
Singularity in Primal Chaos [Completed]

Suddenly, he found himself in a completely different world with completely different laws. He realized that he had became a singularity and there was nothing he could not learn. Star God's Broken Shadow? World Ode of the Phoenix? Phoenix Suppression? Illusions? No matter what he saw, he learned. This was Singularity, in name and in purpose! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

meatball_san · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
206 Chs

Chapter: 67

The sky was clear tonight, allowing the moon to shine in its brilliance.

Within a garden near the pavilion of Villa Master, a table was placed, around which were two chairs.

On one of the chairs sat a breathtakingly beautiful woman.

She had poison green hair and shimmering purple eyes that glowed under the shadow of her brows.

In her delicately clean hand, she held a cup.

"I thought you told me that Yuechan died in the Wasteland of Death. Then why is she alive right now?"

Her voice was soft and smooth, without any breaks in it.

"Villa Mistress, this old man indeed saw both Yuechan and that young man Yun Che getting attacked by the two flood-dragons. With their strength, it should be impossible to escape from them. They shouldn't be able to live," replied the old man sitting opposite her.

He was Ling Wugou, who had used Yuechang and Yun Che as bait to run away from the two flood-dragons.

After coming back, he had not informed the Villa Master about the existence of Yuechan and Yun Che. He had also forbidden other elders from talking about it. The only person he informed was the woman in front of him, the woman who hated Yuechan's very existence.

Thinking about this, Ling Wugou could only sigh in sadness and curse the Villa Master.

Obviously, he had this woman dedicating her very being to him, willing to live and die for him, yet he couldn't come out of his fascination with the woman who had rejected him hundreds of times by now.

Honestly, it looked disgusting.

Which man didn't want a devoted woman for himself? Yet his Villa Master, despite having such a woman, was more interested in a woman who clearly didn't give a damn about him or his existence.

'One can only blame a man's heart. Even if the Villa Mistress is not as beautiful as Fairy Chu, this old man still thinks that her beauty is only second to hers. If one compares their background, then it's just ridiculous to compare them both. The Villa Mistress left the life of a princess to live in this small country just for the Villa Master, and yet he cannot accept reality. Sigh… at this rate, this relationship is going to end in disaster.'

One would have thought that after getting rejected hundreds of times, the Villa Master would have learned his lesson, but he seemed to level up his simp class to another level that he almost took the status of the second biggest simp of Primal Chaos!

The cup in her hand trembled, showing her trembling emotions that she tried to control her best.

With gritted teeth, she viciously said, "Yuefeng kept giving that bitch glances throughout the whole first and second round! You said she should be dead, but she is alive. Are all of you playing with me?"

"Villa Mistress, calm down," Ling Wugou sighed. "This old man only saw her fighting with the two flood-dragons. Her leaving from there alive shouldn't be possible, but someone must have helped her. Or they got lucky. For a woman of your status, anger doesn't suit your prestige."

"Woman of my status?" Xuanyuan Yufeng snorted before adding with slight melancholy. "I left everything to be with Yuefeng, and yet he doesn't look at me the same way he does to that bitch! What's the point of this status when he never really saw me as his ideal wife!?"

"Sigh…" Ling Wugou became silent.

He didn't have any reply to her question.

So he opted to remain silent.

Time passed, and Xuanyuan finally opened her mouth.

"Tell me more about Yun Che."

Though confused, Ling Wugou still nodded.

"He was supposed to be the one to fight from the Blue Wind Profound Palace. Though it wasn't made public yet, somewhere around four months ago, we got the news that he stepped down from his position as the representative of the Profound Palace and Princess Cang Yue took the position instead."

He paused for a second before adding, "Leaving the abnormal growth of Princess Cang Yue aside, it is rumored that she has an intimate relationship with Yun Che. And many palace maids have witnessed them sleeping in the same room."

"I don't care about his relationship with the Princess of the dying royal family. What I want to hear is, what is his relationship with Asgard, or more specifically, with Yuechan!"

"This…" Ling Wugou remained silent for a while before shaking his head. "Forgive this old man, but I have no idea about it. All I know is that he was within the Wasteland of Death with her. As for what his relationship is with Asgard or with her, this old man has no idea."

"Humph! Useless as always!"

Placing the cup on the table, Yufeng ordered, "Go and investigate this Yun Che. I want to know his relationship with Yuechan at all costs." She paused for a second before adding, "Also, assign someone to keep an eye on Asgard's residence. I want to know everyone who enters or leaves that place."

"...I'll have it done."



After taking a fresh bath, Yun Che was in his room at the moment. Changing into a new set of robes, he was about to leave for Cang Yue's room when he heard a knock at his door. Curiously, he walked towards it and opened the door.

"Yuanba?" he inquired with a suspicious tone, wondering what he was doing in front of his room at such a late hour.

"Ah, brother-in-law." Yuanba took something out of his pocket and gave it to him. "Big Sister just visited sometime ago and asked me to give this to you. She said, 'These things might help you in cultivation…'"

Yun Che raised a brow, while Yuanba also had a weird expression on his face.

"I told my big sister that my brother-in-law can cultivate now and is quite powerful too, but my big sister simply didn't believe me and still asked me to give this to you. She said: even if he can cultivate now, this might help him in some way before she left."

Curious, Yun Che took the space ring from his hand and inspected it. Seeing the items inside, Yun Che felt his heart beating at an unnatural pace. Frowning, he placed his hand over his chest and took a deep breath before he shook his head.

"Where is she now?" he asked, his voice quite soft and emotional.

"Big sister, she already left," Yuanba added with slight sadness. "Big sister has changed so much. Even though after mother left and she changed, she wasn't as cold as she is now. Now she is just… indifferent to everything."

In addition to Frozen Cloud Arts, there was another art that the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace cultivated: Frozen Heart! This art allowed them to "seal" all emotions within themselves and to become indifferent to the world. According to Asgard, an indifferent heart was needed to perfectly learn Frozen Cloud Arts, to which Yun Che could only snort in disdain. Obviously, it was to make sure that disciples of the Asgard won't end up holding any kind of feelings towards the other sex. Even though it was forbidden, accidents do happen. Humans are curious creatures after all, more so women. And this art did just that: kill the curiosity of cats.

With a contemplating expression, he fiddled with the ring in his hand. The ring contained medical ingredients, profound crystals, and an Earth Realm Profound Core: all the ingredients he had once mentioned to Qingyue that could heal his cripple status. She must have remembered them and used all her resources to collect them in the hope of delivering them to him so he can cultivate them once more. Thinking this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Yuanba, go to your sister-in-law and tell her that I will be late tonight."

"Huh?" Yuanba made a confused noise.

"Sister-in-law?" He looked lost after finding out that he now had a sister-in-law, but then he remembered Cang Yue and nodded.

"I'll inform senior sister Cang Yue."

Saving the ring within his inventory, Yun Che vanished into thin air.

[Ground Shrink] — a variant of [Flash Drive]. However, instead of using it during a flight, it was used on the ground, allowing him to literally shrink the ground between him and the intended target! It was borderline spatial travel!

But the fact that he didn't gain Space Manipulation even after developing this skill, made Yun Che think of this skill as completely different from teleportation, even though it did pretty much the same thing.



Within the courtyard where Asgard's people lived, a small pond existed.

Beside the pond stood a raven-haired woman.

The moonlight gently fell over her face, illuminating her in the night.

The moon was beautiful, yet its light seemed to steal the very definition of beauty tonight.

She had beautiful long black hair, lush eyelashes, crescent eyebrows, and lovely pink lips. Her pitch-black eyes reflected the silver light of the moon like an infinite lake and gave off such emotions that anyone who looked at them would be lost in them forever.

There was no particular emotion on her face, just pure indifference, yet this wasn't enough to hide the immaculate beauty she possessed.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Just then, a male voice was heard.

This caused her eyes to tremble, and her body moved on instinct.

Her hand blurred, and she attacked towards the place where the voice came from, yet her attack seemed to hit an immovable object and simply dispersed into the air.

"My dear wife, we haven't seen each other for a year, and you have already become so rebellious that you would attack your husband the moment you see him. You will break my glass heart at this rate."

"Yun... Che?" Qingyue's eyes trembled in disbelief. She completely ignored what he said and asked seriously. "How did you enter this place?"

"Through the front door?" Yun Che tilted his head and replied. "I opened it and entered. It was so quiet inside that I thought I had entered the deadland for a second. Only after finding you here did I realize that there were still people alive inside."


Qingyue wanted to say that it shouldn't be possible.

Under Yuechan's and Yueli's watch, it shouldn't be possible for even the Villa Master to enter this place unannounced!

Yet Yun Che did exactly that.

Knowing full well that he wasn't going to answer her question honestly, she took a deep breath before all the emotions vanished from her face, and her eyes became tranquil once more.

She looked at him and indifferently said, "Leave. If the Senior Master found you, she would kill you."

She knew how much Yuechan hated men and was known for her hate for men. If she found out that Yun Che had entered their private residence, Qingyue knew she would freeze Yun Che and kill him.

"Oh my. Worrying about the life of your husband… you might almost make me fall in love with you."

"... Qingyue is not joking," she replied, her voice containing a slight chill this time. "Leave this instant, or Qingyue might attack you."

"Are you challenging me?" Yun Che almost felt his voice change to Tobey Maguire for a second there. "Though someone else is already here... sigh... and I just want to talk with my wife alone, is it too much to ask?"

"Yun Che? What are you doing here?"

Qingyue: ...


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