


Alright people, so like I said, I'll explain the reason why Kyle was 'dominating' Corey in their fight despite Corey having double stats.

Now, honestly, I was just confused and even slightly annoyed at some point when I was constantly seeing messages that Corey's stats were double the stats of Kyle, so Corey should absolutely floor Kyle.

When I saw messages like that, the question I asked myself was that:

How do you expect Corey to floor Kyle when he literally, like I mean literally, doesn't have any powerful offensive related skills.

Like Kyle has lightning, fire and even earth related skills with lightning been his main.

He can summon lightning from the sky, he can shoot fireballs, lightning bolts and also cause tremors on the ground.

Corey doesn't have any offensive skill so how do you expect Corey to floor Kyle with his superior stats.

Yeah sure, his stats are double the stats of Kyle so some of you would say that he can just run towards Kyle before he's able to use his skills.

Now, know that Corey does not have teleportation abilities and him running towards Kyle will not make it seem like he was flash.

For example, how many of you can run faster than Usain Bolt?

Is his speed not two times faster than you people?

In fact, it's highly possible he's even four times faster than some of you, including me.

If Usain Bolt is running, does that mean you can't see him when he's running?

Take that as an example.

Corey does not have powerful offensive skills, he does not have long range skills to use, Kyle does and trust me when I say that the supreme magus talent has more to it than it seems.

It is something like a cheat like talent for mages.

I think I've said the main reason Kyle is currently flooring Corey but know that it will NOT ALWAYS be like that whenever Corey fights.

There are times when Corey would fight people who are powerful or have tricky abilities.

Corey would have some 'OP' skills in the future especially one skill like this I want to give him.

Anyway, that's that.

Now for the relationship between Corey and Becca, I'm not going to say anything regarding it.

One thing I've realized in all the time I've been reading novels is that romance is an aspect of novels where an author can never satisfy the readers.

In fact, Romance is a dangerous thing for authors because it can either break or make the novel.

So for the relationship between Corey and Becca, I'm not going to say anything.

I'll just write what I want and try to explain it in suitable chapters.

That's all.

Peace out people.

Have a great day/night.


Like fifteen or so chapters to go then we go privilege!!!!


Volume 2 is gonna be a BANGER!!!

I'm even getting tired of this volume 1 already.

I want to reach volume 2 badly and I hope you guys would enjoy it.

Once again, peace!!!.