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 May 2, 2013               9:58 AM

The two went inside the hospital.   "I suppose you need me for something." Michelle seriously stated. "Yes." Candace answered confidently.

They're always like this, formal and straight. Michelle Ruess is the 'hitman' of the Six Mercenaries. If Kiera's mischievous and good with communicating, Michelle's uptight and good with shooting, whether long or short range. She's the least friendly in their group though; she's in good terms with Anikka.

"Can you please help me with this?" Candace gave her the envelope containing the fingerprint results. Michelle scanned the whole content and predicted what her 'friend' wants her to do.

"I know now. You want me to change the results?" she directly asked and without a flinch, Candace nodded. "Yes please."

Michelle's field is not all about shooting or being a police. She is also studying medicine because of their family's legacy being doctors. Being a policewoman was her choice.

"Could you please stop this nonsense about Phantom? It's not even worth it. You'll just get caught up with sorts of trouble because of this." True enough that Candace would be in trouble, but she can't help it. She has the responsibility of not letting anyone know about who Phantom is.

"Since Anikka asked you of this. Please help me." Another fact. Anikka ordered Michelle to help Candace to whatever she needs. "I know. Wait here in the lobby. I'll get this done." As soon as she said that she walked towards the elevator and left Candace.

Anikka Strauss is another member of the Six Mercenaries. They never defy what she wants. She has absolute power on them.

While waiting patiently in the lobby, Candace noticed a tall guy pacing around. He seemed to be waiting for someone impatiently. It was fun for Candace to see the guy agitated, he was cute like that. She stood up from her seat and walked towards the guy. The said man has a black hair a pair of gray eyes. When she was closer, she noticed the guy was wearing a police uniform. 'Oh? A police from another district? Must be because of Michelle…' Candace thought.

"Hey." She called out to the man walking back and forth in the lobby. He was startled when a certain girl called out on him. "Ah…me?" he pointed himself and looked around him; he might be wrong thinking that it was him. But Candace nodded and stepped closer.

"Uh… can I help you?" he asked her. "Not really, I just find you cute pacing around here." Candace said and immediately, the guy blushed at the sudden compliment of an unknown girl. "A-ah… ahm…" He was rather speechless too.

"Are you Michelle's companion?" she asked. This seemed to get the attention of the guy. "You know her?"

"Yes. I'm a friend of hers. My name's Candace Morgenstern. You are?" she offered her hand and the guy took it for a handshake. "Ah! You're a member of Six Mercenaries too, right? Patrick Culkin's the name by the way. Nice to meet you Candace."  Candace smiled and said, "Yes."

He was very polite and looks kind of cool in Candace's perspective. Though she thinks Patrick's having a hard time with Michelle, being not so social with people around her.  "It's good that you can keep up with Michelle. You know, she's a little introvert." Patrick chuckled and grinned. "Not really. Besides, I really like her." Candace's mouth formed an 'o' and laughed. "True enough."

After a few minutes, Michelle came back to the lobby and found her companion chatting happily with Candace. A certain part of her hurt but decided to ignore it. "Candace." She called out. "Here, but next time, I won't do any of this anymore." Michelle gave her back the results but with altered contents. "Thank you."

Candace bid goodbye to the two. "What were you two talking about?" Michelle asked. "Hmm? Me and Candace? I don't know? Maybe it's between the two of us."


 May 2, 2013               10:45 AM

            "Where have you been?" Jun asked Candace when he saw her in front of the office. "Just outside." She said timidly. But Jun doesn't seem to believe her so he further asked. "Yeah? Where exactly? "Candace was caught off guard nonetheless she did not show it. Poker face says it all. "In a café, I met a friend of mine so she invited me out." After answering his questions, she went inside straightaway. Candace needed to get the results back before anyone notices. She's hoping no one has yet.

            Just as she sighted Andrew near the coffee maker, she heard him say, "Ah, before I forget. Harold, can I have the results now?" Her heart beats fast and her hands perspired. She quickly went to Andrew's table which is quite far from where he is. She slid the results under the files piling up on his table.

            "Huh? I thought you have that already. It's not in my drawer anymore." Harold said. He went to his drawer to double check but it wasn't there. "I don't have it yet!" said Andrew.

            Candace suddenly talked. "Is this what you are looking for?" All eyes went on her. She pointed something under the stack of papers on Andrew's table. Andrew went back to his table and got shock. There it is indeed. When did he get that? He doesn't remember getting anything from Harold's drawer.

            "Seriously Andrew, you need brain supplements." Shawn said and shook his head. Others who witnessed the scene laughed at how idiot this guy can be. "B-but! I really did not get that from his drawer!"

            No one really cared. He just scratched his forehead and went back to work.

            Candace felt guilty but what else can she do? What she did was needed in that situation; she can't falter just because she has feelings for Andrew.

            "Excuse me, is Mr. Deply here?" a middle aged woman came inside the police station. She looked rich and glamorous.

            Once when Andrew heard his name, he instantaneously went towards the lady. "Yes, can I help you Ma'am?" he flashed his charming smile to her. "I would like to withdraw the case of my husband."

            He looked at her; evidently, he did not comprehend what she just told him. "Withdraw the case? W-wait… why?" he asked.

            The said woman is the widow of Mr. Smith who was killed because of the mysterious Phantom.

            "I just want my husband to rest in peace. I think everything will be more complicated if we dig in this case. So please, please stop the investigation." Andrew clearly wanted to retort about having justice on their side but he knows he should follow what their client would say.

            "Alright…. My condolences with your husband Ma'am."


  May 2, 2013               5:26 PM

            "Are you still disappointed?" Candace asked Andrew. Obviously, no one needs to ask. He was clearly sulking. He felt that he wasn't good enough to provide the justice for Mr. Smith. But he wouldn't say that. "No. I'm fine."

            Jun went towards him and placed a coffee on the brooding man's table. "No one thinks you're fine." All agreed with him.

            "Stop this nonsense at once." Their Chief briskly headed to them. Because her extremely scary presence, all were stiff and quiet. "Go to Federal Street near the Spring Field Academy! A murder was reported. Go!"

            The said guys scrambled out of the office.