
Skelington Of justice

Just your cliche story. A lad who died but was reborn in Marvel with power of a fusion between ghost rider and Sans because God thought why not. A/n: Just a reminder to all of those who are reading. I own nothing but my OCs, everything else belongs to their respective owners

Skymanga_kun0o0 · Cómic
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1 Chs

Ch 1-The Rising Of The Skeleton Hero

[Breaking News]

"Reporting here live at NewYork City's new Pacific Bank, where a robbery is taking place with the robbers holding everyone inside hostage.

The police are trying to negotiate to-" 'As the reporter was about to continue what she was saying, the bank was suddenly engulfed in blue fire.'


Resulting in a lot of the bystanders reacting in a not-so-positive reaction.



"Call the firefighters, fast!"

"no no No No NOOOO!!"

"Let me through my family's in there!"

That is until they heard the sound of something being dragged by chains.


'With it a voice."


Coming out of the 'burning' building was a man, running like his life depends on it. but as he was about to pass through the door. He trips on his feet and it was at this moment that he knew, he fudge up.



4 Chains made of the same blue fire 'burning' the building suddenly wrap around him and drag him back inside the building as he screams for help.


Which made some of the nearby bystanders frightened.

"Uhhhh what a pain"

The next thing the people saw was a skeleton blazing In an azure fire, wearing a biker's jacket, watching everyone with its single bright blue flaming eye that gave them chills down their very souls.

That is until they heard a voice of a young girl.

"Mr. Skeleton can you help me find my family now?" asked the child behind the skeleton monster, which brought the people back to reality.

"Sure, Sure no problem," said the burning monstrosity while patting the child on the head though the weird thing is the child doesn't seem to be bothered that she is being patted in the head burning walking skeleton.

"By the way what's your name again?" The skeleton asked the little girl who is currently beside me.

For the last time Mr. Skeleton it's Katie" Answered the now pouting girl named Katie.

"A right, Umm I'm not good at remembering people's names, Sorry," said the skeleton while rubbing the back of his blazing skull.

"That's okay," Katie said while trying to pat the skeleton's head only to fail because of the height difference "

'What the 'Hail' is happening?!' most of the bystanders thought, others fearing the demonic-looking creature. While some are having a hard time to breath.

(Burning Skeleton) Pov:

'Huh, I know my appearance looks demonic and all but to be scared that they will likely develop lung diseases... It's like their breathing in straws.' I thought gazing around while noticing the news reporter.

'Welp, I better get this over with.'


'Today is just one of those days huh?' I thought to myself while trying to contemplate how I got into this situation but...

"Hands up demon!" Said the police shaking in fear as he pointed a small cross('don't know where he got it') and a gun at me while I was looking at him like with my eye twitching.

'Dude...do you not see the child beside me?'

"Dude chill what are you talking about? I'm not a demon. I'm a skeleton" I smile and said in a joking tone to the catholic cop trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Which did the opposite, making the already scared cop frightened.

I tried hiding the child behind me, just in case things went south.

"I SAID HAND UP!" Said the shaking cop while accidentally pulling the trigger, while it was pointed at the child. Everyone watches in horror only for the bullet to stop mid-fire and fall.


"You really shouldn't have done that Mr. Lozares." I said in a rather menacing voice while simultaneously walking right in front of him."Or else somebody could seriously have a 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞." I continually say as my eye light up more in blue flames adding to my already terrifying look.

"H-How do you know m-my name?" asked the now terrified police who is also about to wet his pants.

I then gave him the iconic ' Are you serious ' look while pointing at his name tag.

"O-Oh" is what all he said before sighing and focusing my attention on the frightened child hiding behind me while hugging my jacket.

"Oh, by the way, anyone here lost a flat-chested white-haired girl," I asked in a kind and joking manner before getting kicked in the face by the said girl, clearly angry from being called flat. While the people are looking at this novel situation with both disbelief and fear.

"Oh before I forgot," I said breaking them out of their stupor as I snapped my fingers extinguishing the fire of the blazing building like it was never there.

Shocking everyone some even rushed inside to check for any survivors or their families. completely forgetting I'm in front of the door looking mostly intimidating.

'ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ'

"Papa's coming Steve!" Some guy shouted while running past me.


Just another day's work of a certain skeleton of justice.

(A\N: Soooo... Is it good or bad? tell me so I can learn from my mistakes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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