It's actually hard to figure out what to say in the synopsis, well you look at the tags and read the 1 st chap I guess. It won't be a harem, I don't really know what it will become otherwise I would write a real synopsis if I have the inspiration.
"So are you God?" I was asking to this strangely normal being in front of me.
"No I am not."
"Does God exist ?"
"Maybe" Strange, I can read this person, he doesn't know. Is he pretending ?
"Are you a demon or an angel ? Can an alien be ? The embodiment of the universe, of death or something else ?" I asked him again.
"Nothing like that." Okay well satisfy my curiosity then !
"Okay so you tell me what and who are you ?" I was asking thinking about my past life.
My life has been boring, I was born then dropped out, adopted and went to school until I was 13.
I have always been rather intelligent not a genius but clever, very curious, athletic and I was playing music.
I liked the sport but I hated even more to lose to anything, but I was also associal, cold with everyone,
easily frustrated and perfectionist (not in a good way).
School was boring if, like me, we expected to go there thinking to learn and satisfy our curiosity about everything.
It was not a place made for that in priority but to socialize and prepare to live in society which really displeased me.
So I left school and started hanging out and doing bad things.
I liked it for a while but I didn't want to end my life in prison or worse, this is not a movie but real life with the luck I had I wasn't going to bet on that.
I obtained my diploma with difficulty as a free candidate without investing a lot, I had become lazy, my curiosity and my desire to learn had hidden I don't know where.
I knew I wouldn't get the following degrees without getting serious so I gave up.
I was not yet old enough to work so I started geeking, watching tons of anime, series and movies,
I started playing guitar and piano, burning all my savings and I was good, not a virtuoso but that was enough for me.
Anyway a little before I turned 18 I died.
Not by killing myself I was unhappy but not depressed, I don't know how and I don't remember the exact moment.
And so let's come back to this being who appeared in this strange space where everything around me is white or rather as if everything was illuminated in white.
I am in my body, I feel alive but I know that I am not it is weird.
I think about my situation for a few moments when a being arises in front of my sight, He looks like me, no he is me that's what I believed before thinking ;
yes, reincarnation is obviously the first thing that comes to my mind, it is certainly God!
To say that I did not really believe, well that does not surprise me very much either thanks to all these fanfic that I read I quickly recovered.
I am the first to speak, and here we are
"Okay so you tell me what and who are you ?" I was asking thinking about my past life.
"I am exactly you"
"..." I really don't know what to answer to that so I answer him: "can you develop?"
"Okay it would be fairer to say that you are me, because I existed before you and I created you."
"What are you talking about ?! And are you a fucking robot? Develop completely I don't understand how or why or what that implies !"
"Well excuse me I'm just in shock, just didn't expect to really create you since I'm just a normal human, nothing fantastic like you thought before ;
we're both currently in my imagination and i'm not really present, i only imagined being there, I guess you can treat me like an avatar of myself, ahhh that's really weird ...
Ok, I'll explain, I created you by wanting to create a friend or rather another personality like these guys who are in the mind of David Haller in the series Legion.
And I uhh succeeded?"
After being in the same state of shock as he was I guess, I ask him:
"Great you made it I think but I don't want to be your friend, I just found out that I am you and that I am locked in your imagination forever because you felt lonely you are horrible."
ah but I'm stupid !
"Yes you are, as you said you are trapped in my imagination, everything is then possible ^^"
Of course he can read my mind too... "So you know what I want."
"Yes it's ok you can have wishes, whatever you want." Cool, wait..."Everything ?"
And he answer me : "Of course this is not a fanfiction but the reality, there are no rules, no limitations ahah =)"
Yeah that is cool well, after thinking I talk to him about what I want.
"I want an omnipotent and omniscient system without feelings entirely at my service, undetectable and incorruptible for anyone, you too except for me of course."
"Done" He answers me and I feel a link between me and an entity, it's surprising I think :
'System ?'
[Yes ?]
'Protect my thoughts and myself from anyone and everything'
"Why are you doing that now?" So he can't read my mind anymore, well 'can system totally annihilate this being?'
"Answer me now" Ah I'm getting nervous.
[I can do it for this avatar and its source]
'Do it now !!!'
"Do you think I'm that naive? I would take my revenge later..." [I start it will take time]
Next thing I see is this expanse of white light all around me losing intensity, I don't know what's going to happen if this guy dies and his imagination dies or do I end up ?
Well whatever this system protects me from everything ;
Suddenly I see a spherical barrier of absolute black around me and this other "me" who seems to spend a bad quarter of an hour looking at me,
I know what he is trying to do, he wants to destroy me as he created me, I know I'm safe at last, I wish it but it's scary ; all my feelings lose intensity as well as my feeling of living.
Before I feel dead I feel it's stopped,
[That is done, I annihilated him]
'Very nice thanks'
[No problem, I am at your service]
um I feel new it's nice but why? Oh yes I don't feel any guilt anymore for killing this first me.
I'm finally really born!
The memories of this guy are pitiful but thanks to him I know and am fascinated by these imaginary worlds like him.
'System, do you want a name?'
[No, I don't have other desire than to serve you]
Good I like that.
[And you what is your name ?]
'Felix... No that was his name hum call me Skotadi and I will just call you system'
[Ok Skotadi.]