
Sky Dragon's Court

After fusing with the memories of a fallen god, a boy with no hope to become a martial artist will rise from a meek cripple to an unyielding genius. Witness his rise to godhood as he turns the world upside down in his quest to the reach the elusive and legendary God Realm.

DuskFalcon · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Forge God Memories

"Where am I? Who am I?"

A proud arrogant voice roared in his head. "I am the son of heaven beloved by millions, heaven and earth trembled at the sound of my hammer. I am the number Forge God, let the everyone who hears my name tremble, for I am Logan Rao"

A meek voice answered back "I'm a spineless coward, a good for nothing cripple who is bullied and teased, please don't call for me, I am Logan Rao"

A piercing pain wracked his mind making it hard to make sense of what was going on. A swirl of thoughts and memories were flashing before his eyes at rapid speed. A groan of pain escaped him as he fell to the ground clutching his head.

"My god Logan! Cherry quick call Doctor Gunter. There, there my sweet child. Mom is here. Nothing bad will happened to you."

A gentle hand caressed Logan's back as a gentle voice enter his ear it was full of love, happiness and tinge of worry.

The pain in Logan's head started to clear, he slowly opened his eyes. His blurry vision became clearer and he saw a beautiful woman kneeling next to him.

The woman looked to be in her early thirties with long black hair, her eyes were red and filled with tears as she looked at Logan with a loving smile. What little make up she wore had been ruined by her flowing tears.

"Oh, my sweet child, you're going to give your mom a heart attack." She caressed Logan's hair before a new wave of tears flowed freely from her eyes.


Logan looked at the strange yet familiar woman, a hint of doubt slipped into his words.

Another wave tears, flowed from the woman as she panicked. "Oh no, don't tell me you don't recognize your own mother.

The door suddenly opened, and two people walked in. One was an elderly man with long white hair and beard that fell to his stomach. He was wearing a white robe and pointy hat, next to him was a young girl probably thirteen wearing a loose dress that had seen better days.

The doctor helped Logan out of the floor and into the bed before examining him. "Mrs. Rao. Logan suffered a serious beating and it will take some time and rest before his memories come back. I already gave him a potent medicine that it's currently healing his wounds. Best to let him rest so he absorbed the rest of the medicine."

Mrs. Rao looked a Logan through tear streaked eyes and nodded, gave him a kiss on the cheek before escorting the elderly doctor out.

Logan sat on the bed rubbing where Mrs. Rao had kiss him, even though they had stepped outside the door he could still hear him.

"Mrs. Rao, Logan's injuries are extensive the beating he took was severe. It's a miracle that he came back alive at all. It's best not to get your hopes up." The elderly doctor consoled Mrs. Long softly.

Mrs. Rao sobbed. "But doctor, you are a Master Alchemist can't you do anything?"

The elderly alchemist sighed. "Mrs. Rao, Logan received rather nasty beating. One of the blows was to the back of the head. Even with my ample talents, his chances are not that great. Permanent loss of memory is a possibility…"

The two slowly made their way farther from the room and Logan couldn't hear them anymore. He was left in the room with the young girl who was standing by the door.

Logan laid down looking up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. The piercing pain had dulled to slow thrum, but his head was still aching and sore. Not to mentioned he now noticed that his entire body was in pain.

He closed his eyes to think.

'I'm Logan Rao, but what happened to me? Mrs. Rao was obviously his mother and she seem to care a great deal about him. Yet how could she feel so unfamiliar to him?'

Also, what's the deal with all these confusing memories circling around in my head? I have memories of being an extremely arrogant yet powerful person…but also, I have other memories of been so weak and helpless that I'm often bullied.

Forge God Logan Rao or Useless Trash Logan Rao? Which one is the real? Who am I really? Am I the Forge God reincarnated or a fusion of a greatness with trash?

"Screw it, it doesn't matter. I am me, Logan Rao. Forge God or Useless cripple it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm alive." He said convincingly.

"Young master, are you ok?" A meek voice sounded from the door.

Shit, he forgot that the young girl was still in the room with him. She is going to think I'm crazy. In a desperate attempt Logan started snoring loudly.

He could hear the small steps of the girl as she came close and touch his forehead. "Young master must be having a weird dream. Better go get him some water."

He waited until he heard the door close before he opened his eyes.

"Almost gave myself away. Now that she's gone, let's see what's wrong with this body. From what I can tell I have two sets of memories that have fused together, what's done is done. I should better spent my energies on something I can actually fix."

Logan turned his senses inwards and saw with his mind's eye that he had several broken ribs, his arm had two fractures and the back of his skull had a dent it. Whoever gave him a beating wanted to kill him.

He crossed his arms and started to think. "While I cannot condense qi, my spiritual strength is extremely powerful, I can actually sense anything around me within hundred feet."

Logan was secretly delighted, according to his broken memories strong spiritual strength was a requirement for forge masters. He rapidly went through his memories and a grinned slowly started forming on his face. "I'm rich, I'm rich. Money, Money, Money!"

All the pain he suffered from his memories fusing with the Forge God didn't matter. He had profited greatly from his misfortune.

The Forge God was a former god and had lived a very colorful live according to his memories. Thanks to all that it had given him a very powerful soul.

"Now let's see why can't I cultivate."

He scanned his body again and went through his memories. What he found made him want to beat someone up. He had a rare Heaven Class Spiritual Root of the fire attribute. According to his Forge God memories, he had the Primordial Flare Root which was the apex of fire spiritual roots. What made this spiritual root so powerful was that it could absorb several types of flames without any side effects.

Normally a fire spiritual root could only absorb one type of flame, only on rare occasions would the spiritual root be able to absorb two. The Forge God had once in a million years Sunder Eclipse Root that allowed for the absorption of five flames. It was thanks to this incredible root that he managed to cultivate until he ascended to godhood.

However, Logan didn't have an exact limit. His spiritual root could absorb five or ten there was no limit. The only problem was that one had to awaken the Primordial Flare Root while it was in its dormant state if one were to examine it they would think it was a dead spiritual root with no hope to cultivate.

Which was exactly what happened, to him. When he was born his father had brought several alchemists and specialist to check his spiritual root and see if there was a way to revive it. They had stuffed him with so many pills and herbs but in the end all them said the same thing. That Logan was a cripple and could never step into the path of cultivation.

"Those idiots how could someone with a Primordial Flare Root not be able to cultivate. Their mothers couldn't cultivate, bunch of useless pigs." Logan was seething with rage.

Because of that failed diagnosis he had been suffering his entire life. After been labeled as a cripple he brought shame to his father and mother, not that his parents cared. They doted on him, his father even brought tutors to the house so he could learn strategy and become a scholar in the mortal world. His parents never brought up his condition not out shame but that they love their son too much.

In a world where strength was everything, not been able to cultivate was the greatest disgrace of a martial family. Specially since his father was the Dragon Marshall of the Crystal Lotus Kingdom and strongest cultivator of his generation.

Because of his perceived lack of talent his peers mock him and bullied him. Turning him into a meek and spineless coward.

"Well that was all in the past. Those who wronged me, I'll let bygones be bygones but if from now on you get in my way. Hmph see if I don't set you straight."

He was about to explode from rage when the door opened and the little girl from before entered. Now that he had a chance to go through his memories, he remembered her name was Cherry and she was her mother's attendant and the only servant left in the Rao Household.

"Young master is time for your medicine." She entered with a slight smiled as she saw that Logan was awake and no longer spouting nonsense.

"What kind of medicine is it Cherry?" He sniffed at the air and noticed a faint medicinal smell coming from Cherry's hand.

"The madam paid an enormous price to buy this from Master Alchemist Gunter. He said it's called the Second Life Pill and that it could heal the young master's injuries." She handed him a pill which made Logan frown.

Can this shit even be call a pill? The thing in his hand was lumpy and looked more like a cube than a pill. Hell, the thing looked black and brown with no sheen to it. If the thing didn't have a faint medicinal aroma coming from it, Logan was sure his mother had been conned.

Well to be honest, his mother had indeed been conned. Since his spiritual root was 'dead' there was no way he could circulate the medicinal properties through his body. His meridians were all clogged, in fact all those herbs and pills his father fed him all those years ago were still stuck in his clogged meridians.

He didn't know a lot about alchemy, but from his memories plenty of alchemists had gone to the Forge God with peerless pills in exchange for a weapon or armor. From those exchanges he knew that pills were divided into low grade, middle grade, high grade, top grade, and peerless grade. The thing in his hand could not even qualify as a low-grade pill. It was a trash pill that an alchemist failed to refine but still contain some medicinal properties.

The lump of cube in his hand probably had only ten to twenty percent of the intended medicinal properties the rest was dregs and shit. How am I supposed to eat this?

Cherry noticed the look of disgust in Logan's face and puffed her cheeks in displeasure. "Young Master, this something that Madam paid a huge priced to get for you. She had to pawn her remaining jewels to barely get enough money for this pill and that was after Master Gunter generously gave her a discount."

The old fart had given his mother a generous discount? She had to sell her remaining jewels for this piece of dung? Rage boiled in Logan's heart. His mother was a sweet and kind woman who had bathe Logan with love and affection never reproaching him for not been able to cultivate on the contrary she went out of her way to please her son.

it was to the point where Logan could never say no to her. He looked at the lumpy thing and even though it was trash by the Forge God standards and every cultivator in existence, the medicinal ingredients were still there, and he could make use of them.

"Cherry don't tell anyone that I'm awake, except for my mother."

She didn't understand why the young master asked her that but was pleased to see him swallowed the medicine and left to attend to the madam.

Even though Logan's spiritual root was dormant, and his meridians couldn't circulate the medicinal properties, he had an alternate way to guide the medicine through his body. He used his immense spiritual energy to circulate the medicine through his injuries.

After three days Logan exhausted the medicinal properties of the pills.

"Even though it was trash, the pill did heal most of my injuries the only one that didn't heal all the way was the dent on the back of my head."

He slowly got up and walked to the mirror and saw nothing out of the ordinary in his reflection. A handsome youngster with sharp blue eyes and long black hair. He took a deep breath and grinned. "From today on wards, I won't be the previous Logan. Today is the day I start my journey towards godhood."

Even though gods and immortals were legend in the Crystal Lotus Kingdom, Logan had the advantage of his Forge God memories and knew that the god realm was real.

"Now the first thing is to awaken my spiritual root."

The Primordial Flare Root could only be awakened by bathing it in fire. It sounded simple but in reality, it wasn't. The Spiritual Root was located in the dantian; which was locate in the navel. It was the foundation for all cultivators. Without a Spiritual Root, there was no way to sense heaven and earth's spiritual energy, let alone absorb it for cultivating. Logan had to insert a flame into his dantian where his spiritual root resided and slowly bathe it until the warm energy from the flames awakened it.

Once that happened he would be able to awaken his meridians and allowed the clogged medicinal properties that his father fed him over the years to flowed through his body finally.

"The problem is finding the appropriate flame." Logan pondered this for a moment.

He couldn't simply get any kitchen fire to awaken his spiritual root. According to his Forge God memories they were two types of flames that could work. The first were flames gathered from fire attribute magical beasts, these were call beast flames. Alchemists and Forge Masters hunted powerful beasts to obtain their flames since they were more powerful than the flames they could condense from their own spiritual qi.

The second were flames that were birthed by heaven and earth. These flames had their own intelligence and soul and were call spirit flames. The strongest ones were obviously the spirit flames except for the truly abnormal beast flames like those from phoenixes and dragons, but you needed to have a certain level of cultivation to even try absorbing one. Arrogant Alchemists and Forge Masters had been burnt to death because they didn't know their limits.

The same could be said for beast flames he didn't have the strength to go hunt one.

"I would just have to buy one." Adventurers hunted magical beasts all the time and sold their wares so one of them could have a cheap beast flame he could buy.

He summoned Cherry and told her to go buy the cheapest beast flame she could find. Logan noticed that the little girl was looking at him weirdly.

He was about ask why when it hit him. After he had been declared a cripple and his father sent to the border, the Rao family had lost the support of the royal family. These days they could barely make ends meet, while they were still considered nobles due to his father, they were the poorest of nobles. Hell, they couldn't even get a loan from a bank.

He looked up in his pockets and room and after a while he manage to scrounge up a hundred silver coins. This was a pathetic sum that maybe and it probably couldn't even buy the cheapest beast flame from the smallest magical beast. But it was all he had so he gave the money to Cherry with instructions on what to buy.

Almost half a day later Cherry returned with a small crystal flask, barely the size of his hand. Inside it was a small pale orange flame with a small speck of reddish pink in the center flickered inside.

As he scanned the flame with his spiritual strength, Logan wanted to cry but no tears would come out. This flame could not even be called a beast flame. As far as he could tell this was an alchemist's flame that had a small speck of a beast flame. The adventurer probably came upon an alchemist trying to refine a beast flame and failed. Before the alchemist's flame could dissipate, he captured it in the flask and sold it to Cherry.

First a trash pill and now a trash flame. Are the heavens looking down on me? He sent Cherry away and closed the doors to his room before siting down on the bed with a mocking smile on his face.

"No matter beggars couldn't be choosers. With this trash flame, I Logan Rao will take my first step into godhood."