
Six Ways To Sunday

[MATURE CONTENT] *Slow burn* ------- Life has unexpected ways of turning things from 0 to 180 degrees in just a matter of seconds. Charlotte was mourning her husband's sudden demise with the only daughter they had, Aurora. And as if the pain of losing him wasn't enough, Derek, the boss of the dead man, came out of nowhere, to demand a mind blowing amount as a debt the man owed him. But meanwhile, he would take Aurora, their only daughter, with him, till Charlotte paid every penny. - Derek, a young man who had been through a painful experience, numbing his emotions in the process, found out that the man who betrayed him had a family somewhere, enjoying life. He vowed to kill them all. But ended up sparing their lives, taking Aurora, his only daughter, with him. But wait, why has Aurora started to feel that Derek is not as scary as he looks? Why does she feel like she can bring life and light into his seemingly lonely, dark life? Will Derek open up to this foreign feeling that has started to trigger certain emotions in him? ------- Excerpt She was in deep thoughts when she heard shuffling sounds and her head quickly snapped to the direction of the man. He was on his feet now, his gaze not leaving them. Charlotte and Aurora both scampered back in fear. He stared at them for some few seconds and wordlessly turned and walked towards the door. Aurora's eyes widened a bit. Wait, was it...was it over? Had he agreed to her mother's pleas? Was he going to leave them alone now? She was about to breathe when she heard a deep, gruff voice. "Get the girl." - - Join the #DeRa roller coaster now :) --------- Cover editing done by a colleague author :)

Juujuu_Sky · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
181 Chs

13. Distracted

Rory took the glass of water with shaky hands and took a sip as she peeked through her long lashes and from the rim of the glass at Derek who was still keeping his distance and watching her carefully. As soon as the water went down her throat, it cooled her dry throat instantly, which made her crave for more. She chugged a mouthful, and then another till the water finished. Gosh, she didn't know she needed it.

"How have you been?" Derek asked. He had noticed her slightly swollen eyes and the dried tears on her cheeks. Did Hayford do something to her again? Or was she not feeling well?

"I'm doing well.. sir." Rory managed to say and placed the glass down, straightened up and crossed her arms in front of her. She tried not to look at his face, but her eyes, her damn eyes wouldn't listen. She found herself looking again. Could she ever get used to such beauty? Those lashes were so feminine. How could they belong to a man?

"Then why were you crying?" She snapped out of her thoughts with his question. "There are dried tears on your face. Are you hurt anywhere?"

Rory shook her head, not understanding why he suddenly sounded concerned. But now that the question came up, she remembered her reason for crying. Should she ask him about this room? And he looked very relaxed. If she wasn't supposed to be here he would probably have told her when he came in. Wait, when did he come in? Was he the one that covered her? Panick set in as her eyes darted back and forth and then settled on her feet.

Derek saw her panicking and his lips twitched. He had always felt satisfied when people trembled in fear of him. But right now he didn't seem to like it. He had no intention of hurting her, well he did at first but not anymore. He had thought through this issue for the longest time, and he decided not to harm her and her mother. They did nothing wrong. But he wanted them to pay for that huge amount. That was close to impossible but Charlotte had promised to do so, and he wanted to see how far she would go to pay since he had her every move under careful observation. He needed to tell Rory to relax.

"Um... sir..." Rory's soft voice came in, interrupting his thoughts, "please, am... I supposed to be in the room? They heard wrong, right? Should... should I pack my things and go back to the other room?" Her eyes still remained fixed on her feet, and she was fiddling with her fingers in nervousness.

Derek studied her keenly for some seconds and then slowly took a step closer, then one more, leaving just a step between them and dipped his hands in his pockets. Rory's heart was now galloping, but her feet refused to move when she tried to take a step back. She slowly lifted her teary eyes and looked into his. Gosh, when did she become a cry baby? She stole her gaze and blinked rapidly to stop the tears that were blurring her vision.

"If I had plans on hurting you, I would have done so long time, Aurora." Derek's voice was strangely calm which surprised himself.

Rory quickly met his gaze. He had a calm expression, like always. Or should she say, expressionless face? She couldn't tell, but his eyes held no hostility like the day he attacked them. And looking at him from up close... His lashes were so thick. Goodness! His grey eyes looked like metal, almost like silver, and his brows were very defined. His pink lips, thin and firm. And his perfectly sculpted face which was partly covered by his dark brown hair, his sharp jaw line and the cute and neatly trimmed beard on his chin...

"So you don't have to be afraid anymore. I just want to make sure your father has nothing on you and your mother that I don't know yet. I promise to let you go safely once I'm done with my investigation." He continued from where he left off.

To think that he almost got distracted by her beauty. He almost forgot he was talking to someone who was supposed to be an enemy. He kept looking at her pretty eyes which almost drew him in. He had never seen such beautiful eyes before. Her round, innocent face and her soft-looking pink lips were so inviting and enticing at the same time, it drove him crazy that for a second he imagined his lips on hers. He was frightened by his own thoughts and that was how he was able to pull himself from them and focused on the conversation at hand.

Where was he? Where was he.. Oh right, he was just trying to ease her fears. And She asked something about... about... Yes, the room.. Thank God, he remembered.

"And yes, you can now stay in this room. Make yourself comfortable. And prepare for school tomorrow. I'll have someone send you and pick you up when you close." He finished quickly and turned to leave. Yes, he needed to leave. Their proximity was affecting him already. What was happening to him? He had never felt anything like this before. What was this feeling? Why did he feel like touching her?

"Thank you sir." Rory finally said and Derek turned back to her. She was trying to hold her tears, but she had a wry smile on her face. "Thank you so much."

Derek just nodded and turned again towards the door, but stopped midway.

"Did you have dinner yet?" He just remembered she was asleep when he got there. He had knocked a few times, and getting no response, he had entered her room, only to find her coiled up in bed. And he found himself doing something he had never done before. He had covered her with a blanket and waited till she woke up. Very surprising. When he was covering her up, he saw tears on her face, and he remembered his hold on the blanket tightened upon that sight. He wondered why she was crying. And he hoped it wasn't because Hayford hurt her again.

Rory stiffly nodded out of nervousness, but her stomach seemed not to agree with her lie as there came a loud growl. She held her stomach and shook her head vigorously as if to deny, and this time, Derek couldn't stop the smile. One side of his lips turned up briefly at the amusing gesture and he opened the door and left. This lady was something.

Rory slapped her forehead as soon as the door was closed. She was so hungry but was afraid to admit. And how was she supposed to survive if she didn't admit? Silly, she thought. And... did he smile?? No, wait, did he actually smile?? She shook her head. Maybe she had imagined it.

After a short while, there came a soft knock, she went to open it and, yet another shock, Derek was holding a tray with food.

Good Lord, did she wake up in a dream? What was happening? She blinked once, then twice, then thrice...

"You won't let me in?" Derek asked, amused again at her shocked state. Was it that shocking to see him with a tray? Hell yes, it was. He himself was surprised at the things this lady had made him do these past few days. The most shocking being allowing her to move to his side of the mansion. No one else was there with him because he had made it clear he didn't want anybody on that floor. So what happened? And now he was serving her food. He nearly laughed at himself. Why was he acting like he wanted to impress her?

"Um, so...sorry, um..please come in." She made way as Derek strolled towards the small table near the bed and placed the tray on it. It smelled nice, whatever it was. And there was juice too. Hmm... Now this was getting alarming. Why was he being nice? Should she be scared?

"Come. You should eat something." He said and stepped aside with a serious expression. Rory took careful steps towards the bed and sat close to the tray. She looked up at Derek, who gave her a curt nod towards the tray. Rory looked back at the tray. There was a small bowl which was covered with a plate. She gently lifted it and her eyes gleamed. She didn't know what it was, but it looked like noodles or spaghetti, with vegetables and beef. Very mouth watering.

"That's Hokkien noodles, I hope you'll like it." That was his favourite. As a matter of fact, that was his supper. He came straight to her when he returned from the barracks, so he had not eaten yet, and now he had brought his food to her. He had to go down to the kitchen and prepare something for himself. "I'll get someone to bring the dishes down when you're done." He added and left.

When he was outside, he raked his fingers through his hair and sighed. This wasn't good. He didn't understand himself anymore. He was becoming a different person he didn't even recognise himself. But strangely, he liked it. As for the reason why he liked it, he didn't know. Yet.

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