daggers into the sentient quirk's eyes and hurled it aside, followed by Tokoyami who was also hiding in the shadows.

Vader: The shadows betray you...

Vader said as he marched toward Tokyoyami.He unleashed force lightning at Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, causing them to scream from the painful sensation.He continued electrocute them until the sentient quirk retreated back inside its user.

He activates his lightsaber and raise it above him.

Vader: Because they belong to me!

He proclaimed before striking down the dark hero-in-training.

Nezu: Tokoyami is out!15 heroes remaining!

Vader stared at the unconscious student after hitting him across the head with his lightsaber.

Vader: But you did well for using the shadows to your advantage.

Vader admitted before resuming his plan on how to rely without his suit.

He then has an idea for the suit's solution.Instead of following Sato and Kaminari, he walks to another direction, exiting the sewer.


A group of four of Class 1-A stand on a rooftop to get a better view of the fake city.Eijiro, Momo, Kyoka, and Mina keeps their eyes vigilant while coming up with a plan to take down the black monolith.

Eijiro: So we can't use electricity because...?

Momo: Because after the fight with All For One, Vader's suit was upgraded by Hatsume and I. He has a surge protective gauntlet that can absorb any electrical charges if he uses it.

Eijiro: So he's completely immune to electricity?!

Momo: Not exactly.We have to keep him distracted if we are to disrupt his suit.Use the element of surprise to get the upper hand.

Momo said as she continued on with explaining Eijiro on the plan to take down Vader.But Jiro and Mina catch something out in the open.

Mina: uh guys?You might want to take a look at this.

Momo and Eijiro stop with their planning and head for the rooftop's edge.There out in the open, Vader is seen marching down the streets.They watch him searching around until his eyes land on a power line connected to the city.He uses the force to snap the metal beam to bring down the power line to his reach.

Jiro: What is he doing?

Momo: I'm not sure.

The four watch Vader's left hand grabbed onto the power line used the force to manipulate the fake city's energy.But before Momo realized what he's doing, it was too late.


Vader yelled when he felt the sudden energy course through him as the fake city's energy re-empowered his suit's power cells.The process caused a massive electric charge throughout the area, cutting off the fake city's power, entirely.


Snipe: What in God's name?!

Toshinori: What just happened?!

Present Mic: Did he just took out the power?!

At the observation room, the UA staff are in shock and in confusion after watching Vader knocked out the fake city's power grid, including all the cameras.The only one who remained calm was the principal.

Nezu: Calm down everyone.I had a feeling something like this would happen.

Nezu said as he pressed a red button with an electric symbol on it, switching the fake city's power grid to backup mode and allowing the cameras to be back online.

Nezu: Now then, let's see what happens next!


Jiro: What...

Mina: The...

Kirishima: hell...

The four heroes laid on the rooftop after the massive electric charge blew them off their feet.They recovered from the blast and returned to the rooftop's edge, only to find that Vader was no longer next to the power line.

Mina: Where did he go?!

She said in panic, fearing he could be anywhere.

Kirishima: Did you think he saw us?

Momo: I don't think so.Even if he did, it's going to take him a while to climb up-

Momo: Here...

She finished after hearing the mechanical breathing from behind.The four students turned around to see a Vader staring at them without any motion.

Vader: Hello there.

Krishima: Why do I hear boss music?

The hardening hero said before Vader suddenly force pushed them off the roof, down to the street and earning a rough landing.Thankfully the building was not too high, otherwise they would've suffered serious injuries.

As for Vader, he takes a leap off the edge and lands with a loud thud in front of the four students.

The four students of class 1-A take a few steps back from Vader after he makes his landing, in which he slowly rises at his full height.

Vader raises his two hands, using the force to levitate the fake city's cars, power lines, and pulling out a large amount of chunks from a building.All start to levitate around him and the four.

Mina: Oh no...

Vader launches one of the floating cars at them, but Eijiro is quick enough to harden himself and shield his friends from the oncoming attack.He tosses the car aside and punches an oncoming power line with all of his strength, snapping it into two.

But Eijiro cannot catch a break when all the chunks start to plumule him.One by one, they slowly push him back with every collision.Until he sees an Vader boomerang throws his lightsaber at him, forcing him to roll out of the way and hit something else from behind.

Nezu: Ashido is out!14 heroes remaining!

His eyes widen after hearing the principal's voice.He looks over to see an unconscious Mina laying on the ground after receiving a concussion from Vader's lightsaber.

Kirishima: Oops... GRK!

His body suddenly floats in the air when an invisible grip wraps around his throat.He looks over to Vader with his hand stretching out in a cup gesture, and starting to see black in the corner of his eyes.

But before Vader can finish the job, he exerts in pain when Jiro uses one of her earphone jacks to plug into his arm, channeling a violent vibration all over his body.Vader grunts when he releases Kirishima to violently pull out the jack from his arm.

But this was just a distraction for the real threat.


With no time to react, a cannonball explodes upon hitting Vader, covering him and his area with a huge screen of smoke and fire.Kirishima and Jiro turn to the source of the shot, seeing Yayorozu who stands a distance away holding a cannon with its barrel smoking.


Kirishima exclaims in victory.Momo relaxes herself by letting out a sigh of relief and exhaustion after creating the cannon.

Jiro: Guys, wait a minute!

The two gave her a look after calling out at them.

Kirishima: What?We defeated him.

Jiro: If we defeated Vader, then why didn't Nezu announce it?

The Momo and Eijiro pause when hearing out her statement.The three then turn towards the fire, their hearts sink when they hear heavy footsteps.The silhouette of the black monolith stands tall as he bathes within the fire, and his black cape flowing behind.

No one moves a muscle when Vader finally emerges from the fire.His armor bears many damages from the blast.His right glove has tears revealing the mechno-arm underneath, a huge scratch on his helmet, the breast armor missing a chunk, his black leathery suit with tears revealing his skin, and his black cape and robes covered with tears.

Before anyone can react, Vader boomerang throws his lightsaber to disarm Momo by cutting her cannon in half.Next, he uses the force to lift up Kirishima and Jiro in the air, and knocking them out by colliding their heads against one another.

Nezu: Kirishima and Jiro are out!12 heroes remaining!

Now it's all up to Momo, who's exhausted after creating the cannon.Vader starts to slowly approach her.But the Everything Hero always has another card up her sleeves.

Momo: Maybe it's time I even the odds.

Vader pauses his approach, wondering what else she has in store for him.He can sense some doubt from her mind for whatever she's planning.So being the curious man he is, he gives her a chance to gather her composure, but also keeping a vigilant eye out for any more traps.

Vader: And what might that be, young Yaoyorozu.

Vader's question was answered when Momo pulled out a lightsaber hilt, leaving him surprised but impressed as well.

Back when Momo helped Vader with constructing his kyber crystals and lightsaber parts.With all of the information of the parts, she figured that she'd have a good understanding for how a lightsaber worked.

Momo raised her lightsaber hilt, her thumb was about to press the ignition button.But Vader used the force to pull it out of her hand and let it levitate in the air between the two.

Vader: You impress me, young lady.But...

He uses the force to activate the lightsaber hilt.A blue blade starts to ignite halfway until the hilt suddenly explodes.Momo is in shock after witnessing her lightsaber explode upon activation.

Vader: You must be a force user with focus such as I in order to carefully craft such an elegant weapon.Otherwise... you'll end up with failure.

And Vader wasn't lying.It's hard to create a lightsaber.Having to cut the kyber crystal in order to fit inside the hilt, otherwise it will explode upon activation.

Momo feels the dread cloud her mind, knowing she's outmatched.But lucky for her Vader is feeling generous for today.He grabs Yuri's hilt from his belt and tosses it at Momo, who quickly catches it.Vader thumbs his crimson blade to life, he holds his lightsaber out with the tip pointing at Momo, while moving his other hand behind his back.

Vader: Shall we?

Vader's voice modulator asked with a robotic tone.Momo replied by igniting her lightsaber and falls into a stance of kenjutsu.

She knows that she's skillful when it comes to her using katanas, swords, and staffs when facing against villains.But she silently asks herself if she can take on someone such as THE black monolith himself.

An intense atmosphere floods over the two as they stare down at each other, until Vader makes the first move by rushing at Momo with great speed.Momo quickly stops the crimson blade from hitting her by locking it with her purple blade.

She looks into the lifeless sockets of the black mask staring at her onyx eyes, noticing a crack on the left lens from her cannon attack.

Momo retracts from the blade lock to attack from Vader's left, only for Vader to gracefully leap over her head.No man with a clad armor such as his should be able to do possess such feats.Unless they're a force user.Momo lifts up her lightsaber strike Vader's legs, but he parries it like it's nothing to him, and falling behind her.

Momo quickly turns to face him, but is being force back by a series of heavy strikes, each one more ferocious than the last.She starts to feel her strength slowly drain after blocking multiple strikes, which is what Vader is actually going for.

He sees his opportunity when Momo breaks out of her defense to go for the offense.The everything hero is in shock when Vader utilizes force camouflage to suddenly vanish before her very own eyes.Momo starts to look around for her opponent to parry his oncoming attack, only for Vader to materialize behind her.

Vader: All too easy.

Momo's eyes widen when she hears the deep voice modulator from behind.Before she can react, she suddenly feels a rough hand grabbing her neck and lifting her feet up from the ground, causing her to drop the lightsaber from her hand.

Vader: Now then... where are your hero friends?


Inside a hollow building far from the duel, Izuku tries to tend to his injured friend/bully, Katsuki with his wounds while Shoto keeps an eye out for Vader.

Katsuki: Don't touch me, you damn nerd!

Izuku: But Kacchan-


Shoto: If you two don't wish to give away our location, I'd suggest you'd use your inside voices.

Shoto said in a deadpanned tone.And to his surprise, Katsuki reluctantly complied since the hothead didn't want to face Vader again.

Nezu: Yaoyorozu is out!11 heroes remaining!

Katsuki: Tch.Who would've thought that-

Nezu: Sato and Kaminari are out!9 heroes remaining!

The three are surprised from the sudden announcement of Sato and Kaminari's elimination coming right after Momo's.

Izuku: Wait, how did he-

Nezu: Mineta, Koda are Aoyama, and Shoji are out!5 heroes remaining!

The three are in shock after hearing an announcement of three of their friends' elimination coming after the previous.

Katsuki: How the fuck is he-

Nezu: Hagakure and Uraraka are out!3 heroes remaining!




Shoto: That's impossible...

Shoto said in shock, breaking the silence after hearing everyone else's elimination.No one dared to say another word after hearing the announcements.They're the last participants remaining in the fake city.

The three young heroes-in-training feel their hairs stand up all over their body after hearing the ignition of a lightsaber.They turn to the source of the sound, which is coming from above.A black clad figure jumps from a railing above and gracefully lands in front of them.The figure slowly rises to his his height, revealing to be the black monolith himself, lightsaber in hand.

Vader: You wish to prove yourselves as worthy heroes?

Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto takes notice of Vader's armor is barely operating, covered with severe damages after fighting the rest of Class 1-A.The most noticeable one is a gash on the mask's left side, revealing a fiery yellow eye glaring daggers at the three.

Vader: Then give me a fight worthy of my time.


Present Mic yelled at his coworkers after watching Vader using force dash to quickly eliminate the majority of Class 1-A.It was now down to the remaining three members of class 1-A: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo.The entire staff were dumbstruck from how much just happened throughout the battle.

Toshinori: I- I had no clue he can move that fast.

Snipe: Yeah.I'd expect someone like him to be slow because of that armor.But this?This is on a whole new level.

Snipe commented as he watched the school's medical drones recovering the injured students that were down for the count after facing Vader's wrath, and have them sent to Recovery Girl.

Nezu stared at the screen showing Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki inside one of the mock buildings.He can see the three of them all tensed after hearing him announcing the eliminations of the rest of Class 1-A.

Toshinori: Look!

Toshinori points at one of the cameras inside the building with the three students.The camera shows Vader crouching on a railing above them, they can barely see his left eye through his damaged mask.They were eyes of a predator stalking its prey, and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Vader stands up to his height and alerts Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki of his presence when he ignites his lightsaber before jumping off the railing.He rises to his full height after gracefully landing in front if them, towering over them with malicious intent.

Vader: You wish to prove yourselves as worthy heroes?Then give me a fight worthy of my time.

The UA staff were silent when Vader practically challenged the young students to the grand finale.


Everyone turns their heads to the sudden sound of someone munching, which is Midnight with a bag of popcorn.

Midnight: What?

She asked with her mouth full of rich buttery popcorn.


The three remaining students of Class 1-A are sent tumbling outside after crashing through a wall.They lay on the ground in pain from the painful impact for a second before recovering just in time to see a battle damaged Vader walking out of the large hole he sent them through.

Izuku's mind was running scared at the sight of Vader's stride.Flashbacks of the USJ incident ran through his mind when he saw Vader slaughtered the villains like animals with no remorse and no hesitation.

But something clicked inside the ninth user of One For All.The motivation that saved Katsuki from the sludge monster fought against the fear taking control of his body.Izuku knew Vader was a very powerful man not to be reckoned with, but he sure was not invincible.

Izuku: We'll take him together.

Izuku says to Shoto and Katsuki as they stare down at Vader's left eye glaring daggers at them.

Katsuki: I'm taking him now!

Katsuki launches himself at the battle damaged Vader, believing that he's got a chance to take him down since his armor received numerous damages from the rest of Class 1-A

Izuku: Kacchan, wait!

Katsuki flies towards Vader in high speed to land a hit at his mask, but he sees Vader holding his lightsaber like a baseball bat, forcing him to launch at another direction and hit him at his back.Vader rolls out of the way and uses the force to slam Katsuki to the ground.

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Bakugo stands up to his feet and sends a right hook at Vader, who sidesteps the obvious attack.

Vader: Familiar.Don't you learn anything new?

Vader taunted the Pomeranian boy after dodging an obvious right hook.

Katsuki: HOW ABOUT THIS?!?!

He shot back when he instantly blasted Vader at the legs, causing him to fall on his back and the shin armor on his left leg to break.Katsuki immediately flew up in the air and used his quirk to bombard the whole area where Vader was.

But Vader quickly recovers and uses the force to shield himself from the bombardment at the last second.He sees Katsuki flying down at him to create yet another bombardment, so he prevents it by unleashing force lightning at Katsuki.

Katsuki crashes down to the ground when he starts to painfully scream from Vader's force lighting.Luckily for him, Shoto forms an ice barrier between the two to save Katsuki from the pain, Izuku activates One For All and spears Vader to his side.

Vader was sent flying from the powerful kick until he crashed against a wall and plants a knee, refusing to fall.He feels his right side of his body all soar from Izuku's attack, he thought to himself that he probably received a minor fracture at most.

Vader immediately rolls out of harms way when Katsuki sends yet another attack.While he continues to dodge and parry the explosive attacks, Izuku and Shoto joins in the fight, forcing.Vader to the defense.He creates a force barrier to shield himself from Izuku's powerful One For All hit and save himself from Shoto sending a stream of fire.Knowing he is in a tight position, Vader presses a button on his belt's left box to call for backup.

Izuku: That barrier won't hold him for long!We just need to wear him out for him to-

Izuku was then interrupted by the sound of a highly-powered engine, causing the three young heroes to stop with their assault on Vader.

The three are in shock when Vader's car crashes through a wall and starts speeding towards them.Izuku and Shoto are quick enough to immediately dodge out of harms way, but the same cannot be said for Katsuki when the car rams him and sends him tumbling.

Izuku: Kacchan!

Izuku uses One For All to rush for Katsuki's need of help.But Vader prevents this when he presses another button on his belt to turn the tables against them.

[Weapons System Activated]

Two gun turrets pop out of the car's hood and immediately start firing a series of rubber bullets at Izuku.

Izuku had to change his course of actions when the turrets were focused on him.He sped out of harms way in a flash of green, avoiding the rain of bullets, but that was a big mistake since he basically left Katsuki out in the open.

Katsuki lies on the ground in pain after being hit by he car.He starts to crawl away to find some cover and recover from the pain, only for Vader to plant a boot on his back, causing him to grunt in pain from the heavy boot starting to crush his spine.

The last thing he saw when he took a glance over his shoulder was Vader staring down at him before striking him down with his lightsaber.

Nezu: Bakugo is out!2 heroes remaining!

Izuku and Shoto's eyes widen from Katsuki's retirement.They look towards where Katsuki should be, and they find him laying on the ground, unconscious from Vader's lightsaber hit.

The turrets immediately gets a lock on both Izuku and Shoto, to which the hot n' cold boy reacts in time to form an ice barrier to shield themselves from the rubber bullets pelleting them.But that doesn't save them when the car crashes through the ice barrier and hits Shoto, sending him flying and fall unconscious when he hits the ground.

Nezu: Todoroki is out!1 hero remaining!

Izuku's legs violently shake as he slowly gets back on his feet after rolling out of the cars way in time, he looks over Shoto's unconscious body being carried away by a medical drone, then over to Vader.

The car makes a sharp turn and drives away until out of view when Vader presses a button on his belt.

Vader: At last, it is down to the two of us, ninth user of One For All.You are strong enough to have all that power, yet too weak to take it!

Vader sends a force punch straight at Izuku's stomach, pushing him back and falling down hard on the ground.

Vader: Prove yourself.Show me why All Might chose you to be his worthy successor.

Izuku gets up with determination and accepting Vader's challenge, activating One For All.

Izuku gets up with determination and accepting Vader's challenge, activating One For All.Vader stands his ground unfazed from Izuku's serious expression as the boy gets into a battle stance.

Vader: So pick yourself up young Midoriya, and rise...

(A/N: Insert epic battle music of choice)

Izuku runs at Vader with incredible speed and jumps forward and delivers a kick to Vader's chest.Vader is quick enough to raise a hand to form a force barrier to shield himself, and surprisingly, Izuku's powerful kick is enough to have Vader's feet start sliding across the ground.

Izuku continues with his attack and starts sending combos of punches and kicks, Vader grunts in irritation and uses the force to stop the attack by catching his fists before they could even make contact with him, and blasts him away with a force repulse.

Izuku summons blackwhip and grabs a hold on Vader and pulls him with him, and delivering a uppercut at the mask's jaw, sending Vader flying towards a wall and nearly crashing through it.

Vader recovered from the uppercut and saw Izuku coming at him.He dodged the kick and grabbed a hold on the boy's leg, and hurled him at the same wall he crashed against, this time the wall gave through when Izuku broke through it.

Vader watches Izuku stumbling out of the hole in the wall with a determined look, no sign of giving up.

Izuku rushed at his target in a blink of an eye, Vader prepared himself with his lightsaber and aggressively swings with one hand, forcing the boy to dodge each of the oncoming attacks in slow motion.At the last oncoming attack, Izuku utilized blackwhip to Vader's right hand and slammed him down to the floor.Having enough, Vader growled for having to hold himself back from accidentally killing Izuku.

He got up just in time to see Izuku speeding up at him through the air, and responded by launching force lighting at him.Izuku was sent flying back from the excruciating attack and falls to the ground with his body steaming from being electrocuted.

Izuku's body twitches as he struggles to get up, only for Vader to deliver a kick to the gut.

Vader: Get up.

Vader said with a sternly tone, expecting more out of his opponent.Izuku's eyes constrict as he obliged with Vader's demand by immediately shooting off his back and tackled him down to the ground.He started punching Vader's mask over and over again with a couple dents, until Vader's cybernetic hand catch his fist.He then headbutted Izuku with his durasteel helmet, earning the boy a messy nosebleed as he shouted in pain with a hand over his nose.

Vader pushes Izuku off of him and stands up on his feet, and swings his lightsaber down at him.Izuku is quick enough to roll away from the oncoming attack, but not quick enough to earn a small cauterized cut at the side on his right arm..

Like Vader, Izuku uses his pain and anger to push through and lets out a loud shout as pushes his hands with a flicking gesture at Vader's chest.

Izuku: ONE FOR ALL 10%!!!

Green electricity surrounded Izuku as he released his double flicked fingers, sending Vader to a building, violently crashing through multiple walls until he collided against one strong enough to withstand him, leaving a massive dent instead of a hole.

Vader falls to the ground on one knee and plants down a fist to hold himself, refusing to fall in defeat.The Chosen One wastes no time in recovering and stands at his full height, igniting his lightsaber in hand.

After standing up to his full height, Vader felt his back in soar for crashing through the hard walls.Thank the force his armor protected him, otherwise he would've suffered some serious injuries.

Vader then sees Izuku charging through the series of holes, and jumps up in the air to send another attack.


Vader: No.

Vader simply replies before swiping Izuku to the left to redirect the attack, like how a person swipes left on tinder.

Izuku's eyes widen at the last second before he crashes through a wall and is finally back outside.He starts coughing after breathing in some of the dust before brushing more dust off of him, until he noticed Vader stepping out of the hole.

Vader: Impressive.Despite the fact that you are outmatched, you're still getting up.

Izuku: I'm not going to give up, because heroes always win!

Vader frowned from Izuku's answer about heroes always winning.The boy may have guts, but he's naive.

Vader: No one is immune to failure, especially heroes.All have tasted the bitterness of defeat.Allow me to teach you what it means to face defeat.

Vader said with a sinister smile showing through the shattered mask's left side, which pissed off Izuku.The boy dashed to him at full speed, and using 8% of One For All to break open Vader's mask.But to Izuku's surprise, Vader boomerang throws his lightsaber at him, forcing him to utilize blackwhip to pull himself out of the oncoming blade.

As soon as Izuku barely dodges the lightsaber, he swings high enough in the air and launches down to Vader with a powerful kick.

Vader stretches a hand out and sends force lighting at Izuku.But to his surprise, Izuku is pushing through the extremely painful sensation of the electricity cooking him and manages to get close enough to send a kick at Vader.

Vader staggers back with a hand over his helmet after receiving the kick.He shakes it off and looks up to see Izuku pushing his punch to the limit to end the fight, once and for all.


The punch was powerful enough to destroy the entire area surrounding the two and form a massive mushroom cloud.

Izuku was on his knees and panting so hard after sending his final attack to Vader.He calms his fast heart rate and slowly gets back up to his feet, ready for Nezu to announce Vader's defeat.

But to his confusion, Nezu does not announce his victory at all.His brain clicks together when he looks over to where Vader should be at, his eyes widen when the cloud of dust clears away to reveal Vader still standing tall.

But what really caught Izuku's eyes was the fact that Vader's mask was damaged to the point where the helmet was gone and only half of the actual mask remained.

Vader pulled off the half of his mask that was still attached, fully revealing the face of a young man with a mullet hair in his 20s, instead of a middle aged bald man with scars and pale skin from being burned alive many years ago.

Anakin's blue eyes turn to the fiery color of yellow, glaring daggers at Izuku.

Izuku's body froze in place when he felt the cold feeling, the shiver running down his spine.Those eyes pierced through his young soul as if he was staring at the devil himself.

Anakin slightly smirked at the frightened boy, deciding he might let himself loose just this once.

Anakin: I will show you the sheer might of the force.

Anakin focused on the force and let his emotions flow through him, the chunks and debris from the destroyed buildings started to violently rattle.

Anakin let out a yell as he utilizes the Sith ability known as force maelstrom.Chunks of buildings and pavement circled around Anakin and a massive twister formed from him.Izuku was in shock when he remembered this is ability he used to defeat All Might when he was a vigilante, except this one was much larger and had red lightning flashing around the storm that grew rapidly.

Izuku quickly used blackwhip to swing himself out of danger, but was suddenly smacked by a streetlight poll and sent within the growing twister.Red lightning flashed around the massive twister as it fried away the objects caught inside the storm, one barely missed Izuku as he was colliding with nearly everything circling around the storm.

The massive storm reached at such power that it nearly covered the entire fake city, buildings within the area started to crumble, even the UA staff can feel the observation room shaking from the storm.

The twister suddenly started to die down and just like that, the storm was gone, now revealing a wasteland of what was once the fake city with nothing left standing.


At the observation room, the UA staff and the students of Class 1-A that stuck around to watch were in a panic frenzy from the force maelstrom.Most of them were pleading principal Nezu to order Vader to stand down the moment the twister started to form, but he refused and had assured them that he trusted Vader for what he was doing.

Toshinori watched in horror at the aftermath of the force maelstrom, remembering the night Vader used the same ability against him, except this one was much larger than before.The few remaining cameras that were still intact showed no signs of Vader or Izuku anywhere at the fake city.

Everyone began to fear that the storm may had killed them from either being crushed by a massive hurling object, or being fried to ashes by one of the red lightning bolts that flashed around the twister.

Everyone's thoughts of the worst were interrupted when the door suddenly bursted open off its hinges.

Anakin Skywalker stands before everyone in the observation room.His suit receive severe damages from the fight, no longer functioning.On his arms, he carries the body of Izuku Midoriya.The boy's chest rises and falls indicating he is alive, just unconscious.

Anakin looks at everyone's faces written with shocked and awed expressions all over them, and slightly smiles at them.

Anakin: Was I going too far?