
Skill Traveler: Chronicles of the Multiverse

"Skill Traveler" is a science fiction adventure novel that follows the story of a man who finds himself transported to different worlds through a mysterious system that grants him new skills and abilities. He inhabits the bodies of the people on these worlds and helps them achieve their lifelong dreams. As he travels from world to world, he discovers new challenges, makes new friends, and uncovers the secrets of the system. But with each new world, he risks losing himself to the identities he inhabits, and the line between his own identity and that of his hosts blurs. Will he ever find his true self again, or will he be forever lost in the endless cycle of the Skill Traveler?"

SovereignKlord · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Memories of Childhood Joy

Suddenly, as Max was still pondering on some ways they can escape the horrible reality that the stepfather left the two in, Lily's voice pierced the heavy silence. "Max, I have an idea," she said, wiping away her tears. "Remember the old abandoned house near the park? We used to play there when we were kids. Maybe we could go there and stay for a while."

Max's eyes widened with surprise as he looked at Lily. He had forgotten about that old house, but now he realized it could be their only option. He wrapped his arms around Lily's trembling frame, pulling her close to him. "You're a genius, Lily," he whispered. "Let's go there."

Max and Lily moved around the small home, gathering their belongings for their move to the abandoned house. They didn't have much to pack, just a few changes of clothes and some toiletries.

Lily carefully folded her clothes and placed them in a small backpack, while Max rolled up a sleeping bag and tied it to his backpack. They didn't have any furniture to take with them, so their packing was relatively simple.

As they worked, Lily's eyes kept flicking towards the window, watching for any sign of the loan sharks. She knew they couldn't stay in the home any longer, but she was scared of what might happen if they were caught.

Max noticed her anxiety and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Lily," he said softly. "We'll be out of here soon and they'll never find us."

Lily gave him a small smile, grateful for his reassuring words. They finished packing their belongings and headed out the door, backpacks slung over their shoulders.

Max and Lily stepped out of their house, carrying their few belongings and a sleeping bag. They paused for a moment, looking back at the worn-out paint on the house and reminiscing about their childhood. They remembered the times when it was just their mother and father, and life was simpler. Before their stepfather entered the scene, bringing with him chaos and debt. And then finally the news of what happened to their mother.

Max felt a pang of sadness in his chest as he looked at the house, knowing that he may never see it again. Lily squeezed his hand, sensing his emotions, and offered him a small smile.

As they walked down the street, they saw their old neighbors, who had always been kind to them. They waved at them, and some of them waved back, but they could see the worry in their eyes.

Max and Lily couldn't help but feel a sense of uncertainty about their future. They didn't know what lay ahead, but they knew that they had to keep moving forward. They continued walking, each step taking them further away from their old life.

Finally, they reached the end of their street and turned back for one last glance at their childhood home. It stood there, still and silent, as if it was waiting for them to return. They didn't know what lay ahead, but they were ready to face it together.

Max and Lily walked for a long while and soon past the park on their way to the old abandoned house that is still quite a long distance away. The sounds of children playing and laughing filled the air, reminding them of a time when they were carefree and happy. Lily paused and turned to Max, a wistful expression on her face.

"Hey Max, do you remember how our dad used to bring us here to play?" she asked, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Max nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, I remember," he said. "Those were good times."

Lily sighed and looked over at the children playing. "It's hard to believe how much has changed," she said. "Back then, we didn't have a care in the world."

Max put a comforting arm around her shoulders. "I know," he said. "But we'll get through this. We always have each other."

Lily leaned into his embrace, and they watched the children play for a moment longer. She couldn't help but remember the feeling of her father pushing her on the swing, the wind in her hair and the sun on her face. It was a stark contrast to their current situation, but she held onto the hope that they would find a way to make things better.

With a heavy heart, they turned away from the park and continued on their way. As they walked, Lily couldn't help but glance back at their childhood home, now worn out and peeling with faded paint. She knew they had to leave it behind, but it still held so many happy memories of their family before their stepfather entered the scene.

Max and Lily walked quickly through the empty streets, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of the loan sharks. They were both relieved when they finally reached close to the old abandoned house that is at the end near the empty forest with dead leaves on the ground, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world.

As they made their way towards the old house, Max's head throbbed with pain, but he didn't let it show. He was grateful for Lily's company and her bravery. He knew that he couldn't have made it without her.

On the doorstep of the old house, the sun was setting behind it, casting an eerie shadow over the dilapidated structure. The windows were shattered, and the front door was barely hanging on its hinges. But they didn't care; they were just happy to have a roof over their heads.

Cautiously, they walked inside, and the place was just as they remembered it, only worse. The floors creaked beneath their feet, and there was dust everywhere. The musty smell of old furniture filled their nostrils. They found an old couch in the living room and collapsed on it, exhausted.

Max unzipped his backpack and carefully removed the sleeping bag, unfurling it on the dusty floor. Lily watched as he arranged it neatly, her heart filled with a mixture of sadness and hope.

Despite the dismal conditions, she felt a glimmer of happiness as she watched Max make the old house their new home. She knew that they would face many challenges in the days ahead, but with Max by her side, she was ready for anything.

Max looked around and realized that they needed to make some repairs to the house if they were going to stay there for a while. He decided that they should go to the hardware store and get some supplies.

As they were leaving, Lily grabbed Max's arm, her voice trembling. "Max, I'm scared," she whispered. "What if the loan sharks come after us here?"

Max hugged her tightly, his warm embrace offering a moment of comfort. "Don't worry, Lily," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We'll be okay. We'll fix up this old house and make it our home. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

With that, they walked out of the house, hand in hand, and headed to the hardware store, ready to start their new life together.