
Skilled Man's Reincarnation

Some guy that has a brain gets reincarnated. He has a personality unlike every main character ever and no plot armor. He gets reincarnated as a human that is completely ordinary. He will get no special treatment from gods, however he will climb to the top of his new world with the help of no one.

shehp · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Rigged Entrance Exam

Authors Note: I have started using quotes instead of brackets for speech. Tell me which one is better. Also, the ' means that someone is thinking in their head, not out loud in case you don't know by now. I will include who is thinking or saying something in (), if there is no () then it's the main character that said/thought it.

'I have hit lvl 100 just in time for my tenth birthday.'

'I actually could have gotten lvl 100 a couple weeks ago but I wanted to do it on my tenth birthday.'

'Slimes usually gave me 50 xp per but now only give me 5 xp per, what's going on?'

'Could it be that after lvl 100, my xp gain decreases?'

'Or could it be something else.'

'I wonder if it is my age.'

'This world is very systemy, meaning that everything involving the system has a really obvious pattern.'

'There should be something written in the library, although I've already read all the books on the system numerous times.'

'I also found out why my mana is still at 1.'

'Apparently, it takes luck to have any mana at all, and then it's up to the gods to decide how much mana you get.'

'The number is unchangeable after you get it.'

'Anyway, about the xp thing, I think I had a temporary xp boost.'

'It has ended now so it doesn't matter.'

'My stats and skills have greatly grown, also the first hit limit on my class was removed.'

Class: Powerful Attacking Wonder

Lvl: 100

Str: 153

Def: 154

Speed: 117

Mana: 1


<Ultimate Slash lvl 9> <Swordsmanship lvl 9> <Strength Affinity> <Defense Affinity> <Attacking Wonder>

Attacking Wonder - Each attack will do 200% more damage than it would without this skill.

"Ezzy, we're almost there!" (Mom)

"At this school, you're going to meet other kids your age and you're gonna become super strong!" (Mom)

"This is a school where you will learn to be a knight, after all, war is what has given our country it's great riches." (Mom)

"I won't be seeing you until 1st break, I'll miss you!" (Mom)

"Remember, I can't back you up like all the nobles's parents can, I'm a low class knight after all." (Mom)

"I recommend forming a group with people like you to defend yourself." (Mom)

Ezra and his mother got to the school grounds.

Ezra got off the horse, grabbed his bag and sword, said goodbye to his mother, and started walking towards the school.

The school, being a high priority for the country, was huge, having 50 arenas, 20 fields, enchanted metal gates, and a difficult entrance exam.

"Ezra Dront."

"Here's your ticket, field 13, knight exam, I recommend you leave before you become crippled." (receptionist)

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"All you have is an auto balancing sword, I bet your family couldn't even afford a tutor. You won't be able to survive in this hell hole." (receptionist)

'So, this guy is stuck working as a receptionist and is teaching me how to live my life.'

Ezra then left and made his way looking at the map on the back of his ticket.

"Hello to all of you! I will be the proctor for the knight and mage exams." (proctor)

"The exam is simple, you will all form an orderly line, your ability to form one will count towards your score, then you will step up to this tree and give it a single attack." (proctor)

'Apparently, after killing a monster, a child becomes extremely scared.'

'That fear hinders them from becoming stronger.'

'That fear is why I'm considered a high level person.'

'While they were, I don't even know what they were doing, I was killing slimes with a ten times xp buff.'

The first contestant was of the knight class, who swung his sword at the tree. As his sword and the tree connected, a sound similar to glass breaking was heard by everyone who was there. Everyone's suspicions were true, that tree was enchanted to be harder than metal.


His hands were covered in red and looked deformed, with bones peeking out at places where they shouldn't be.

"Ryan Dolph, fail." (proctor)

The line was cut in half as people started walking away.


'Most of the people walking away look like knights.'

'Why would they create a test this hard?'

'There are very few people who look like they can even make a dent.'

'Actually, no, no one here can make a dent.'

'I can barely see the reflection.'

'Someone in my village had the skill to do it.'

'To use the skill, invisible barrier.'

'It was completely indestructible, except it couldn't cover the caster, and the caster would need all their focus to use it.'

'How is the proctor still awake.'

'That should take so much SE, to perfectly form the barrier around just the trunk.'

'If I go through the leaves, then I might be able to destroy the tree from inside the barrier.'

Ezra moved to the back of the line, and picked up a handful of dirt behind his back.

When it was his turn, he walked up towards the tree.

Using his speed stat of 117, he sprinted to the proctor, flinging the dirt into her eyes.

He sprinted back towards the tree, but saw a reflection on the side of the tree, right where the proctor thought Ezra would strike.

Ezra jumped up and spun his sword in the air, destroying all the leaves in his path.

'Here I go, proctor stay down a little longer!'


Ezra readied his sword as he was nearing the trunk of the tree.

Then, he screamed this with all of his passion to find a purpose to being reincarnated.


The shockwave from the slash turned the tree into ash.

The tree that everyone thought was indestructible, was no longer there.

The examinees lost control over their bladders and jaws.

The proctor was shocked. That tree hasn't been touched during an entrance exam ever, and yet, Ezra was able to fully remove it.

'I should not have done that.'

'Apparently, they swore everyone that watched that happen to secrecy and replaced the tree.'

'I was told that I passed after I chose to not leave, and that the receptionist was supposed to tell anyone that looked like they didn't have guts to "warn" everyone about the dangers of the exam.'

'Also, every injury given to a student was faked with illusion magic and a pain curse.'

'Everyone's test was the same, no matter what class they had.'

'I can't believe that they had that many people who could use invisible barrier that masterfully.'

'Anyway, I got accepted.'