
Episode 4: Drallar

A few years later Alix was now 30 and still was the Darth of Dantooine he had driven most of the Repbulican Soldiers out of Dantooine with only a few of them remaining on Dantooine.

But the war was not over yet, he was told by his orders to go to a new planet as a secret mission to deal with an uprising of the citizens of the planet.

He traveled to the planet of Drallar to deal with the uprising of the citizens.

He landed on the planet and was greeted by an angry mob of people protesting against the Sith Empire.

He went to meet with the leader of the protesters and started talking to him about why he was protesting.

"That's because of the way the Empire treats us! We have to pay taxes to the Empire and we get nothing in return!"

"I'm sorry I didn't know that." Alix said, "I will make sure that you won't have to worry about paying taxes anymore."

Alix said while slicing the neck of the Leader.

"You get to keep your life if you pay taxes", "Any other complaints?" Alix said to the mob after brutally cutting the mob leader's body in peaces.

The rest of the people bowed before him as they knew that he would change their lives for the worst if they misbehaved one more time.

Alix then went to his ship and contacted the governor of the planet, "Hello Governor, I just finished dealing with the protesters, are you ready to sign the papers?"

"Yes, I'll come get them myself." The Governor said.

Alix then headed to the governers office and signed all the documents and sent them back to his orders.

From that day onwards Alix was the Darth of Drallar.

(Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.)