
Skarvenian journey

a young boy goes by the name Wreck Veganson, travels around the universe and meets people on his journey, whether they have troubles living on this world or have the desire to change it to the better, let's go on an adventure to see what utter shenanigans might come on his way

mancoler8 · Ciencia y ficción
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75 Chs

episode 65 The god of death

It is time for the final approach in order to reach the truth behind why the demons want "Keti" in the underworld, out of the 7 mysteries only 4 of them have signed the sheet, will the team gonna be able to make it, or fall to the hands of "Thanatos"?

The team have been teleported to the domain of the God of Death after exiting the books, they seem to be in a cave and there's no lights in the area.

Keti: where are we? It's so dark.

Wreck: hold on, I got it.

"Wreck" pulls a piece of rock from the ground and turns it into a glowing element that shines like a light bulb, he then made a lantern for it.

Seth: looks like we're inside of a cave, is this really the domain of the God of Death?

Keti: you know, the way you use your expertise scares me sometimes.

Seth: let's get going then, we need to find the exit and defeat "Thanatos", he might be waiting for us outside the cave.

The team walked and found nothing at the beginning, eventually they see a torch from a far thinking there might be someone there.

Seth: are there more people here? [yell] excuse me right there, can you hear me?

Keti: there are other people in the domain?! How fascinating.

The team walked towards the torch and found 2 humans walking together.

Puri: so there are people in this domain! Were they like stuck here a long time ago?

Person (1): hello there, are you guys newcomers?

Wreck: it was said that there were a few children gone missing in the occult club who dared call for the God of Death, to be honest, there was never a single child who had ever escaped from the hands of "Thanatos", that's when they decided to repopulate here.

Keti: [disgusted] why the hell would you put it like that? It's so disturbing.

Person (2): so, you know of our story, have you been here before?

Wreck: it's written in the books.

Seth: now now, let's not waste any time, why don't you take us to your shelters? We can find a way to get you free from this domain.

As the 2 humans lead the team to their shelter, it is more of a cave village than just houses with no light.

Fey: was there like food in this domain? The only things that grow in caves are just a bunch of mushrooms.

Wreck: it's more like, they don't need food to begin with, those who step foot in the domain of God of Death are considered dead people, you're infinitely saturated here, but it still will be considered dying.

Puri: the logic of life and death here don't make sense here, does that make everyone who steps foot in the domain immortal?

Keti: haven't you been paying attention? "Wreck" said force your way to the domain of God of Death is considered dying, we didn't force our way, we teleported, that makes us much more alive and the effect of the domain never really touched us.

Puri: so, then they're immortal, but we're vulnerable?

Person (1): one of us just tried to take his own life, hoping he could escape the world, the poor bastard regretted it after realizing how impossible it is to die here.

The whole town have been assembled to the center so that the team would give audience to them, some of them were mumbling on how irritated they were to be there.

Keti: [whisper] the more I think about how you said it, the more disturbed I'm feeling when I look at them, the clothes logic is nowhere, the aging process is tangled up to teen since there is no old men or adults to be seen.

Wreck: how unnecessarily mocking!

Seth: get straight to the point please.

Keti: [yell] alright…hi everyone, we're the newcomers here and we know a way out of this domain, that is if you want to escape from this dark halls, you're welcome to join, our current objective is to defeat the very own mystery that runs this domain, "Thanatos" the God of Death, all we need to do now is to dig up tunnels till we get out of this cave, the next step is to find the goblet of life in order to ascend from this domain and head back to earth, back to the school you all used to study, this is the least I know about this domain you're all living in, you can come with us that is if you want to leave this place.

Person (3): [laugh] what utter non-sense are you spouting?

Person (4): we tried digging before for sentries, there is no exit that you could make.

Person (5): if you're trying to humor us at least you could give us a better story than this.

"Seth" and "Puri" felt like they're being mocked, the whole town insulted the team for giving facts they don't believe about the domain.

Seth: [angry] now listen here yo-.

Wreck: [hold it] …there's no need to pull out your anger; we can handle this.

Keti: don't you think it's too early to react? I just said that this is the least I know about the domain, I never said 'we' in this line, you see, our teammate here who looks the youngest, he knows things that is even beyond my knowledge, show them what you got, "Wreck".

Wreck: sure thing…[yell] listen up everyone, you sure you're digging in the right direction when it comes to escaping? Have any of you ever tried playing a video game but instead of using the default controls you use a randomized setup? No doubt there aren't any pros here.

Person (4): [angry] the hell was that?

Person (5): [angry] does sound like he's mocking us.

Wreck: to be honest with you, the thing about video games is that operators doesn't actually tell you the things that you want to know, cheat codes, easter eggs, and even a left-out bug that they ignore so much, the same process can be done here, if you did it like a cheat code you might actually find the exit with no doubts, however when ascending the domain, we better ignore the goblet of life and focus on the other one.

Person (3): what the hell do you know about video games? Have you ever worked with the operators before? You think you're a professional gamer amongst everyone?

Person (6): [angry] yeah, keep speaking non-sense, there is no exit existing in this world.

Wreck: as the name of this domain suggests, we're going to focus on getting our hands on the goblet of death…seems you all shown how much of a bunny you are, is humanity always this fragile, always this weak?

"Wreck's" tone surprised the whole town.

Person: so what about it? This is reality kid, don't go spouting non-sense to adults and those older than you.

Wreck: if I were to know a real human, it's a crazy bastard who thinks poor of its surroundings, and greedy to have what it always wanted, humanity used to be full of insanity, love, malice, understanding, and pride, but this humanity before me.

Seth: I see where you're getting at, [yell] what kind of a disgrace are you? You call yourself humans after giving up? Don't you even have a dream on earth? A dream that you held tight before, eventually you've lost it once you stepped foots here, if I was a human, I would've kept digging these walls until I see the light out there.

Fey: if I was a human, I would've tried to reach for the things I want to do most out of everything.

Puri: if I was a human, I would have used what I was taught to my advantage, to achieve my goals.

Keti: it seems you all have forgotten what it meant to be human, [yell, angry] what in utter disgrace are you even doing here? You think you're stuck here forever? Is this why you repopulate yourselves here? What kind of mockery is this? If I were you, I would have showed the world how tired I was, how disturbed I am right now, you can stay here however you like but we're getting out of here, we're going to fight the God of Death and do the impossible, for those who want to escape shall step forth, while those who love living here stay shameful on what they're doing.

A few of the people stepped forward with a serious face, the others were surprised to see them doing so.

Person (5): [angry] I will not yield to such child's philosophy; I'll show you how human I am.

Person (6): [angry] yeah, I want to see how the human world looks like.

Person (4): [angry] don't you dare trash talk to us like that again, we're more than just nobodies who'll do nothing, just you wait.

Person (1): those newcomers just pulled it off.

Person (2): they sure did, now to see what their next step would be.

Those who chose to join the team started digging holes, they dug too deep just to be so tired that their athletes were all sloppy, suddenly few more people joined the team to dig up holes alongside the ones who got tired, none of them have stopped digging until suddenly more people joined the digging party to go deeper, eventually the whole town joined in and dug even more deeper until one of them was able to see the light from the outside.

Person: [yell] I can see the light, we got ourselves an exit, you guys.

Wreck: [yell] keep digging the exit and run through it as quick as you can, those exits won't last long.

The whole town along with the team have escaped the cave and now finding themselves on the highest peak with a giant mistletoe next to them, "Wreck" remembers dreaming of a place like this suddenly made him think there is a town at the bottom, turns out it looked like an abandoned town where no soul nor body is seen, nor any crops or a single plant existed there.

Wreck: a world that had no heroes, someone had to do something to make one…this one is a loss.

Person (3): what now, newcomers? Are you just gonna stand there, or is there something else we got to do?

Wreck: [yell] our only escape for now is to find the goblet of death, it could be on top of the mistletoe or in the abandoned city.

Person (4): don't we need the goblet of life to exit this domain?

Wreck: think carefully, what would the goblet of life do to someone who's permanently considered dead?

Person (2): wouldn't that bring them back to life?

Puri: say, why did we not force our way to the domain instead of going through the bookstacks?

Wreck: …to be honest with you, if you want the word death to be patched on you, then you'll be considered dead, but to drink the goblet of life would mean dying after you ascend, think of it like this, life has a positive number on it while death has a negative number, life times death is equal to death, but death times death is equal to life, you can't die twice, can you?

The whole town understood what he meant and started plotting.

Person (1): alright, looks like it is decided, we will search for the goblet of death separately, for those who would search on the mistletoe, you better start climbing, I heard once that the goblet of death had a design that resembles death.

Thanatos: oh? Starting up the fun without me?

"Thanatos" appears floating in the sky.

Thanatos: I was intrigued to see you pull up a trick like that, a team of 5 entering my domain without getting effected by my trap.

Wreck: the battle is about to start; we need to hurry.

Seth: [yell] everyone, start moving faster, we'll cover you.

Keti: "Fey" …I think we all need your booster flames for this one.