
Sirius Black: a Second Chance (Harry Potter fanfic)

What if Sirius had another chance? Will he choose the same path he once walked or try to change history for the better? I believe that Sirius is the character with the most wasted potential in all of Harry Potter. Hopefully this will be a fun way to explain why. This is a deep dive into HP headcanon with an exploratory look into the nature of magic and the soul. Written for my own enjoyment, may never be finished. I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters depicted from this franchise.

DrollPaladin · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

Grim at the Blacks

12 Grimmauld Place was a luxurious apartment in the Borough of Islington and is also the home of the "most noble and ancient house of Black". Within a room on the fourth floor, a young boy with back hair and grey eyes sat and played with his even younger brother.

Sirius enjoyed playing with his younger brother, he couldn't help but smile watching the four-year-old Regulus squeal in delight as he activated yet another enchanted toy. This was one of the only times that he was allowed to act like a child. His face scowled as he remembered all of the lessons that he had in store for him in his future.

"Brother?", Regulus looked up with doe eyes at his big brother, seeming to question the mean-looking eyes his brother wore on his face.

"I don't want to grow up!", Sirius said with certainty. "Grown-ups are boring and never get to play! I turn six in two days and that means I will start lessons soon!" Sirius ranted to his younger brother as the other was distracted once again by the toys.

The six-year-old Sirius pouted as he walked over to the window and climbed onto the chair placed in front of it so he could easily look down into the streets below. It was a typical rainy day in London, and the young boy could only sigh as he watched the random pedestrians pass his home.

Though there was something of interest skulking down the usually boring street today. A huge black dog was walking down the middle of the street, and no one was paying any attention to it, despite how large and threatening it looked.

"Regulus come look! Come look!", Sirius said his face now pressed up against the window. The big dog continued to walk down the street getting closer and closer to the home. Regulus tottered over to the chair that Sirius has pulled up so he could look out of the window.

Regulus' eyes widened in fright as he peeked at the massive dog walking down the street. The little boy quickly hid his face in his elder brother's shirt.

"That's scary Brother! Let's hide!", the trembling Regulus pleaded as he began to try to pull his brother away from the window. Sirius shook his head and looked down at his trembling sibling,

"You scaredy-cat! It's just a dog! Look it can't even find where our house is!". Sirius looked back at the window only to see the black dog staring up at him with firey grey eyes.

Sirius felt shivers travel down his spine as the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. The now pale-faced boy jumped down from the chair and hugged his brother.

"Kreacher! Fetch mother and father!", Sirius ordered the house-elf he knew was in the room.

"Yes, Master Sirius!", the house-elf turned visible for a second as he bowed only to then quickly disappear once again with a pop.

"See nothing to be afraid of, Kreacher will fetch mother and father and the dog will go away", Sirius tried to comfort his trembling brother as a tremor rocked through the house and every magical alarm the house possessed went off at once.

"Sirius?", Regulus' asked as he began to tear up in fear. Shouts and blasts could be heard from downstairs further frightening the two boys.

"Regulus quickly get under the bed!", Sirius rushed over and shoved his brother beneath the bed, trying to hide him from the monster he assumed just broke into the house.

After making sure his brother was safely hidden beneath the bed, Sirius ran to the door in order to lock it. The shouts from downstairs continued to get louder as every Black in the house rushed up the stairs in pursuit of whatever burst into the house. Sirius made it five steps back towards the bed when the door he had just locked burst open and he froze. Slowly he turned around to come face to face with the black dog he had just seen in the streets. Sirius looked directly into the eyes of the beast noticing its eyes matched his own.

Regulus now frozen in terror watched as the dog the size of his brother pounced on Sirius pinning him to the floor. The scream that had been caught in his throat till now burst forth with a shrill whine and the tears that had been building up burst forth as he watched the huge dog seemingly melt into his brother's chest.

At this point, Arcturus Black ran into the room wand in hand, murder in his eye, only to find Regulus weeping beneath the bed and Sirius laying still on the floor. Arcturus' eyes darted about the room seeking signs of danger and assuming the worst as his eyes settled on Sirius.

"Regulus, where is the dog?", the seasoned mage questioned his grandson. While waiting for a reply he made his way over to the still body of Sirius and checked for a pulse.

Orion and Walburga soon ran into the room out of breath. "Where is that blasted devil?", Orion questioned as he held his wand aloft searching the room for danger.

Walburga froze as she saw her firstborn laying still on the floor, her hand covered her mouth which opened in shock. Tears began streaming down her face as she knelt beside her son.

"Father in law is he...", the words faded into silence. Arcturus shook his head, "He is still with us, though unconscious".

The tears held back by Walburga began to flow as she collapsed next to her child weeping as she clutched him like he could be gone any minute. Orion then walked to the bed and retrieved the still crying Regulus from underneath it holding the child close.

Arcturus stood and said, "Both of you take the children to St. Mungo's for treatment. I will fetch help from the Ministry, I'm afraid that even I am quite out of my depth". The parents clutching their children nodded to the Black Patriarch and apparated on the spot.

With a loud sigh, Arcturus shook his head. That dog looked like a Grim. What does that mean for the Black family if one attacks their home and the future heir of the family?